
Saturday, March 11, 2017

Ladies and girls

Hauskaa lauantaita, tervetuloa viikon Allsorts haasteen pariin! Viikon emäntänä valitsin aiheeksi "tytöt ja leidit", naistenpäivän kunniaksi. Korttini on keväisissä tunnelmissa tulppaanien ja narsissien kera.

Hi; Happy Saturday, it's time for a new Allsorts Challenge!  We have celebrated International Women's Day this week. My theme this week is for "Girls and Ladies". We have a stamp prize.
DT Card Info:
Stamp: Lili of the Valley
Mediums: Versafine black + clear embossing, Zig CCRB watercolour markers
Papers: Bildmålarna, pearly cardstock, lots of layers
two seambinding ribbons, lace, twine, flowers, pearls

Aud Sentiments
C.R.A.F.T. Challenge
Crafting by Designs 
Crafting with an Attitude
Creative Inspirations 
Cute Card Thursday
Simon Says Stamp 
Thank You;-))m
 Please head over to Allsorts Challenge for all the details and prizes of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.


  1. It's such a lovely image Mervi and the pretty soft colours you have used compliment it perfectly.

    Have a good weekend and thank you for a super theme this week, I enjoyed it.

    B x

  2. Love this LOTV image Mervi, a gorgeous card.xx ♥[aNNie]

  3. Thanks for the great challenge Mervi, and your card is absolutely beautiful! Love the soft pastel colors you used!

  4. This is a really gorgeous creation, love the image and the fabulous design.

    Kath x

  5. Absolutely gorgeous! Thank you so much for sharing this with us at Creative Inspirations. Good luck!

  6. This sure is a card for spring, with the soft colors and flowers. Beautiful!

  7. Beautiful card. I love it. Thanks for playing along Simon Says Stamp For a Special Lady Challenge. Gayatri xx

  8. Hi Mervi! Your card is very beautiful with lovely embellishments, the image is so cute! Thanks for the great inspiration!
    Mar :)

  9. Hi Mervi
    I love your choice of image, beautiful details, and the design too, totally gorgeous
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  10. Magnifique, très poétique, biz


Kiitos käynnistä, olen iloinen, jos jätät minulle viestin!
Thank you, I'm so happy if you leave me a comment!
Welcome again;-))mervi