Hei, hyvää äitienpäiväniltaa! Ihana päivä viettää pihahommissa, siemenet ja mukulat on nyt laitettu multaan, pihat siivottu. Kropassa tuntuu, että jotain on tehty - aivan muuta kuin kortteja!
Äitienpäiväkorttti on tehty hieman aikaisemmin.
Stamp: Indigo Blu; Distress Inks with Misti |
Hi, Happy Mothers Day! Beautiful weekend to make garden work, finally got the seeds and bulbs to the ground. My crafting room here at the cottage is full of pots, so cold nights still. No new cards for some days, I've made this Mothers Day card earlier!
Crafting with Dragonflies
Crafty Calendar
Come and Get It
Thank you;))m
This is beautiful, I love this stamping technique. Thank you for joining us at Crafty Calendar Challenge and good luck,
Katrina x
A beautiful card, thanks for playing with us at Crafting with Dragonflies, blessings Hilde
Love the watercolour effect. Thanks for sharing this beautiful piece with us at Crafting with Dragonflies.
Kyllä on kaunis!
Beautiful card, gorgeous flowers - won't be too long now Mervi before the nights warm up a bit = the temperature is starting to rise a bit here and we have had some lovely warm sunny days but like you chilly on a night x Susan x
Oh elle est superbe! Biz
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