Hei, vintagekortteja vino pino valmistunut tällä viikolla. Tässä yksi P*skarteluhaasteeseen, bingorivillä: sininen-boordileikkuri-ei leimakuvaa.
Hi, I have made some vintage styled cards this week. Here's one for the Finnish card challenge.
Image: Joanna Sheen Coll.
Lace punch from Martha Stewart; die cuts SP
Paper: Pion Design (Ornament)
kortti 143/13
Thursday, May 30, 2013

Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Tyttö tag
Hei, täälläkin hypittäisiin tasajalkaa, jos pystyisi, tyttö sai "väli" opintonsa läpi.
Aikaisemmin keväällä yhdet iloiset nimpparionnittelut lähti tag'in muodossa! Kuva Mo Manning'in.
Tag pohja suihkuteltu Dylusions suihkeilla ja reunat hangattu Distress inkillä.
Hi, oh happy day, good news for my daughter, school's out for this spring!
I sent this girly tag a month ago to my friend, hope she liked it. Something different after all my cards!
Image: Mo Manning, coloured with ProMarkers, background sparyed with Dylusions and DI.
die cuts fromTH; SP and MD, lace, organza, lots of flowers, corner embellishments (metal, but I painted them).
die-cuts: I love ProMarkers
girly: Fab'n Funky
hm background: Anything Goes Ch.
anything: Party Time Tuesday (there's DT call if you are interested)
Aikaisemmin keväällä yhdet iloiset nimpparionnittelut lähti tag'in muodossa! Kuva Mo Manning'in.
Tag pohja suihkuteltu Dylusions suihkeilla ja reunat hangattu Distress inkillä.
Hi, oh happy day, good news for my daughter, school's out for this spring!
I sent this girly tag a month ago to my friend, hope she liked it. Something different after all my cards!
Image: Mo Manning, coloured with ProMarkers, background sparyed with Dylusions and DI.
die cuts fromTH; SP and MD, lace, organza, lots of flowers, corner embellishments (metal, but I painted them).
die-cuts: I love ProMarkers
girly: Fab'n Funky
hm background: Anything Goes Ch.
anything: Party Time Tuesday (there's DT call if you are interested)

Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Craft-Room Challenge, Use your scraps
Hei, tervetuloa Craft-Room haasteen pariin! Nyt siivotaan pöytää tai laatikoita, haasteessa nimittäin käytetään muista askarteluista jääneitä paperipaloja! Ihanainen Penny Black- kissa pääsi poseeraamaan Basic Grey silppujen keskelle. Reunat ressattu, ommeltu ja pitsitkin on ihan pienet palaset vain reunassa. Vierailevana DT:nä jatkaa PiHi!
-Hi! Welcome, at Craft-Room Challenge
Our Challenge this week is to use your scraps! Our sponsor is Stamps Addict.
My DT-card:
Stamp: Penny Black: "Diamonds are Forever 1454K"
Mediums: ProMarkers; IceStickles
Papers: leftovers from Basic Grey set (picadilly); distressed and sewed with machine; blue ColorCore
Two lace just leftovers too.
Cute buttons...they are new, just opened the package, but it's been here over a year!
Anything: http://pennybfriendssaturdaychallenge.blogspot.fi/
Inspired by the song. Diamonds are forever...Basic Grey Challenge
animals: http://dreamvalleychallenges.blogspot.fi/
furry friends: http://onestopcraftchallenge.blogspot.fi/
rubber stamp: http://cardmakinmamas.blogspot.fi/
buttons: http://totallypapercrafts.blogspot.fi/
Thank You!
kortti: 142/13
-Hi! Welcome, at Craft-Room Challenge
Our Challenge this week is to use your scraps! Our sponsor is Stamps Addict.
My DT-card:
Stamp: Penny Black: "Diamonds are Forever 1454K"
Mediums: ProMarkers; IceStickles
Papers: leftovers from Basic Grey set (picadilly); distressed and sewed with machine; blue ColorCore
Two lace just leftovers too.
Cute buttons...they are new, just opened the package, but it's been here over a year!
Anything: http://pennybfriendssaturdaychallenge.blogspot.fi/
Inspired by the song. Diamonds are forever...Basic Grey Challenge
animals: http://dreamvalleychallenges.blogspot.fi/
furry friends: http://onestopcraftchallenge.blogspot.fi/
rubber stamp: http://cardmakinmamas.blogspot.fi/
buttons: http://totallypapercrafts.blogspot.fi/
Thank You!
kortti: 142/13
Craft-Room Challenge DT,

Monday, May 27, 2013
Pioni ja tähkä
Hei, mukavaa maanantaita! Tässä yksi uusimmista Penny Black leimasimistani. Kortti tehty mökillä niillä aineksilla mitä on löytynyt!
Alla on linkki kilpailuun, josta voi voittaa kaikki uudet Penny Black leimasimet!
Hi, happy Monday! And it sure would be better if I'll win these new stamps, ok, but you get the chance too!

...and my card was made with my newest PB stamp; VersaFine black, clear embossing; colouring with AquaMarkers, papers old stock from my cottage studio.
embossing: http://movingalongwiththetimes.blogspot.fi/
summer: http://charismacardz.blogspot.fi/
blooms, blossoms: http://craftycalendarchallenge.blogspot.fi/
kortti: 141/13
welcome back tomorrow...another Penny Black coming (cute cat);-))m
Alla on linkki kilpailuun, josta voi voittaa kaikki uudet Penny Black leimasimet!
Hi, happy Monday! And it sure would be better if I'll win these new stamps, ok, but you get the chance too!
...and my card was made with my newest PB stamp; VersaFine black, clear embossing; colouring with AquaMarkers, papers old stock from my cottage studio.
embossing: http://movingalongwiththetimes.blogspot.fi/
summer: http://charismacardz.blogspot.fi/
blooms, blossoms: http://craftycalendarchallenge.blogspot.fi/
kortti: 141/13
welcome back tomorrow...another Penny Black coming (cute cat);-))m

Sunday, May 26, 2013
Iltaa, vintage häätagi, pitsiä, leimattu pohja, itsetehdyt kukat, herkkää.
Stamped rose background, vintage photo, laces, homemade flowers.
weddings: It's all about Vintage
Stamped rose background, vintage photo, laces, homemade flowers.
weddings: It's all about Vintage

Friday, May 24, 2013
Hei, hauskaa viikonloppua! Upea ilta mökillä, saunottu ja nyt on talviturkki heitetty, järvivesi on siinä 18-19 asteista.
Good evening, beautiful sunset at the cottage. I swam the first time this summer, the water is about + 18-19 C warm, somebody might say cold!
And a little summer nights romance in the card! Ja vähän kesäillan romantiikkaa kortin muodossa!
Stamp: LOTV; colours Promarkers, Papers: Heartfeld Creations, Color core
kortti: 140/13
Good evening, beautiful sunset at the cottage. I swam the first time this summer, the water is about + 18-19 C warm, somebody might say cold!
And a little summer nights romance in the card! Ja vähän kesäillan romantiikkaa kortin muodossa!
Stamp: LOTV; colours Promarkers, Papers: Heartfeld Creations, Color core
kortti: 140/13

Thursday, May 23, 2013
Hei! Kaksi korttia ammattiin valmistuville. Huipputyyppeille tietysti!
Stamp: Kenny K (Super Mom)
ProMarkers, lace, ribbon, gems, Paper: K&Co
Anything goes: Passion for ProMarkers (3rd entry)
and: I love ProMarkers (2nd entry)
Ribbon/Lace: Fab'n Funky
Hi! Two cards today for ladies ending their schools of professionnals (maybe cook or nurse...)
Stamp: Art Impressions; ProMarkers; leaf SP die, ribbon
tie it up: Cute Card Thursday
Just checking. Creative Craft Ch
kortit: 138-139/13
Stamp: Kenny K (Super Mom)
ProMarkers, lace, ribbon, gems, Paper: K&Co
Anything goes: Passion for ProMarkers (3rd entry)
and: I love ProMarkers (2nd entry)
Ribbon/Lace: Fab'n Funky
Hi! Two cards today for ladies ending their schools of professionnals (maybe cook or nurse...)
Stamp: Art Impressions; ProMarkers; leaf SP die, ribbon
tie it up: Cute Card Thursday
Just checking. Creative Craft Ch
kortit: 138-139/13
Kortit 2013

Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Kuvaaja ja lintu
Hei! Tämän kortin olen tehnyt jo lumien aikaan, mutta nyt löytyi sopiva haaste mihin lykätä!
Kortti meni jo valokuvausta harrastavalle lintubongarille.
Hi, cute digi-image and monochromatic colours on this card for a boy who's interest is taking photos of birds!
Colouring with ProMarkers; papers Prima; embossing folder; TH stuff.
Take a picture: Simon Says Stamps
Anything goes: Passion for ProMarkers
AG: Bearly-Mine
AG: I love ProMarkers
Digi: One stitch at a Time
kortti: 137/13
Kortti meni jo valokuvausta harrastavalle lintubongarille.
Hi, cute digi-image and monochromatic colours on this card for a boy who's interest is taking photos of birds!
Colouring with ProMarkers; papers Prima; embossing folder; TH stuff.
Take a picture: Simon Says Stamps
Anything goes: Passion for ProMarkers
AG: Bearly-Mine
AG: I love ProMarkers
Digi: One stitch at a Time
kortti: 137/13
Kortit 2013

Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Ylioppilaalle kortit
Hei! Vielä on muutama ylioppilaskortti varastossa (vink vink)! Tässä pari Penny Black'in leimoilla tehtyä.
Hello, time for graduation cards, these are made with Penny Black stamps and Promarkers.
Challenges: Passion for ProMarkers (AG)
Scrap-Creations: graduation
Flower: Everybody-Art-Challenge
kortit: 135-136/13
Hello, time for graduation cards, these are made with Penny Black stamps and Promarkers.
Challenges: Passion for ProMarkers (AG)
Scrap-Creations: graduation
Flower: Everybody-Art-Challenge
kortit: 135-136/13

Monday, May 20, 2013
Hei, hauskaa maanantaita surkean viikonlopun jälkeen, tarkoitan siis lätkä- ja euroviisumenestystä. Kyllä se tästä iloksi muuttuu! Eikun ratakset pyörimään...
P*skarteluhaasteeseen liukuvärit.
Timpan embossauskansio käsittelyn jälkeen telasin paperin Kaleidacolor (Cappuccino Delight) mustetyynyillä. Samassa rasiassa jo valmis värisetti, iisiä. Artin ikiliikkuja väritetty Promarkereilla ja leikattu osittain irti paperista. Musta revitty color core paperi tehosteena. Timpan ratakset leikattu canvas-lehtiöstä ja väritetty Aquamarkereilla ja vedellä.
Hi! New start after unsatisfactory weekend, meaning about Finnish success in WC Ice Hockey and Eurovision Song Contest. But don't worry, we'll come again... First we'll get some shape...
Stamp Art Impressions; text: Karitan setti/ Paperinauha
Mediums: Kaleidacolor ink; Promarkers; AquaMarkers; Versafine Black + clear ep.
P*skarteluhaasteeseen liukuvärit.
Timpan embossauskansio käsittelyn jälkeen telasin paperin Kaleidacolor (Cappuccino Delight) mustetyynyillä. Samassa rasiassa jo valmis värisetti, iisiä. Artin ikiliikkuja väritetty Promarkereilla ja leikattu osittain irti paperista. Musta revitty color core paperi tehosteena. Timpan ratakset leikattu canvas-lehtiöstä ja väritetty Aquamarkereilla ja vedellä.
Hi! New start after unsatisfactory weekend, meaning about Finnish success in WC Ice Hockey and Eurovision Song Contest. But don't worry, we'll come again... First we'll get some shape...
Stamp Art Impressions; text: Karitan setti/ Paperinauha
Mediums: Kaleidacolor ink; Promarkers; AquaMarkers; Versafine Black + clear ep.
Tim Holtz. embossing folder, die-cuts.
Kortti: 134/13
Kortit 2013

Saturday, May 18, 2013
Sew Special
Hei! Vielä on pari viikkoa aikaa osallistua toukokuun Penny Black and More haasteen pariin, teemana "sew special" , kortti jollekin erityiselle ja optiona ompelua! Tässä kuukauden toinen DT korttini:
Hello, you still got a fortnight to enter Penny Black and More May Challenge
- our theme is " Sew Special", option is to use stitching. You can use any stamp, but sorry no digis allowed.
Here's my second DT card:
Image: Penny Black/ Mo Manning: kisses: 40-097
Colouring: ProMarkers; FlexMarkers, Sakura clear sky pen
Papers: Pion design: Minnenas Atelje/Bird Song
Stitching with machine; self crocheted flower; MD leaves; pearly pin; lace; organza.
Welcome to join us!
Spring pastels: Polka Doodle
Anything goes: Simply Create Too;
Wag'n Whiskers Stamps
Young diva: Totally Papercrafts
N not just one: ABC Ch.
Flowers: By the Cute and Girly
Creatalicious: For the girls
Our Creative Corner: anything goes
Flowers and Lace: Artistic Inspirations
Penny Black Saturday Ch: anything goes
Hello, you still got a fortnight to enter Penny Black and More May Challenge
- our theme is " Sew Special", option is to use stitching. You can use any stamp, but sorry no digis allowed.
Here's my second DT card:
Image: Penny Black/ Mo Manning: kisses: 40-097
Colouring: ProMarkers; FlexMarkers, Sakura clear sky pen
Papers: Pion design: Minnenas Atelje/Bird Song
Stitching with machine; self crocheted flower; MD leaves; pearly pin; lace; organza.
Welcome to join us!
Spring pastels: Polka Doodle
Anything goes: Simply Create Too;
Wag'n Whiskers Stamps
Young diva: Totally Papercrafts
N not just one: ABC Ch.
Flowers: By the Cute and Girly
Creatalicious: For the girls
Our Creative Corner: anything goes
Flowers and Lace: Artistic Inspirations
Penny Black Saturday Ch: anything goes
Penny Black at Allsorts Challenge DT

Friday, May 17, 2013
Hei, ihanaa ja aurinkoista perjantaina. Vietän mökillä jo toista päivää, nyt tarkenee jo kipeää jalkaa liottaa järvessäkin. Ja sitten aurinkotuoliin lämmittelemään! Kesän kukkia puhkeaa vauhdilla, nyt myös korteissa! Kaksi onnittelukorttia samalla leimasimella.
Hi, yesterday I came to the cottage, summer is here! It's nearly hot! I have soaked my painful leg in the lake and then rested in the sunbed ! That's life! Now and then have to limp around the yard to watch the blooming flowers. And flowers are in my today's cards too.
Stamp: Stamps away
Mediums: Versafine, clear ep; ProMarkers
Die Cuts: SP, MD
Papers: Color Core; Heartfelt creations (Crafty Individuals music stamp on)
Others: raffia ribbon / lace; perfect pearls; gems
Charisma: no digis
Simon Says Stamps: flower power
Papertake Weekly: Sound of Music
Songbird Ch: Blom and grow
Kortit: 131-132/13
Hi, yesterday I came to the cottage, summer is here! It's nearly hot! I have soaked my painful leg in the lake and then rested in the sunbed ! That's life! Now and then have to limp around the yard to watch the blooming flowers. And flowers are in my today's cards too.
Stamp: Stamps away
Mediums: Versafine, clear ep; ProMarkers
Die Cuts: SP, MD
Papers: Color Core; Heartfelt creations (Crafty Individuals music stamp on)
Others: raffia ribbon / lace; perfect pearls; gems
Charisma: no digis
Simon Says Stamps: flower power
Papertake Weekly: Sound of Music
Songbird Ch: Blom and grow
Kortit: 131-132/13
Kortit 2013

Thursday, May 16, 2013
Marry me!
Hei, tänään on Krista siis Euroviisulavalla, onnea pyttyyn! Siitä innostuen hääkorttia esiin.
Hej, lycka till Krista på scenen i Eurovision Song Contest!
Hi, good luck Krista ( votes for Marry me) today at Eurovision Song Contest!
A vintage wedding card in white, cream and turquoise. Distressed papers are Color Core's and Pion Design. Flowers made from old book papers, Stickles and pearls, rings stamped, embossed and trimmed.
selfmade embellishments: Nordsalten Hobbyklubb;
wedding: ABC Ch.
vintage: Fashionista Ch.
Kortti: 130/13
Thank you!
Hej, lycka till Krista på scenen i Eurovision Song Contest!
Hi, good luck Krista ( votes for Marry me) today at Eurovision Song Contest!
A vintage wedding card in white, cream and turquoise. Distressed papers are Color Core's and Pion Design. Flowers made from old book papers, Stickles and pearls, rings stamped, embossed and trimmed.
selfmade embellishments: Nordsalten Hobbyklubb;
wedding: ABC Ch.
vintage: Fashionista Ch.
Kortti: 130/13
Thank you!


Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Kortti yo-tytölle
Hei, aurinkoista iltaa!
Kortti ylioppilastytölle, leima Rubber Romance, paperit Priman.
Hi, sunny evening!
A card for graduated girl, stamp Rubber Romance, colouring with Promarkers,
embossed text. Papers Color core and Prima; MD leave, flowers, lace and gems.
Card Mania: flowers
Crafty Boots: Celebrations
Kortti: 129/13
Kortti ylioppilastytölle, leima Rubber Romance, paperit Priman.
Hi, sunny evening!
A card for graduated girl, stamp Rubber Romance, colouring with Promarkers,
embossed text. Papers Color core and Prima; MD leave, flowers, lace and gems.
Card Mania: flowers
Crafty Boots: Celebrations
Kortti: 129/13

Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Golf tags
Hei! Sain piristävää postia tänään, Lilin uudet poikaleimasimet - ja heti oli töihin tartuttava!
Tein samantein kaksi tagia. Tausta suihkuteltu Dylusion väreillä maskin läpi 4cc paperille.
Hi! Happy mail today, I got new Lili of the Valley's boy stamps. Had to try at the same moment! I began with the golfer, inked it with Versafine black and embossed with clear, colouring with Promarkers and background with Aquamarkers. Tags cut with Tim Holtz's die - sprayed with Dylusions through a mask. I made two tags with different embellishments.
Lili's Little Fairies: anything but a card
the Pink Elephant: masculine
That Craft Place: Men
Tein samantein kaksi tagia. Tausta suihkuteltu Dylusion väreillä maskin läpi 4cc paperille.
Hi! Happy mail today, I got new Lili of the Valley's boy stamps. Had to try at the same moment! I began with the golfer, inked it with Versafine black and embossed with clear, colouring with Promarkers and background with Aquamarkers. Tags cut with Tim Holtz's die - sprayed with Dylusions through a mask. I made two tags with different embellishments.
Lili's Little Fairies: anything but a card
the Pink Elephant: masculine
That Craft Place: Men

Craft-Room Challenge DT/ own backgrounds
Hei, tervetuloa Craft-Room haasteen pariin! Haasteen aihe itseleimatut taustat!
Toukokuun vieraileva DT on Suomesta PiHi, tervetuloa!
DT- korttini leimasimen hankin vuosi sitten Pariisin reissulla ja näin kauan sitä haudoin ennenkuin sain jotain aikaiseksi. Nyt tätä leimasinsarjaa ( Aladine/ Stampo Maxi) saa myös Suomestakin.
Pohja tehty painamalla paperiin koko leimasin embossaus musteella ja sitten jauheet perään ja puhallus. Pirtsakan vihreä väri löytyi Dylusions suihkeesta ja reunat hangattu Distress Ink musteella.
Ja soitinta leimattu kaksi kertaa ja leikattu irti ja kohotettu tyynyillä ja koristeltu. kukat pohjapaperista Fiskarsin leikkurilla.
-Hi! Welcome, at Craft-Room Challenge;
Make your own backgrounds with stamping is our theme.
Our sponsor is StampMan.
Stamp bought from Paris last spring; Aladine/ Stampo Maxi
Mediums: Distress Embossing ink; emb. powder;
Dylusions ( fresh lime); Distress Ink (pine needles);
and the "fiddle" stamped twice and trimmed, raised with 3d foams.
Flowers cut with Fiskars punch from the same stampedand coloured paper, gems.
Text: Congratulations.
Anything: Challenges 4 everybody
-"- : Fashionable Stamping Ch.
-"- : Our Creative Corner
Celebrations: Dilly Beans
Music /and lyrics: Joanna Sheen Ch.
kortti: 128/13
Toukokuun vieraileva DT on Suomesta PiHi, tervetuloa!
DT- korttini leimasimen hankin vuosi sitten Pariisin reissulla ja näin kauan sitä haudoin ennenkuin sain jotain aikaiseksi. Nyt tätä leimasinsarjaa ( Aladine/ Stampo Maxi) saa myös Suomestakin.
Pohja tehty painamalla paperiin koko leimasin embossaus musteella ja sitten jauheet perään ja puhallus. Pirtsakan vihreä väri löytyi Dylusions suihkeesta ja reunat hangattu Distress Ink musteella.
Ja soitinta leimattu kaksi kertaa ja leikattu irti ja kohotettu tyynyillä ja koristeltu. kukat pohjapaperista Fiskarsin leikkurilla.
-Hi! Welcome, at Craft-Room Challenge;
Make your own backgrounds with stamping is our theme.
Our sponsor is StampMan.
Stamp bought from Paris last spring; Aladine/ Stampo Maxi
Mediums: Distress Embossing ink; emb. powder;
Dylusions ( fresh lime); Distress Ink (pine needles);
and the "fiddle" stamped twice and trimmed, raised with 3d foams.
Flowers cut with Fiskars punch from the same stampedand coloured paper, gems.
Text: Congratulations.
Anything: Challenges 4 everybody
-"- : Fashionable Stamping Ch.
-"- : Our Creative Corner
Celebrations: Dilly Beans
Music /and lyrics: Joanna Sheen Ch.
kortti: 128/13
Craft-Room Challenge DT,
Kortit 2013

Monday, May 13, 2013
Soijaa pukkaa
Hei, toivottavasti teillä on ollut mukava viikonaloitus. Minäpä taas vierailin tohtorilla ja hoitajalla, alkaa olla kohta joka maanantainen kokous. Hutkitaan ja tutkitaan. Olo on kyllä ihan vetämätön,
mutta johtunee osittain eilisestä kasvimaa urakasta. No sainpas ne siemenet kylvettyä sittenkin.
No yritetään piristyä huumorikortilla, vaikka itse en nyt pääsekään lenkille.
Hi! Happy Monday to you! I'm still alive, another Monday meeting with doctor and nurse again.
But so lack of mojo and tired, hope this silly card inspires you to go out walking as I cannot do it!
Stamp Art Impressions; ProMarkers. And one of my trial homemade flower.
mutta johtunee osittain eilisestä kasvimaa urakasta. No sainpas ne siemenet kylvettyä sittenkin.
No yritetään piristyä huumorikortilla, vaikka itse en nyt pääsekään lenkille.
Hi! Happy Monday to you! I'm still alive, another Monday meeting with doctor and nurse again.
But so lack of mojo and tired, hope this silly card inspires you to go out walking as I cannot do it!
Stamp Art Impressions; ProMarkers. And one of my trial homemade flower.
Kortit 2013

Saturday, May 11, 2013
Kaunis muisto
Hei, tänään jo kinkkasin kylän myyjäisiin korttieni kanssa. Vähän hiljaista oli, taisivat äidit olla siivoamassa huomista juhlapäivää varten! Seuraavan kerran sitten juhannusviikolla Kesätorille.
Vielä ehdin jonkun tilauksen tehdä sitä ennen (vink vink).
Kortissa tyttö soittaa varmaan " ei Raantaa rakkaampaa..." Hyvä Suomi! ( Siis katselen samalla lätkämatsia)
Hi, thanks for your wishes, my leg is a little better now. Today I was with my cards in local market happening! We have enjoyed a sunny and warm day today. And I even made a chocholate cake for tomorrow's Mother's Day.
" catch a moment, it's a beautiful memory for tomorrow" (text)
Stamp: Bildmålarna Mimosa playing
Colouring: FlexMarkers, Pro Markers; white paint on the flowers
Papers: Bildmålarna
TH clock; lace, flowers, gems
anything: Crafty Catz
" Simply Create Too
" Paper Crafting Journey
" Loves Rubberstamps
" Papertake Weekly
Childhood memories: Crafting by Design
kortti: 126/13
Vielä ehdin jonkun tilauksen tehdä sitä ennen (vink vink).
Kortissa tyttö soittaa varmaan " ei Raantaa rakkaampaa..." Hyvä Suomi! ( Siis katselen samalla lätkämatsia)
Hi, thanks for your wishes, my leg is a little better now. Today I was with my cards in local market happening! We have enjoyed a sunny and warm day today. And I even made a chocholate cake for tomorrow's Mother's Day.
" catch a moment, it's a beautiful memory for tomorrow" (text)
Stamp: Bildmålarna Mimosa playing
Colouring: FlexMarkers, Pro Markers; white paint on the flowers
Papers: Bildmålarna
TH clock; lace, flowers, gems
anything: Crafty Catz
" Simply Create Too
" Paper Crafting Journey
" Loves Rubberstamps
" Papertake Weekly
Childhood memories: Crafting by Design
kortti: 126/13
Kortit 2013

Thursday, May 09, 2013
Hei, sateista Helatorstaita! Eilen melkein ehdin saada orvokit istutettua, kun päkiäni poksahti.
Nyt sitten tuli pakkolepoa! Mutta tässä muutama aiemmin tehty juhlakortti.
Hi, it's raining here after yesterday's beautiful and sunny day. I planted my first pansy pots and then
broke my ball of the foot - so just resting now! Here's three celebrations cards.
1. Penny Black "sparkle" stamped three times and trimmed and raised.
Ink Versafine crimson and clear embossing. TH clock again and white paint. Prima's papers, text: "Congratulations/Onnea"
- anything: Divas by Design;
- time: Frilly and Funkie
- die-cuts: Penny's Paper-crafty
2. Rose for a Student, simple sketch, rose is Copics free image, but I used ProMarkers.
-floral: Craft your Passion
3. Birthday card, no stamped image, only beautiful stamped and embossed text. Prima's papers again; WOC flowers, die cuts and pearls.
- sentiment: Crafty Sentiments
Kortit: 123 - 125/13
Nyt sitten tuli pakkolepoa! Mutta tässä muutama aiemmin tehty juhlakortti.
Hi, it's raining here after yesterday's beautiful and sunny day. I planted my first pansy pots and then
broke my ball of the foot - so just resting now! Here's three celebrations cards.
1. Penny Black "sparkle" stamped three times and trimmed and raised.
Ink Versafine crimson and clear embossing. TH clock again and white paint. Prima's papers, text: "Congratulations/Onnea"
- anything: Divas by Design;
- time: Frilly and Funkie
- die-cuts: Penny's Paper-crafty
2. Rose for a Student, simple sketch, rose is Copics free image, but I used ProMarkers.
-floral: Craft your Passion
3. Birthday card, no stamped image, only beautiful stamped and embossed text. Prima's papers again; WOC flowers, die cuts and pearls.
- sentiment: Crafty Sentiments
Kortit: 123 - 125/13
Kortit 2013,

Tuesday, May 07, 2013
Hei, pitsiä Lili of the Valley- haasteeseen, uudet poikaleimasimet tuli jo tilattua! Tässä tyttö puhaltelee noita voikukan hapsuja.
Hi; cute little girl with pinks and lilacs sending hugs !
Stamp: LOTV, coloured with ProMarkers
lace; MS lace punch; memory box die cuts; WOC flowers and Stickles on.
lace: Lili's Little Fairies
birthday: Passion for ProMarkers
anything: Papertake Weekly
kortti: 122/13
Hi; cute little girl with pinks and lilacs sending hugs !
Stamp: LOTV, coloured with ProMarkers
lace; MS lace punch; memory box die cuts; WOC flowers and Stickles on.
lace: Lili's Little Fairies
birthday: Passion for ProMarkers
anything: Papertake Weekly
kortti: 122/13

Hei! Vapunaatoksi äidilleni lähti tämä nimipäiväkortti, kukkien päällä lukee "Mirja".
Joka äitini tuntee tietää, että muutama neuletyö on tullut tehtyä!
Virkattu kukkanen koristaa kimaltavaa korttia.
Hi! In Finland we have a habit to celebrate our "Name Day". Our names are in the calender for each day, my name Mervi is at September 21st. Do you have celebrations like that?
I sent this card for my mother as she had her name day at April the 30th. There's letters (name) Mirja on the little flowers. My mother has done all our knitwears for ages, so I bought this image just for her.
Stamp: Marianne Design
Colouring: ProMarkers
Homemade crocheted flower
Card Mania: flowers
Crafty boot: stamped character
Kaboodle Doodle: for ladies
Love to Create: for mum or special lady
Whoopsi Daisy:
Simon Says Stamp: Happy mail
Kortti: 121/13
Joka äitini tuntee tietää, että muutama neuletyö on tullut tehtyä!
Virkattu kukkanen koristaa kimaltavaa korttia.
Hi! In Finland we have a habit to celebrate our "Name Day". Our names are in the calender for each day, my name Mervi is at September 21st. Do you have celebrations like that?
I sent this card for my mother as she had her name day at April the 30th. There's letters (name) Mirja on the little flowers. My mother has done all our knitwears for ages, so I bought this image just for her.
Stamp: Marianne Design
Colouring: ProMarkers
Homemade crocheted flower
Card Mania: flowers
Crafty boot: stamped character
Kaboodle Doodle: for ladies
Love to Create: for mum or special lady
Whoopsi Daisy:
Simon Says Stamp: Happy mail
Kortti: 121/13
Kortit 2013

Monday, May 06, 2013
Siivet ja juuret
Hei, aurinkoista viikonalkua!
Kortti on vähän tummasävyinen, mutta ajatus kohottava, nuoren juhlaan.
Hello, sunny and warm day today! My card is a little dark, but the message in it is very beautiful and lifting. For teenagers or students celebrations.
Stamp: Tim Holtz
mediums: Versafine vintage sepia, clear empossing powder; DI ( tumbled glass; shabby shutters; bundled sage)
Papers: Color Core distressed; other papers from K&Co collections.
White old lace, brown lace, twine
MD swirls; WOC roses.
sketch: CLP Challenge
anything: Fashionable Stamping Ch.
embossing and texture: Stamping Sensations
TH: Cards Galore
kortti: 120/13
Kortti on vähän tummasävyinen, mutta ajatus kohottava, nuoren juhlaan.
Hello, sunny and warm day today! My card is a little dark, but the message in it is very beautiful and lifting. For teenagers or students celebrations.
Stamp: Tim Holtz
mediums: Versafine vintage sepia, clear empossing powder; DI ( tumbled glass; shabby shutters; bundled sage)
Papers: Color Core distressed; other papers from K&Co collections.
White old lace, brown lace, twine
MD swirls; WOC roses.
sketch: CLP Challenge
anything: Fashionable Stamping Ch.
embossing and texture: Stamping Sensations
TH: Cards Galore
kortti: 120/13
Kortit 2013,

Sunday, May 05, 2013
Penny Black and More May Challenge DT
Hei, tervetuloa mukaan toukokuun Penny Black and More- haasteeseen! "Sew Special" - eli jollekin erityiselle henkilölle osoitettu kortti ja optiona on ompelu! Ei siis tikit välttämättömiä, mutta leimasimen käyttö kyllä!
Vieraileva DT on Tirpuunen, käykääpä kurkkaamassa!
Hi! " Sew Special" is the theme on May at Penny Black and More Challenge, so welcome to join us.
Please, look the details from the blog!
Stamp: Penny Black: ginger 3843K
Mediums: versafine black, clear embossing powder; ProMarkers; DI; Gossy accents
Papers: white cardstock (6x6); white colorcore, design paper: Riddelholms Design vintage pink ( 2 sided)
Die cuts: TH clock; MB big swirl; MD butterfly and swirl; Lea'bilities green embossed leaves;
other shapes and numbers from SP.
Flowers, pin and brad from WOC
Paper edges stitched with machine.
C.R.A.F.T. stitches
Fairytale Ch. special occasion
Stampin' for the weekend; diecuts/punches
The Craftter's Cafe: female
The Stamp Spot: feminine
Penny Black Saturday Ch. : anything
Kortti: 119/13
Vieraileva DT on Tirpuunen, käykääpä kurkkaamassa!
Hi! " Sew Special" is the theme on May at Penny Black and More Challenge, so welcome to join us.
Please, look the details from the blog!
Stamp: Penny Black: ginger 3843K
Mediums: versafine black, clear embossing powder; ProMarkers; DI; Gossy accents
Papers: white cardstock (6x6); white colorcore, design paper: Riddelholms Design vintage pink ( 2 sided)
Die cuts: TH clock; MB big swirl; MD butterfly and swirl; Lea'bilities green embossed leaves;
other shapes and numbers from SP.
Flowers, pin and brad from WOC
Paper edges stitched with machine.
C.R.A.F.T. stitches
Fairytale Ch. special occasion
Stampin' for the weekend; diecuts/punches
The Craftter's Cafe: female
The Stamp Spot: feminine
Penny Black Saturday Ch. : anything
Kortti: 119/13
Kortit 2013,
Penny Black at Allsorts Challenge DT

Friday, May 03, 2013
Shabby Card box
Hei, olen viimeaikoina näyttänyt useita maalattuja ja leimattuja kortteja ja tässä niille tehty myyntiteline. (esim.kortti)
Hi, here's the box for my shabby vintage cards (10) I've showed before.
AC cardstock and MME vintage dots 12" x 12" papers;
flowers, leaf made with TH/Sizzix dies from tapesty and rubbed with DI
Hyvää viikonloppua! Happy weekend!
Hi, here's the box for my shabby vintage cards (10) I've showed before.
AC cardstock and MME vintage dots 12" x 12" papers;
flowers, leaf made with TH/Sizzix dies from tapesty and rubbed with DI
Hyvää viikonloppua! Happy weekend!
Muu askartelu,

Thursday, May 02, 2013
Pieni lintu
Hei, viimeinen kortti tätä sarjaa ( 10 kpl) leimattuja maalatulle pohjalle. Tällä kertaa pieni Stempelgleden lintu kellon keskellä ja kulmissa saman valmistajan kiekuraleimasimia, kohotettuna.
TH'n kello leikattu jälleen jostain paketista ja sutaistu maalilla, vähän väritystä distresseillä.
Huomenna sitten korttiteline, mistä nämä löytyy...
Hi; last one of this vintage shabby style card collection I made - and tomorrow I'll show the card box where they are in.
White cardstock painted with white gesso.
Stamps: Stempelglede's "petit oiseau" and swirls; embossed clear; coloured with DI.
TH clock cut from some package again and painted, flowers, brad and pearls; Prima's note.
Crafty creations; mothers/flowers
Frilly and Funkie: time
Die Cutting Divas: anything
Inky Chicks: Shabby chic
Viktorine originals: Mothers
Kortti: 118/13
TH'n kello leikattu jälleen jostain paketista ja sutaistu maalilla, vähän väritystä distresseillä.
Huomenna sitten korttiteline, mistä nämä löytyy...
Hi; last one of this vintage shabby style card collection I made - and tomorrow I'll show the card box where they are in.
White cardstock painted with white gesso.
Stamps: Stempelglede's "petit oiseau" and swirls; embossed clear; coloured with DI.
TH clock cut from some package again and painted, flowers, brad and pearls; Prima's note.
Crafty creations; mothers/flowers
Frilly and Funkie: time
Die Cutting Divas: anything
Inky Chicks: Shabby chic
Viktorine originals: Mothers
Kortti: 118/13
Kortit 2013,

Wednesday, May 01, 2013
Hei, peura leimattu maalatulle pohjalle, kohokuvioitu, Upea kulma uusia Sizzix stansseja.
Hi, a shabby deer card, stamped on painted background and embossed. Beautiful corner is new Sizzix die cut.
Stamp: Serendipity stamps.
Fashionista Ch. vintage
Fussy and Fancy Friday: vintage
Kortti: 117/13
Hi, a shabby deer card, stamped on painted background and embossed. Beautiful corner is new Sizzix die cut.
Stamp: Serendipity stamps.
Fashionista Ch. vintage
Fussy and Fancy Friday: vintage
Kortti: 117/13

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