
Thursday, November 25, 2010

Enkeli ja puut

 Lavender and Lace as wanted at Wags'n Whiskers Challenge, image is
 "say a prayer" coloured with Promarkers. Raffia and white lace with an angel charm, flowers with little Stickles on and lavender "dots", MS snowflake punch, Spellbinders dies. I added shine to the wings with Emboss Dual Pen and shiny Embossing powder. Card goes to these challenges too:
Totally Gorjuss: Not so traditionel Cmas colours
I love Promarkers Challenge: Anything with sparkle
Charisma Cardz Challenge: One for the Girl
Delightful Sketches: Flower Power
Ensimmäinen enkeli, toinen... joulumetsä! Tässä useampaan kertaan leimattu Penny Black'in Christmas Park leimasimella ja välillä embossattu valkoisella tai värittömällä ja kulmissa vielä lumihiutaleet kimaltavalla jauheella, Distress Ink'eillä telattu loput. Teksti Stempelkeller'in. Valitettavasti joudutte nyt kuvittemaan tuon pinnan vaihtelevuuden!
Second card today is Penny Black's Christmas Park ((3500K) stamped several times and embossed with white and clear EPs. There are also snowflakes stamped on the upper corners and embossed quite shiny,
sorry you can't see all that in the poor picture. Finally I just used Distress inks and brayer.
Keep it Simple Challenge: Evergreen
Simon Says Stamps Challenge and  Scrapbook Sisters: Let it snow


  1. Hi. Lovely card using a great image. Love your lace too! Thanks for joining us at I ♥ Promarkers.
    Tine :)

  2. These are gorgeous creations Mervi!!
    Hugs Kristel

  3. Enkelikorttisi on herkkä ja kaikin puolin kaunis - värityskin niin hienoa!!!
    Metsäkortti on mielenkiintoinen ja salaperäinenkin. Harmi vain, ettei kolmiulottuvuus näy meille asti.
    Molemmat ovat upeita:)

  4. A really pretty card, thank you for joining us at I ♥ Promarkers.

  5. Voi vitsit miten upeita kortteja. Ihanaa joulufiilistä molemmissa.

  6. Really lovely, thanks for joining us at I ♥ ProMarkers.

  7. Kauniita kortteja kumpikin. Mutta tuo metsäkortti on kyllä suosikkini. En osaa sanoa mikä siinä kiehtoo ;)

  8. Tosi upeita molemmat kortit:) Varsinkin tuo metsä on vallan mystisen kiehtova---mitähän siellä oikein piileekään?

  9. Oh you have used the same stamp as me!
    Godo snow effect

    Thanks for joining us at KIS this week
    mandi x

  10. Very pretty, love the swirls and flowers, thank you for joining us at I ♥ Promarkers this week
    Ruth x

  11. I love the lace!! Pretty card!!

    Thanks so much for entering the Simon Says Stamp Challenge!! We appreciate that you shared your work with us!


  12. What a beautiful creation!!. Thanks for joining Charisma this week.
    xx Vee

  13. Super card. Thanks for sharing with us at KIS hugs Pascale

  14. I love your Evergreen card for our challenge it is so very stunning!

    Clare @ Keep it Simple

  15. Great card lovely flowers!Thankyou for sharing it with everyone at Scrapbook Sister's Card Challenge this week. Have a great weekend,Julie.x

  16. Sweet card and a very pretty image. Thanks for joining us on I ♥ Promarkers this week.

  17. Both cards are gorgeous, that is such a sweet image of the little angel.
    Thanks for joining us at Simon Says Stamp for our let it snow challenge, please feel free to enter again we'd love to reach 500 entries this challenge
    hugs Mandy xx

  18. This is such a beautiful card. Fantastic. Thanks for joining DC.


  19. What a gorgeous card, definitely 'one for the girls'! Thanks for joining us at charisma cardz challenge this week. Hugs, Denise x


Kiitos käynnistä, olen iloinen, jos jätät minulle viestin!
Thank you, I'm so happy if you leave me a comment!
Welcome again;-))mervi