
Sunday, August 06, 2017

Horoscope Cards

Hei, oikein mukavaa sunnuntaipäivä! Tervetuloa elokuun  Penny Black and More haasteen pariin.
Aiheena eläimet, niin pienet kuin suuret, sopivia leimasimia löytyy varmasti.
Malliksi aloitin horoskooppikortti-sarjaa, aluksi leijonalle ja neitsyelle.

Hello, first Sunday of the month - it's time for new Penny Black and More August Challenge.
Our theme is " All creatures great or small", you'll find many suitable stamps from Penny Black!
I got my new T- transparent set a while ago and started the new Horoscope Cards serie, the first are for Lion and Virgin!
DT Card Info:
Using Penny Black 30-407 cat days, background 40-321 wonderous and
sentiment from 30-416 happy thoughts
Versafine ink; Distress Inks, Embossing Ink; clear embossing powder
 A Gem of a Challenge
Colour Crazy
QKR Stampede
Simply Papercraft  
Our sponsors are Penny Black, Crafts U Love, Sizzix, Crafty Ribbons. 
Please head over to Penny Black and More Challenge for all the details of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.
Thank you! Kiitos!


  1. It certainly does make you smile Mervi, such bright and happy cards and perfect images for our theme this month.

    Have a good Sunday.

    B x

  2. Gorgeous card Mervi, love the fabulous images and super cheery colour xx

  3. Love that sentiment and a gorgeous happy colour scheme to match. Lynn x

  4. A very "happy" card Mervi I LOVE THAT CUTE LION!!!! The yellow makes this feel like such a jolly card, really nice! xxxxx

  5. How cute they are! Zodiac sign stamps, that's something I'd love to add to my stash. Love your own designed backgrounds as well.

  6. Super card, great background, lovely image and the sentiment is brilliant.

    Kath x

  7. these are both so cute, bright and happy; they make me smile too!

  8. Love your monochrome cards with bright yellow color,awesome coloring too...thank you for joining us at COLOUR CRAZY CHALLENGE this week,hope to see you again
    Željka DT xx

  9. Love the bright sunny colour,cute image and great sentiment--Thank you for joining us at Simply Papercrafts
    Carol DT x

  10. Such cute stamps, Mervi! Love the simple design. Thanks so much for playing along in our Anything Goes challenge at QKR Stampede this week. Hope to see you playing again soon.
    NanaConnie DT

  11. These certainly made me smile Mervi, fabulous creations.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  12. Trop mignon Mervi, sobre lumineux et adorable, biz


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Thank you, I'm so happy if you leave me a comment!
Welcome again;-))mervi