
Wednesday, June 28, 2017

My garden friends

Hei, tänään olikin poutaa puolenpäivän jälkeen ja pääsin kasvimaalle kitkemään vesiheinää.
Meillä on pihassa iso pupu, joka syö ihan rauhassa nurmikkoa ja päästää parin metrin päähän. Sitten on neljä pientä pupua, jotka vielä mahtuvat kasvimaan aidasta läpi. Niitä on pitänyt hieman hätistellä etteivät syö mansikanraakileita. Kaikkia kasveja ovat maistelleet, joistakin pitäneet niin, että ovat syöneet kokonaan. Mustaherukat eivät olleet herkkua, oli vaan varsia katkaistu. Hauskahan niitä pampuloita on muuten seurata. Lisäksi pihalla tepastelee sinisorsa ja 7 poikasta!
Hi, nice afternoon at the garden, not rained! So much weeds, but the bunnies don't eat them, they like strawberries and my flowers. We have one big bunny mama and four little ones in our garden. Then we have mallard with 7 little ones.
 Korttien teko on nyt aika hiljaista, kaikkea uutta on tullut hankittua ja sormia polttelee. Mutta aika menee nyt ihan muuhun ( ja sairasteluun).
I've got plenty of new crafting goods, but have no time to spend at the studio and my arm is so bad.
It's been promised some warmer days, we had awful rains with hails (ice). Not swimmed a lot as the water on the lake is quite cold.
Tomorrow, it's my birthday and I will go to a concert! 

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Flower Power

Hauskaa juhannusta, tervetuloa  Allsorts haasteen pariin! Kesän kukkaloisto on parhaimmillaan, niin myöskin aiheenamme "kukat" seuraavan viikon. Tein varastoon muutaman Kiitos-kortin ihanalla pionileimasimella ja stanssilla.
Alppiruusut ovat kukoistaneet useimmilla paikoilla, niin myös meillä, tässä kuvassa häälahjamme 23 v. takaa.
our rhododentron is blooming
Hi; Happy Mid Summer Fest, it's time for a new Allsorts Challenge! Our theme is "Flower Power"!
Sponsor is Tattered Lace. I made Thank You- cards and I wanted them to be postal friendly!

DT Card Info:
Stamp and diecut: The Ton Stamps (The happiest Peonies)
Colouring with Zig Clean Color Real Brush watercolour markers
Stitched Retangles are Simon Says Stamps diecuts
Pearly cardstock and designer papers LOTV
Thank you in Finnish (Finnstamper), stamped and embossed white
Crafty Catz 
Crafty Creations 
Crafty Sentiments
Penny's Paper-Crafty Challenge
Simon Says Stamp

Thank You;-))m
 Please head over to Allsorts Challenge for all the details and prizes of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.

Monday, June 19, 2017

Ruususilla ja kukkasilla onnittelen

Hei, osallistun Koukussa Kortteihin haasteeseen tällä kortilla.  Pirjon luonnos oli hauskasti sanallinen, mutta ihan hyvin tuo aukesi. Gorjuss tyttönen on väritetty Promarkereilla jo aikaa sitten ja muutkin palaset löytyi työpöydältä. Taustapaperi on Penny Blackin ja tuo kaunis, uusi tekstileimasin Finnstamperilta. Pitsi on isoäidin varastosta!
Hi, a card done with a sketch and mostly things lying around nearby my desk. The Gorjuss girl was coloured earlier with Promarkers. New stamp sentiment is lovely " With roses and flowers I want to send you heartfelt congratulations..." or so... The lace is very old, it's from my grandmothers things.

Sunday, June 18, 2017


Hei, mukavaa sunnuntaita! Kaksi rippikorttia uusilla Penny Black tuotteilla. Samalla muistuttelen, että ehdit vielä osallistua kesäkuun Penny Black and more haasteeseen: "Kaikki käy, leimaten!"
 Hi, happy Sunday. I made two Confirmation cards with my new Penny Black goodies!
Reminding you still the ongoing Penny Black and more June Challenge
 "Anything goes with stamped image".
 DT Card Info:
Using Penny Black 40-506 red blush and designer paper from 80-015 golden moment
Versafine black ink for stamping and clear embossing powder (Ranger)
Colouring with Zig Clean Color Real Brush watercolour markers
Cross and frame Spellbinders diecuts,
wooden Confirmation text, coloured with Distress Inks and embossed with clear embossing powder.

Brown Sugar  
Colour Crazy 
pink: Cute Card Thursday  and Through the Purple Haze and The Flower Challenge
blue: Penny Black Saturday 
Moving Along With The Times
Nordsalten Hobbyklubb
Simon Says Stamp
Sparkles Monthly

Please head over to Penny Black and More Challenge for all the details of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.
Thank you/ Kiitos/ Merci;-))m

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Birthday Boy

Hauskaa lauantaita, tervetuloa  Allsorts haasteen pariin! Tämän viikon aiheena "synttärikortti pojalle" - ja käytä leimasinta!

Hi; Happy Saturday, it's time for a new Allsorts Challenge! DT Wendy's theme is a stamped image for a "Birthday Boy".
DT Card Info:
Stamp: Lili of the Valley, coloured with ProMarkers
Papers Maja Design
Diecuts: Gummiapan, Heidin korttipaja

Crafting with an Attitude 
Craft Rocket Challenges 
Creative Knockouts
Star Stampz
Unicorn Challenge Blog  
Thank You;-))m
 Please head over to Allsorts Challenge for all the details and prizes of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Aikuinen nainen

Hei, aikuiselle naiselle sopiva tekstileimasin löytyi Finnstamperilta ja Artin suosikkityttö sopii tähän ihan nappiin mukaan. Taustapaperissa leijailevat perhoset, pala kakkupaperia löytyy alareunasta.
Hi, humourous stamped sentiment in Finnish and Art Impressions stamp goes well together.
Pretty downpaper with flying butterflies needed nothing but a piece of doily!
Colouring with Promarkers.
Crafting from the Heart 
Crafty Creations 
Everybody Art Challenge
Passion for Promarkers 
Retro Rubber Challenge Blog  
The Crafty Addicts 
Thank you;-))m

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Big town girl

Hauskaa lauantaita, tänään päivystän korttikorieni kanssa Vääksyn "Avoimet kylät" katutapahtumassa.
Tervetuloa viikon Allsorts haasteen pariin! "Käytä kahta tai useampaa stanssia työssäsi". Mallikortistani löytyy 4 kpl.

Hi; Happy Saturday, it's time for a new Allsorts Challenge! The theme is " Use two or more diecuts".
Our sponsor: Marianne Design.
DT Card Info:
Stamp: Lili of the Valley
Colouring with Zig CCRB watercolour markers
4 Diecuts: town: Tattered Lace; swirl: Marianne Design, retangle: Simon Says Stamp; sentiment "Congrats" :Heidin korttipaja
Paper: Prima
white paint, roses, lace and twine
Colour Crazy  
Crafting with an Attitude 
Crafty Catz
Crafty Sentiments
Little Miss Muffet
QKR Stampede
Southern Girls Challenge  
Thank You;-))m
 Please head over to Allsorts Challenge for all the details and prizes of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.

Tuesday, June 06, 2017

Walking the dog

Hei, uusista Lili of the Valley -retroleimasimista vuorossa koiran ulkoiluttaja. Tein samalla mallilla kaksi korttia.
Hi, two cards with the new Lili of the Valley retro stamp. I used nice and easy sketch to work with.
Ink Versafine, embossed clear, colouring with Zig CCRB watercolour markers.
Papers are from Penny Black collection "Coco Style". Flowery black lace with pearls.
Crafting from the Heart
Crafty Sentiments 
Everybody Art Challenge 
Incy Wincy 
Ribbon Girl 
#466 Sketch Saturday   
Here's the second card:
More cards with new LOTV retro images coming soon!
Thank you for your visits and comments;-))m

Sunday, June 04, 2017

It's the little things

Hei, oikein mukavaa Helluntaita! Tervetuloa  kesäkuun  Penny Black and More haasteen pariin. Vietämme 7:ttä synttärijuhlaa! Huomaa, että voit itse valita palkinnon kahdesta vaihtoehdosta.
Aiheemme on helppo: Kaikki käy, kunhan käytät leimasinta.

Hello, first Sunday of the month - it's time for new Penny Black and More  June  Challenge.
Easy theme "Anything goes - with the stamp". And it's also our 7th birthday!
Our sponsors are Penny Black with fabulous rubber stamp set or Tattered Lace mini cutting machine. Please check how to win one!

DT Card Info:
Using Penny Black stamp 40-512 happy bliss
and diecut 51-340 dream big
Colouring with Zig CCRB watercolour markers
black and white twine, button; Stickles gold

Crafting with Dragonflies
Colour Crazy  
Crafty Catz 
Creative Knockouts 
Creative Friday
Fussy and Fancy Friday's 
Simon Says Stamp
Time Out Challenges  

Please head over to Penny Black and More Challenge for all the details of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.
Thank you! Kiitos;-))m

Saturday, June 03, 2017

Christmas in June

Hauskaa lauantaita, tervetuloa viikon Allsorts haasteen pariin! Tip tap, nyt tulee ensimmäinen jouluhaaste! Pääsenpäs minäkin aloittamaan jouluaskartelut, harmi vaan kun juuri olin ehtinyt kaikki tarvikkeet korjata ylähyllylle. Löytyihän niitä tarvikkeita sitten pariin korttiin.

Hi; Happy Saturday, it's time for a new Allsorts Challenge! It's Christmas Challenge! Time for me to start the Christmas cardmaking. The same time I made two cards!! Sponsors are Digistamp Boutique and Tattered Lace.
Card size 6" x 6"
DT Card Info:
Using sponsor's:  Digistamp Boutique's image: Cute penquin set, it's on a bargain now
Colouring with ProMarkers; Sakura Glaze pen white
Two dots embossing folders, different size! The lower part is done with painting the folder with MamaElephant's pigment ink, then put the paper and put it thought BigShot.
Diecuts are LeCreaDesign and Mama Elephant. Martha's snowflake with star punch and sequins.
Sentiment stamped: "Merry Christmas" in Finnish.
Crafting by Designs 
Crimbo Crackers
Penny's Paper-Crafty Challenge 
Simon Says Stamp  
The second card, this was my first colouring and I wasn't happy with it, but anyway made one card it!
Card size 13,5 x 13,5 cm
Thank You;-))m
 Please head over to Allsorts Challenge for all the details and prizes of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.

Thursday, June 01, 2017

Vintage Wedding Card 3

Tere! Kolmas ja tällä erää viimeinen vintage -hääkortti. Pääosassa vaneerinen teksti, muuten hyvin simppeli. Sopii hyvin kirjekuoreenkin! Nämä kaikki kolme hääkorttia ovat vielä vapaana, jos kiinnostaa!
Jos reissu on aikataulussa, tähän aikaan olen Latviassa, terkkuja!
Hi, greetings from Latvia! This is the third (and  scheduled posting) vintage wedding card.
The most simple  design with focus on the veneer (plywood) sentiment. Details here.
Thank you for your interest and visits;-))m