Hei, toinen vintagetyylinen hääkortti myöskin Maja Design tuotteilla ja vanerileikkeillä.
Hi another vintage wedding card with same papers and details as before here. Wooden heart and text.
Tomorrow you'll see the third card! I'm in a little summer trip in our neighbor eastern countries, I'll be back on weekend.
Thank you;-))m
Wednesday, May 31, 2017
Vintage Wedding card 2

Monday, May 29, 2017
Poppy gem
Hei, vihdoin sain itselleni näitä Penny Blackin tekstileimasimia ( uusia akryylisettinä).
Unikkoleiman laitoin Mistin sisään ja väritin suoraan leimaan ääriviivat Zig Clean Color Real Brush vesiväritusseilla, sitten suihkaus vettä ja lopuksi vähän tasausta värien ja kostean pensselin kera.
Tekstin leimasin Versafinen harmaalla ja kohotin värittömällä jauheella.
P*skarteluhaaste #347 värit
Kiitos kun kävit;-))m
Hi, yippee, finally got these Penny Black sentiment stamps, ( new in acrylic set).
I used Misti with the "Poppy Gems" PB stamp and coloured it with Zig CCRB, straight to the stamp then little water, after that used more markers and brush with water.
Sentiment is stamped with Versafine gray and embossed clear.
Thank you;-))m
Unikkoleiman laitoin Mistin sisään ja väritin suoraan leimaan ääriviivat Zig Clean Color Real Brush vesiväritusseilla, sitten suihkaus vettä ja lopuksi vähän tasausta värien ja kostean pensselin kera.
Tekstin leimasin Versafinen harmaalla ja kohotin värittömällä jauheella.
P*skarteluhaaste #347 värit
Kiitos kun kävit;-))m
Hi, yippee, finally got these Penny Black sentiment stamps, ( new in acrylic set).
I used Misti with the "Poppy Gems" PB stamp and coloured it with Zig CCRB, straight to the stamp then little water, after that used more markers and brush with water.
Sentiment is stamped with Versafine gray and embossed clear.
Thank you;-))m

Saturday, May 27, 2017
Vintage Wedding Card
Hauskaa lauantaita, tervetuloa Allsorts haasteen pariin! Emäntänä valitsin tosi vanhan aiheen "Vintage". Tein kolme hääkorttia, joista tässä ensimmäinen.
Hi; Happy Saturday, it's time for a new Allsorts Challenge! Thank you all for your lovely birthday wishes and support to our challenge blog. As we are now so "old" - my theme this week is "vintage style", welcome!
Our sponsor is kindly Swedish Hobby Crafts.
I made three wedding cards in vintage style, here's the first! I'll show the others later on...
DT Card Info: (links to the sponsor's shop)
Papers and image Maja Design
Die cuts: Gummiapan: doodled heart; Roxstamps: x-stitched rounds
Wooden diecut, painted white; seam binding ribbon, roses, little leaves, double row of pearls, doily and pretty old lace. Distressed edges.
Crafty Catz
Creative Fingers
Frilly and Funkie
Penny's Paper-Crafty Challenge
Simply Papercraft
The Crafty Addicts
Thank You;-))m
Please head over to Allsorts Challenge for all the details and prizes of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.
Hi; Happy Saturday, it's time for a new Allsorts Challenge! Thank you all for your lovely birthday wishes and support to our challenge blog. As we are now so "old" - my theme this week is "vintage style", welcome!
Our sponsor is kindly Swedish Hobby Crafts.
I made three wedding cards in vintage style, here's the first! I'll show the others later on...
DT Card Info: (links to the sponsor's shop)
Papers and image Maja Design
Die cuts: Gummiapan: doodled heart; Roxstamps: x-stitched rounds
Wooden diecut, painted white; seam binding ribbon, roses, little leaves, double row of pearls, doily and pretty old lace. Distressed edges.
Crafty Catz
Creative Fingers
Frilly and Funkie
Penny's Paper-Crafty Challenge
Simply Papercraft
The Crafty Addicts
Thank You;-))m
Please head over to Allsorts Challenge for all the details and prizes of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.
Allsorts DT,

Friday, May 26, 2017
Hei, eilen jo esittelin muilla somekanavilla nämä kaksi suruvalittelukorttia. Tässä vielä tänne blogin puolellekin. Laiska bloggari ei nyt ehdi kaivaa kuvia tuolta erillisestä laitteesta. Aika on kulunut ihan pihalla, taas on tullut kaivettua vaikka mitä, ja kropassa huomaa, auts.
Hi, two sympathy card made with Penny Black stamp and Zig CCRB watercolour markers.
I'll be back tomorrow with the new Allsorts Challenge theme;-))m
Hi, two sympathy card made with Penny Black stamp and Zig CCRB watercolour markers.
I'll be back tomorrow with the new Allsorts Challenge theme;-))m
Surukortit/ Sympathy

Monday, May 22, 2017
Hei, aikaisemmin esittelin pari korttia ylioppilastytöille. Tänään pari pojalle sopivaa.
Ensimmäisessä kortissa sama ruusukohokuviopohja kuin aiemmin. Tagin päällä Chocolate Baroque ruusu, Promarkereilla väritettynä.
Hi, earlier I showed some cards for girl graduated. Today two cards for boys.
On the first card there's Chocolate Baroque's rose stamp coloured with ProMarkers - on a stitched tag. Background is the same rose embossing folder I used before.
Crafty Creations
Creatalicious Challenges
Passion for ProMarkers
Tinker- Dream
Toisen kortin pohja leimattu Vildan lakkileimasimella täyteen ja yksi hattu kohotettu tarroilla ruusun päälle, teksti Paperinauhan setistä. Väritys ProMarkereilla.
The second card: All background stamped with Vilda Stamps graduation hat stamp, one hat trimmed and rised up with foam on a CB rose ( as above), text "For Graduated". Colouring with ProMarkers.
Crafting With An Attitude
Creative Fingers
Thank you;-))m
Ensimmäisessä kortissa sama ruusukohokuviopohja kuin aiemmin. Tagin päällä Chocolate Baroque ruusu, Promarkereilla väritettynä.
Hi, earlier I showed some cards for girl graduated. Today two cards for boys.
On the first card there's Chocolate Baroque's rose stamp coloured with ProMarkers - on a stitched tag. Background is the same rose embossing folder I used before.
Crafty Creations
Creatalicious Challenges
Passion for ProMarkers
Tinker- Dream
Toisen kortin pohja leimattu Vildan lakkileimasimella täyteen ja yksi hattu kohotettu tarroilla ruusun päälle, teksti Paperinauhan setistä. Väritys ProMarkereilla.
The second card: All background stamped with Vilda Stamps graduation hat stamp, one hat trimmed and rised up with foam on a CB rose ( as above), text "For Graduated". Colouring with ProMarkers.
Crafting With An Attitude
Creative Fingers
Fab 'n' Funky
Hiding in my Craft RoomThank you;-))m

Saturday, May 20, 2017
Happy Birthday Allsorts!
Hauskaa lauantaita, teRvetuloa AllsoRts haasteen pariin! 8v. synttäRiviikkoa vietetään, huikea pääpalkinto ja kaikki osallistujat saavat mahdollisuuden 5 punnan alennukseen ostoksistaan TatteRed Lace'sta tällä viikolla. PeRinteen mukaan kaikilta DT:ltä löytyy salakiRjain tai numeRo ja ne yhdistämällä löydät oikean alennuskoodin. Joko arvasit kiRjaimeni!!! Aiheena tietenkin synttäRit!
Hi; Happy SatuRday, it's time for AllsoRts 8th BIRTHDAY Challenge!
We have special pRize from TatteRed Lace, and a little suRprise for all entRants. You must collect the letteRs or numbeR fRom the DT blogs, then cReate the unique code to TatteRed Lace and get 5 p off youR ordeR next week. Please look the details at the AllsoRts blog.
Have you quessed my letteR!!! HeRe's my biRthday caRd:
DT Card Info:
Stamp: Bildmålarna; coloured with ProMarkers
Papers from old Basic Grey set
Butterflies border Crafty Individuals, number Memory box, musical note key from IO
Old lace, little sweethearts flowers and gems.
Crafty Catz
Colour Crazy
Creative Inspirations
I love ProMarkers
Penny's Paper-Crafty Challenge
QKR Stampede
Simply Papercraft
Through the Craft Room Door
Thank You;-))m as MeRvi
Please head over to Allsorts Challenge for all the details and prizes of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.
Hi; Happy SatuRday, it's time for AllsoRts 8th BIRTHDAY Challenge!
We have special pRize from TatteRed Lace, and a little suRprise for all entRants. You must collect the letteRs or numbeR fRom the DT blogs, then cReate the unique code to TatteRed Lace and get 5 p off youR ordeR next week. Please look the details at the AllsoRts blog.
Have you quessed my letteR!!! HeRe's my biRthday caRd:
DT Card Info:
Stamp: Bildmålarna; coloured with ProMarkers
Papers from old Basic Grey set
Butterflies border Crafty Individuals, number Memory box, musical note key from IO
Old lace, little sweethearts flowers and gems.
Crafty Catz
Colour Crazy
Creative Inspirations
I love ProMarkers
Penny's Paper-Crafty Challenge
QKR Stampede
Simply Papercraft
Through the Craft Room Door
Thank You;-))m as MeRvi
Please head over to Allsorts Challenge for all the details and prizes of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.
Allsorts DT,

Sunday, May 14, 2017
Peonies for mother
Hei, hyvää äitienpäiväniltaa! Ihana päivä viettää pihahommissa, siemenet ja mukulat on nyt laitettu multaan, pihat siivottu. Kropassa tuntuu, että jotain on tehty - aivan muuta kuin kortteja!
Äitienpäiväkorttti on tehty hieman aikaisemmin.
Hi, Happy Mothers Day! Beautiful weekend to make garden work, finally got the seeds and bulbs to the ground. My crafting room here at the cottage is full of pots, so cold nights still. No new cards for some days, I've made this Mothers Day card earlier!
Crafting with Dragonflies
Crafty Calendar
Come and Get It
Thank you;))m
Äitienpäiväkorttti on tehty hieman aikaisemmin.
Stamp: Indigo Blu; Distress Inks with Misti |
Crafting with Dragonflies
Crafty Calendar
Come and Get It
Thank you;))m

Saturday, May 13, 2017
Ring A Ring O'Roses
Hauskaa lauantaita, tervetuloa viikon Allsorts haasteen pariin! Haasteen aiheena englanninkielisen maailman tunnetuin lastenloru ja leikki, otsikolla löytyy goolettamalla (niin minäkin tein). Aivan tuntematon minulle, mutta muut DT lähestyivät aihetta kukkien (ruusujen) muodossa. Tein DT malliksi ylioppilaskortin !
Hi; Happy Saturday, it's time for a new Allsorts Challenge! Ring A Ring O'Roses, nursery rhymes is the inspiration for this week. Totally unknown here, I have to google it. As I saw other DT's having samples with flowers, I went with... roses.
DT Card Info: Graduation card
Stamp: The Ton Stamps, rose 4 times with Versafine black and clear embossing, some doodled leaves.
Colouring with Zig CCRB watercolour markers
Graduation hat die from Heidin Korttipaja;
wooden text diecut painted black and added Glossy Accents
Crafty Sentiments
Creative Moments
Colour Crazy
Deep Ocean Challenge
The Crafty Addicts
Through the Craft Room Door
Thank You;-))m
Please head over to Allsorts Challenge for all the details and prizes of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.
Hi; Happy Saturday, it's time for a new Allsorts Challenge! Ring A Ring O'Roses, nursery rhymes is the inspiration for this week. Totally unknown here, I have to google it. As I saw other DT's having samples with flowers, I went with... roses.
DT Card Info: Graduation card
Stamp: The Ton Stamps, rose 4 times with Versafine black and clear embossing, some doodled leaves.
Colouring with Zig CCRB watercolour markers
Graduation hat die from Heidin Korttipaja;
wooden text diecut painted black and added Glossy Accents
Crafty Sentiments
Creative Moments
Colour Crazy
Deep Ocean Challenge
The Crafty Addicts
Through the Craft Room Door
Thank You;-))m
Please head over to Allsorts Challenge for all the details and prizes of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.
Allsorts DT,
The Ton Stamps

Thursday, May 11, 2017
2 Ruusuista Ylioppilaskorttia
Hei, ruusuiset onnittelut tuleville ylioppilaille. Penny Black'in ruusu leimattu ja väritetty sekä puna-, että sinisävyisenä, taakse maskattu myös tekstileimasinta. Värittelin suosikeillani Zig CCRB vesiväritusseilla. Hattu on Heidin korttipajan stanssi, tausta on ruusu-kohokuvioitu.
Haaste: Leimaillaan ja Väritellään / Kevään juhlat, muistakaa osallistua!
Hi, 2 card with roses (Penny Black stamp) for graduated, one in red and second in blue. Coloured the hot embossed images with Zig CCRB watercolour markers. I masked text (Kaisercraft) stamp behind the roses. Roses are cold embossed also in the background. Graduation hat is a die with gem.
Challenges ( the blue card ):
Crafty Calendar
Crafty Creations
Deep Ocean Challenge
Delicious Doodles
Penny's Paper-Crafty Challenge
The Corrosive Challenge
Thank you / Kiitos;-))m
Haaste: Leimaillaan ja Väritellään / Kevään juhlat, muistakaa osallistua!
Hi, 2 card with roses (Penny Black stamp) for graduated, one in red and second in blue. Coloured the hot embossed images with Zig CCRB watercolour markers. I masked text (Kaisercraft) stamp behind the roses. Roses are cold embossed also in the background. Graduation hat is a die with gem.
Challenges ( the blue card ):
Crafty Calendar
Crafty Creations
Deep Ocean Challenge
Delicious Doodles
Penny's Paper-Crafty Challenge
The Corrosive Challenge
Thank you / Kiitos;-))m

Tuesday, May 09, 2017
Hei, kortti kiireiselle miehelle! Ainakin tuolla liikenteessä tuntui olevan usein tiellä. Tämä vihreä malli on kyllä aika vanha pienine etupyörineen.
Hi, a card for busy man! So many tractors going on the roads, although they are more modern than this.
Stamp: Penny Black
Colouring: Zig CCRB
Bird diecuts: IO
Crafting from the Heart
Crafty Sentiments
My Time to Craft
Thank you;-))m
Hi, a card for busy man! So many tractors going on the roads, although they are more modern than this.
Stamp: Penny Black
Colouring: Zig CCRB
Bird diecuts: IO
Crafting from the Heart
Crafty Sentiments
My Time to Craft
Thank you;-))m

Sunday, May 07, 2017
May Inspiration
Hei, oikein mukavaa sunnuntaipäivä! Tervetuloa toukokuun Penny Black and More haasteen pariin.
Inspiroitukaa alla olevasta kuvasta kera leimasimen! Malliksi tein äitienpäiväkortin.
Hello, first Sunday of the month - it's time for new Penny Black and More Challenge.
Get your inspiration of the board above and work with stamp!
Our sponsors are Penny Black, Crafts U Love, Sizzix.
DT Card Info:
Stamp: Using Penny Black 40-447 poppy gems
No inks, colouring with Zig CCRB watercolour markers, white paint with water and toothbrush!
"For Mother" inked with versafine and embossed.
Aud Sentiments
Crafty Gals Corner
Creative Friday
QKR Stampede
Simon Says Stamp
Simply Papercraft
Please head over to Penny Black and More Challenge for all the details of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.
Inspiroitukaa alla olevasta kuvasta kera leimasimen! Malliksi tein äitienpäiväkortin.

Get your inspiration of the board above and work with stamp!
Our sponsors are Penny Black, Crafts U Love, Sizzix.
DT Card Info:
Stamp: Using Penny Black 40-447 poppy gems
No inks, colouring with Zig CCRB watercolour markers, white paint with water and toothbrush!
"For Mother" inked with versafine and embossed.
Aud Sentiments
Crafty Gals Corner
Creative Friday
QKR Stampede
Simon Says Stamp
Simply Papercraft
Please head over to Penny Black and More Challenge for all the details of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.
Thank you;-))m
Penny Black at Allsorts Challenge DT

Saturday, May 06, 2017
Hauskaa lauantaita, tervetuloa viikon Allsorts haasteen pariin! Musiikkia...kuuluu haasteessa!
Hi; Happy Saturday, it's time for a new Allsorts Challenge, theme is "Music".
Sponsor is Digistamp Boutique. and some extra prize too, look them at the blog.
DT Card Info:
Stamp: Penny Black, coloured with ProMarkers
Die cuts: Simon Says stamp stitched rounds; Roxstamps stitched square; Memory box musical notes; sentiment die cut: "for You"
star ribbon, flowers
Crafting by Designs
Crafty Sentiments
Cute Card Thursday
Deep Ocean Challenge
Penny's Paper-Crafty Challenge
Thank You;-))m
Please head over to Allsorts Challenge for all the details and prizes of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.
Hi; Happy Saturday, it's time for a new Allsorts Challenge, theme is "Music".
Sponsor is Digistamp Boutique. and some extra prize too, look them at the blog.
DT Card Info:
Stamp: Penny Black, coloured with ProMarkers
Die cuts: Simon Says stamp stitched rounds; Roxstamps stitched square; Memory box musical notes; sentiment die cut: "for You"
star ribbon, flowers
Crafting by Designs
Crafty Sentiments
Cute Card Thursday
Deep Ocean Challenge
Penny's Paper-Crafty Challenge
Thank You;-))m
Please head over to Allsorts Challenge for all the details and prizes of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.
Allsorts DT,

Wednesday, May 03, 2017
Hei, kaksi ylioppilaskorttia tytöille uusilla Lili of the Valley leimoilla.
Hi, today two cards for graduated girls with new Lili of the Valley - stamps.
Colouring with Zig CCRB watercolour markers, text stamped and embossed white.
Papers: Prima
Leaf diecut Marianne Design
Challenges ( Card 2)
Always Fun Challenges
Crafting from the Heart
Crafts Galore Encore Challenges
Craftyhazelnut's Patterned Paper
Crafty Sentiments
Creative Ladybirds Creations
Glitter 'n Sparkle
Love To Craft
Thank you;-))m
Hi, today two cards for graduated girls with new Lili of the Valley - stamps.
Colouring with Zig CCRB watercolour markers, text stamped and embossed white.
Papers: Prima
Leaf diecut Marianne Design
Challenges ( Card 2)
Always Fun Challenges
Crafting from the Heart
Crafts Galore Encore Challenges
Craftyhazelnut's Patterned Paper
Crafty Sentiments
Creative Ladybirds Creations
Glitter 'n Sparkle
Love To Craft
Thank you;-))m

Tuesday, May 02, 2017
Lauantaina synttäreille
Hei, toukokuu tulla tupsahti, onneksi aurinko taas lämmittää. Vähän jo alkavat helmihyasintit nousta maasta. Eilen touhusin pihalla vähän liikaa, joten perun keskiviikon torimyynnin.
Lauantaina sitten taas Auttoisilla Suvimarjan edessä tämäkin bloggari - korttieni kera.
Kortti keväisiin onnitteluihin, Distress Inkeillä leimattu ja väritetty.
Hi, finally some sun and warmth, it' was really cold weekend with SNOW! OMG!
Some flower bulbs are coming up, only Hepatica nobilis ( sinivuokko) flowering.
Lauantaina sitten taas Auttoisilla Suvimarjan edessä tämäkin bloggari - korttieni kera.
Kortti keväisiin onnitteluihin, Distress Inkeillä leimattu ja väritetty.
Hi, finally some sun and warmth, it' was really cold weekend with SNOW! OMG!
Some flower bulbs are coming up, only Hepatica nobilis ( sinivuokko) flowering.

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