
Saturday, April 27, 2024

Kohokukat kortti

Hei, tänään olen Kevätmarkkinoilla, toivotaan kivaa keliä ja paljon ihmisiä!
Kiitos, ketkä osallistuivat viime viikon "Balloons" haasteeseen. Tällä viikolla Allsorts haasteessa käytetään "sapluunoita" tai voit osallistua aina kaikki käy aiheella.

Mallikortissani käytin sapluunaa kohopastan kera ja sitten väritin kevyesti, juhlavuutta tuo kulta!

Happy Saturday, I'm at the first Country Market today, hope the wheather is fine.
It's time for Allsorts Challenge! Thank you all for your entries last week for my "Balloons" week.
DT Dena is host and her theme is "Use a Stencil" - or just "Anything goes"!

Altenew stencil, embossing paste, Kuretake Zigs, gold embossing

                              Kiitos käynnistä 💓 Thank you for your visit and support;-))m
                              Please read our rules and details from the blog. 

Prizes from Oakwood (2 x A5 stamp sets) and Highlight Crafts (3 x A5 stencils)


  1. This is so pretty Mervi … love how you have coloured your embossing folder with the Zig pens, I must try that xx

  2. Love it Mervi. The stencil is so beautiful! I need to get my embossing paste out again soon, love your results! Hope the market was a success and the weather good!

  3. I love the dimension of the texture paste through the roses stencil and the added colour Mervi, and the gold embossed sentiment finishes it so prettily. x

  4. Very pretty stencil!
    Hope you had good weather for the market!!

  5. This is gorgeous Mervi love it
    lolo x

  6. Beautiful and sweet card Mervi, love the texture!

  7. Such an elegant card Mervi.

    B x

  8. So soft and delicate and I like the dimension of the roses. Gorgeous!

  9. LURVE the texture and delicate appearance of the gorgeous card Mervi. x

  10. Gorgeous card, the puffy stuff looks amazing through the stencil x


Kiitos käynnistä, olen iloinen, jos jätät minulle viestin!
Thank you, I'm so happy if you leave me a comment!
Welcome again;-))mervi