
Tuesday, April 25, 2017

For Mother

Hei, muutama äitienpäiväkorttikin on tullut tehtyä, tässä pari! Ensimmäinen leimattu kukkaryhmä maalatulle paperille, väritys Distress Inkeillä. Toinen on perus vintagekortti.
Hi, our Mother's Day is at 14th of May. I have done some cards for mothers, here's two.
The first is Stampendous flowers stamped on the painted paper, coloured with Distress Inks.
The second is basic vintage card!
Thanks for your visit;-))m

1 comment:

  1. Two different and equally beautiful cards, postage friendly too by the looks of it. Delicate coloring of the flower image, lots of non fussy but great looking layers on your second card.


Kiitos käynnistä, olen iloinen, jos jätät minulle viestin!
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Welcome again;-))mervi