Thursday, February 17, 2011

One World One Heart

Tervetuloa - Welcome - Bienvenue- Välkommen!

Look doorgifts winners on Friday 18th at 9 (Finnish time).

This stays on the top until February 17th, please scroll down for newer posts!

Hello and welcome to my blog! 
I´m very happy to be participating in One World One Heart for the first time
and that You found my blog.
My name is Mervi - I'm Finnish cardmaker and crafter.
Cat ATC's
Tilda bags

I also do pots and things with concreate:
Here's the scenery, where I get my inspirations!

Please leave me a comment to this post for a chance to win
one of my newest cards, this:
 or this card!
And there's something else coming too...
This give away runs from January 31. to February 17.
Don´t forget to leave your e-mail address 
so I can contact you if You are the lucky winner!
Good luck!!  
(please, only one comment a day) 
Click on the OWOH image in the sidebar and you´ll find more information and all participants.

I also have Valentine Candy here !

Edit: It's been such a fun hopping all around the world with such a talented bloggers -
and one of my comments caused this posting, read it! LOL:

And by the way; my blog name comes from my family name,
 in Finnish nearly all words inflects (hope it's the right term) and in English
my blog name should be " I'll cut" or " Cutter's... so it's very good name for a crafter, I need scissors and stuff all the time!
 Lyhyesti suomeksi. (in Finnish)
Matkailu avartaa, kuten tuosta edellisestä linkistäkin havaitaan, ihanaa tutustua ympäri maailmaa oleviin valtavan lahjakkaisiin blogisteihin.
Osallistun tähän kansainväliseen blogitapaamiseen, tuolta linkistä saa lisätietoa  ja osallistujalistan (englanniksi).
Kommentoimalla tähän postaukseen, olet mukana kahden tekemäni kortin ja yllärin arvonnassa (17.2.)
muista jättää sähköpostiosoitteesi, että voin ottaa yhteyttä, jos voitto osuu kohdalle.
Closed - Suljettu!!!!


Shelly Schmidt said...

Beautiful! Love the pretty layouts and colors you used.

Bettie said...

Nice to meet you and thank you for visiting my blog. Your cards are great. Love to win one of them.

Loreal Blondi said...

Mukava idea laittaa tälläinen mahdollisuus myös Suomeen. Pistän sormet ristiin, että arpaonni suosisi ja saisin vaikkapa tuon pyöräkortin ihka itselleni!

Hilkka said...

Himskatti miten sinä jaksat aina kaikkeen innostua? Minä aina vältän nää kun ei taivu tuo engelska:)
Kauniita kortteja olet saanut aikaan, taas!!!

SannaS said...

ilman muuta täytyy osallistua näiden upeiden korttien arvontaan...nyt vaan sormet ja varpaat ristiin... =)

Homemaker Honey said...

G'Day from Brisbane! Thank you for visiting Homemaker Honey and entering my OWOH giveaway. I'm here to say, "hello", and enter your giveaway, too. Wonderful cards!

homemakerhoney @gmail .com

Mila said...

Hi Mervi & nice to meet you!
OMG Finland...I love it!
Snow & gorgeous landscapes...
Thank you for stopping by and your sween note!
Pls count me in! I'll finger cross!
Hugs from Italy,
Mila :)

Maaret said...

Heippa Mervi, minäkin haluan mukaan korttiesi arvontaan :)

Honey from the Bee said...

Lucky you to live by the water! Such beauty! I can see why you're inspired to create.

Thanks for stopping by my OWOH post and hope to win your giveaway!

Janet, Pacific Northwest, USA

Thespoena McLaughlin said...

I hope you are enjoying the OWOH. I know I am. You've got a great blog and such a wonderful prize. Thanks for the opportunity to win. It's so good to meet you! Hugs!


fortuitous faery said...

they are so charming! a delight to be mailed!

greetings from snowy new jersey!

Arya said...

Thank you for being apart of the OWOH journey!

Bibi Lindahl said...

Hi there, Mervi! Nice to see another Nordic participan of OWOH and fellow crafter and card maker. You make sych beautiful cards!

Have a fun time with OWOH!

Hugs from Bibi in Norway

Rika said...

Your OWOH cards are beautiful!

I also love your bags too.

Lutka And Co. said...

Hi Mervi,
Thank you for visiting my blog. Your comment made me do a double take. In fact, I blogged about it and mentioned you. Have a look:

OWOH has so far been very educational :-)

Pitsihame said...

Hi Mervi!

Haluan arvontaan mukaan. Jo olet taas tehnyt kauniita kortteja, inspiraatiosi kukkii:))

Tiina said...

Kiva että olet lähetnyt mukaan Owoh:n. Nyt toivon että voittaisin kauniin kortin sinulta. Sateisia terveisiä Ruotsista Tiina

Unknown said...

Thank you for taking the time to offer this lovely gift and thank you for the opportunity to win!

-maiju- said...

Kyllä varmasti haluan olla mukana mahtavassta arvonnassa ja laitan sormet ja varpaat ristiin :)

steufel said...

great prize - and I love the things you do with concrete. happy OWOH from Cologne, Stefanie

Saskia said...

Hello Mervi!

Great to see you at OWOH! Your cards are great!! Someone, somewhere is going to be very happy with your lovely give-away... I can only dream it's me! :)

OWOH is a great trip around the (blog)world! I enjoy it!

Sweet greetings from Belgium,
Saskia :)

Unknown said...

Thank you for the wonderful opportunity to use some skill atc:)
fingers crossed:))
greetings from Sardinia, hello mary

vintage wil said...

So beautiful gift! please count me in!!!!!

Hilkka said...

Täällä on ihana kevätpäivä:))
Luulin eilen olevani tosi fiksu mutta---laitoin täpin tuohon jatkokommentit kohtaan---arvaat varmaan mitä siitä seuras:((

gpc said...

What pretty cards! I enjoyed visiting your blog, and I hope you will visit mine, too (#307).

Rhonda the Rambler said...

Your work is beautiful. thank you for sharing from Cumberland Gap, TN

Anonymous said...

Hello Mervi,nice to meet you and to see a finnish blog.
PLease enter me into your draw too.
You are welcome to drop by if you have the time -

Doina said...

Great giveaway! Please count me in!

Regina said...

Greetings from Alabama ^_^ (waving excitedly from the wings of my muse in my OWOH journey) So happy that my journey brought me to your wonderful world and so happy that it brought you to mine.

Your cards are anything having to do with butterflies. Please enter my name!!

I love where you get your inspiration from...breathtaking.

Thank you for your lovely compliments on my gift to give and your name has been added to the Chazman's glass bowl. (He is guarding it so carefully..hehe)


Amy said...

Greetings from Virginia, US. Lovely cards. Thanks for your giveawy. If you'd like, you can enter mine at:
avennett AT verizon DOT net

Sherry said...

It's nice to meet you Mervi, I love your little Tilda bags. Your cards are lovely too.
Thanks for already stopping by my giveaway - good luck.

Sherry from England, UK (OWOH#133)

Cindy Adkins said...

Oh wow, SOOOO beautiful!!! I'm your newest follower and it's so nice to meet you! Happy OWOH!

Dorthe said...

Hi , thanks for your visit- so great that someone from Scandinavia ,and the Nord is here,too. I would love to winn a card.

Titbelsoeur, mixed-media addict said...

Hi there ! thanks for visiting my blog, please count me in, your giveaway is so nice !!!

SusanLotus said...

Lovely cards! And I can see that you like doing ATC´s as well! :)
So come and enter my little giveaway as well!
Kind regards
Susan in Sweden

( Alatalo ) ;)

Martha from ilove2paint said...

Hello Finland!!! Mervi, I'm waving my hand all the way from California in the US. Very nice blog you have here! Please add my name to the list, I hope I'm the lucky one that wind one of the art pieces. I am enjoying the OWOH event so much!

Noemi said...

Lovely cards, and what an amazing view!!
please count me in!!

A big hug from Spain.

Anonymous said...

You are very talented. Thank you for sharing your artwork with me. I really hope to win your giveaway.

Tumbleweed Trails said...

Hope you have oodles of fun during OWOH. I've enjoyed it so much over the years. Thanks for your generosity and participation in the event. Love your creativity. Count me in please.
visionquest2020 AT msn DOT com

Mixed Media/ Altered Crafts said...

Please put me in the pot for your OWOH Door Prize!
Thank You,Tee

laura said...

This is my first year with OWOH and it is amazing! If you get a chance wander over to my blog #476 on the list

Jaime Haney said...

oh that story is too funny about the name...
talk about lost in translation haha

Your blog is lovely Mervi and your creations are wonderful! I hope I'm the lucky winner! Thanks for the chance to win such a beautiful door prize.


froebelsternchen said...

that´s awesome ! Love your gift!
please count me in!
xxx Susi

Papillon Bleu said...

I love the first card very much!
Nice to meet you!
Happy OWOH!!!!!!!

Numinosity said...

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. Please count me in for your lovely prize.
xoxo Kim

Jennifer Pearson Vanier said...

Lovely work! So pleased to meet you. Do drop by when you have a moment. #645

alveen said...

HI Mervi... Thank you for visiting my OWOH post an leaving me such a nice comment.
You make wonderful cards! I would love the chance to win one.

carylsrealm said...

Beautiful! Would love to be entered!

My Creative House said...

Thanks for entering my OWOH giveaway, nice to meet you, your cards are wonderful, please count me in your drawing.

Fat Dormouse said...

Beautiful cards - I think they would inspire me to "up my game" with my card making!

I'm loving OWOH - this is my first participation & it's great to meet Bloggers and read other blogs from around the world. Please do visit me for my Giveaway too at

Morph Waffle said...

Beautiful cards, so lovely for a giveaway. I see you were a guest designer at Softpencil, I love softpencil (one of my bloggy friends). What a view you have to be inspired by!

Cheeky Rose Boutique said...

Greetings from Fort Lauderdale, Florida! Please count me in!

suziqu's thread works said...

Hello from Australia. Love your blog and yes enter me also - Love your cards! and thank you for visiting.
Cheers, Suzy

Jenny said...

Hello Mervi... I love your beautiful cards... such a lovely giveaway and have enjoyed visiting here...
Thank you so much for dropping by and leaving me a sweet comment :)))

Jenny x

Marsha @ Tattered Chick said...


Thank you so much for stopping by!! Oh, I just love your card with the sassy cats!!!!

Please enter my name in your giveaway and thank you so much for the opportunity to win one of your beautiful cards!


Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Hi Mervi!
How nice to meet you through One World One heart! Your artwork is beautiful!
My e-mail is in my blog profile if I am lucky enough to be your winner.
Please visit my blog anytime!
Pat, NY
#312 OWOH

Anonymous said...

(does not count as entry)

Thanks for visiting my blog :0)

You left your comment in at the wrong posting
If you wouldn’t mind returning to place a comment
Under the OWOH post so you can qualify for the contest?
Use the link below
Thank you ♥

Cheryl said...

Greetings from Fresno, California :-)
Please enter me in your drawing for your lovely give-away gift.
~Cheryl over @ Artsy Fartsy

Unknown said...

Hello from Oregon, glad to meet you Mervi! Thank you for your kind words on my blog. :)
Your cards are really beautiful, please enter my name for your drawing!
Much Love,

Mimi said...

Great to meet you! I would love to be your winner.

Please come by my blog and my OWOH giveaway as well. I'm #590.

hoerauf at comcast dot net

AlwaysInspired said...

Love the cards!
Stop by and visit my OWOH giveaway!
I'm #50 on the journey.

Anonymous said...

Greetings from Massachusetts, USA! Thanks for visiting my OWOH post!

Love your blog! Great prize! Thanks so much for the chance to win.

Joyce van der Lely said...

Your blog is wonderful ! and so is your doorprize :-)
Thanks for visiting my blog, please add me to your list as well.

#206 on the Flying Wings - OWOH

Connie in Hartwood said...

Your scenery is beautiful!! It is wonderful to have the chance to 'meet' you through OWOH.

Nanbon44 said...

So very nice to meet you, I love visiting all these wonderful blogs and seeing what everyone is working on, there are so many talented people here..

Please enter my name in your lovely drawing
Bonnie in Florida

Visit my blogs
# 566 and # 567

Jingle said...

Your work is quite lovely! Thanks for the chance to win! jinglesells at gmail dot com #357

Linda said...

Hi Mervi,

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and entering my OWOH giveaway! Your cards are gorgeous! Please count me in! charmedvictorian@gmail dot com

Best Wishes,

Cindy said...

I love the cat ATC's and I have a hankering to mess around with concrete! You are inspiring! Thanks for stopping by my place! Can't wait for the 18th to find out who wins what from whom!

Carol said...

Your cards are beautiful.
OWOH hugs.
carol H.

Linda M. said...

Hello Mervi, It's nice to meet you.Thanks for visiting my blog. Your prizes are beautiful. have a wonderful time with the OWOH event.

Christina Lytle said...

your cards are beautiful! Thank-you for the chance to win..
OWOH #502

Lorraine said...

lovely cards..I adore those little bags..thanks for explaing what cutter is in Finnish...great giveaway and thanks for visiting my blog..good luck everyone

Carole Burant said...

Hi Mervi, so lovely to meet you! I checked out that link and it is too funny about the name! lol

Please add my name for your giveaway, I would so love to win one of your beautiful cards:-)

Make sure you come by and enter my own giveaway if you haven’t done so already!!

Hugs, PEA from Canada xox

Aimee Jeffries said...

Pretty cards! I love all of your creative adventures. Happy OWOH, nice to meet you :)

the sketching backpacker said...

WONDERFUL blog! Beautiful giveaway!!!!!! Hopefully i can visit Finland one day :-)

PLEASE enter me in the draw. Thank you too for visiting my site :-) Cheers aaaaaall the way from the Philippines :-)



no. 310

Unknown said...

Hi there! So glad you popped over to say hi on my OWOH post. It's nice to meet you. I have never met anyone from Finland. You cards and ATC's are so pretty!


Janine said...

Hallo , nice to meet you.
Thank you for giving us the chance to win your great doorprice.
This is beautiful.
Please count me in.
Please come visit me on my blog too,I join the OWOH- event too.
Regards from Germany and happy OWOH

Healing Woman said...

Greetings from Roanoke, Virgina, U.S.A. I have several friends from Finland and learned a bit about your country. I know that a lot of people there are very artsy and your blog proves it. I love your precious blog prizes. Please enter my name in the drawing and if time permits, please come by for a visit to number 92.

Her Art Nest said...

Nice to meet you, and thank you for dropping by during the OWOH event! I appreciate your sweet comment. I also would like to be included in your drawing. Very pretty cards! Warmest regards, Nancy

Cherry Chick said...

Hi Mervi...thanks so much for stopping by during One World One Heart. I'll be happy to include your name in the pot for my Very Cherry earrings.
Your blog template is just beautiful and your handmade cards are very charming. I really enjoyed a laugh over the Lutka story. Too funny. I hope to see you again.

Elizabeth P said...

I love the things you make with concreate Mervi! I used to make goodies with concreate too many years ago. I loved to use white cement and sand, it turned into a beautiful golden color :)

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

You are very talented! I love the bags that you make! I like sewing, too! Thank you! ♥ I'm # 389 ! Please visit me! ♥

Unknown said...

Beautiful work!

Unknown said...

What a fantastic prize, please count me in your giveaway!

Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog, it's been fun to "meet" you! :-)

Theresa MacNaughton said...

Hi Mervi, thanks for your kind visit with me (#377). Happy OWOH. Your cards are so pretty - I love the designs. Thanks so much and have lots of OWOH fun! Theresa

Janet said...

Mervi your scenery is beautiful and it translates into your work. Nice to meet you.

Janet said...

Mervi your scenery is beautiful and it translates into your work. Nice to meet you.

Anna Circo said...

Terve! I'm a first generation American Finn in southern California. I had to scope out the Finnish craft sites participating in OWOH first. :) Your art is beautiful! Please add me to your hat and I hope to be the lucky winner. See you on your way around the world. I'm #705. Cheers! Anna

Micki said...

I enjoy making cards too with my Cricut. I mostly make art journals, do quilting, and watercolors. I would love to win your wonderful cards!
Please visit me at Irish Muses at

Debra said...

Thank you for visiting my blog -manitobastitches. Your cards are lovely! I am Finnish on my father's side (lots of Finns here in Minnesota) and even tried learning Finnish in college but gave up. It was my great grandparents who came here so everyone who spoke it is gone now. I may try again!

Marit said...

Thanks for stopping by at my blog! I'm still working the OWOH list down (it will take me another week!) and I wasn't at your number yet BUT I pay people who visit me a visit back ofcourse!!! I love your cards, and your scenery is awesome!!! I'm now off to that link, to see what they said about your name... Love from the Netherlands, Marit

marit [at] maritspaperworld [dot] com

Esme said...

Love all the cards especially the Paris kitty card. Have a lovely day.

♥ chocolate and croissants at yahoo . com

nancy said...

greeting from canada

Sparklyjools said...

Hi Mervi,Thank you so much for visiting my blog earlier. Your cards are lovely, and the wonderful Finnish scenery too!

Melanie said...

Greetings from the US! Thank you for that link to "What's in a name"... very funny!

I would love to win one of your cards! They are lovely!

thecreatorspalette at gmail dot com
#14 "Melanie's Journey"

Liz-Anna said...

Hi Mervi,
Thanks for visiting my blog, too! Beautiful cards. My mom (Sirkka) was from Finland.


Elaine Akers said...

Hello from southeastern Massachusetts, USA from a Finnish American although I can't speak or write Finn. I have one Finnish rubber word stamp..SISU.
I have enjoyed your blog and I will be back after OWOH is over. Thanks for the opportunity of winning you giveaway.
Stop and visit my blog #634

JaN's ArTy JouRneY said...

Thanks for flying by my blog.
Nice to meet you!
Loving your blog!
...and how cute are those cards!
Having such fun meeting so many talented creative peeps in Blogland!
Jan (UK)

Stitchety Grub said...

Fabulous Giveaway- love your work :-) - please include me and do come and visit my blog and enter mine too –if you haven’t already – I am #139 – Cheers Britt in Australia :-)

Anonymous said...

Just lovely! Waving hello from NJ

Mom of 3rd Culture Kids said...

hello from Thailand! I like your pots and concrete art work. I hope I could learn how to do that. And please add me in your give away. Your cards are so pretty!

Here's my OWOH post..please click here.. :)

laetriciajaniel (@) gmail (d0t) com

"MOI" Freubel said...

Hi Mervi, thanks for your visit and nice to meet you too !
First I took a few moments to discover your blog and i've browsed a while through your earlier posts.
I must say...I'm glad I did and I was realy impressed !! ( Yes, I take my time :)
It was fascinating to see your talent and please, cherish that !
I also loved your cards "Butterfly kisses" and Blues and greens".
What a Unique work !!
About your giveaway; It would be a present to treasure !!
Kind greetings, Rian from the Netherlands who is trying to write perfect English but never succeeds :)
I wish you a nice weekend Mervi.

Antonella said...

Ciao! I am so happy to meet you today on the wings of OWOH! Thanks for a chance to win one of your wonderful cards!! Glad to meet you as I take my slow journey around the world...
Hugs, ♥ ♥ ♥ Antonella ♥ ♥ ♥
wing stop #153, snowy New Jersey
Please stop by #153 for a chance to win my giveaway!

Lucy Ladham-Dyment said...

Lovely cards. I am #694 on OWOH, check me out.

Priti Lisa said...

Lovely Cards...and a laugh, as I learned a Finnish word 8)

Colleen said...

Thanks for visiting Edge of the Woods Studio blog (New Jersey USA). It's nice to meet you. Your cards are beautiful! This is such fun, traveling around visiting blogs and meeting artists.
OWOH #313


Oh you have such a wonderful blog and great give away! I shall have to keep my fingers crossed! Visit me too #220 needlewings at

spindelmaker said...

Hi Mervi! Nice to meet you and your blog :-) Thanks for visiting me, so I could find you!
Making cards is fun. Do you make your stamps? Oh, and the concrete, that sounds like a lot of fun. I had a friend who used concrete while making jewelry, and I really want to learn that!
Have a great Sunday!

Doreen G said...

Thanks for entering my "door prize"-I love the cards you have made.

Andrea Ostapovitch said...

Great blog! I love the card, and the concrete creations are really nice too. Thank-you for stopping by my blog, and enjoy the rest of OWOH!

Susan said...

Hi Mervi, It's wonderful to meet you and visit your delightful blog. Your atwork is beautiful. I love your cards. Please enter me in your drawing and thank you for stopping by to visit my blog. Warm regards, Susan

Ksenia said...

Wow! Your card are so beautiful!I’d love to be a lucky winner!

Oxana from Moldova
fancyscrap at

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I am totally impressed with your work and your style. I love the card you have chosen for us, too. I'm number 11 and hope you drop by. My contact information is on my profile page.

Unknown said...

Hi Mervi,
Thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you enjoyed your visit.
You make lovely cards here I see.
What a perfect name for a crafter. I read somewhere that my name, Kylie, means boomerang. Not sure how correct that is though.....I like the meaning of your name better.
Good luck with your entry to my giveaway.
Kyles =D

Jo-Ann Dziubek-MacDonald said...

Hello from Canada :-)Your cards are absolutely lovely! So nice to meet you here through OWOH ♥ Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier.


RosA said...

Hi there, Thanks for visiting my blog. Love your beautiful cards!

Keisha said...

Hello from Navada! I love your giveaway! Please count me in! Thank you!!

¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´Keisha

Singtatter said...

Hi, I’m a tatter in Singapore. Lovely cards you did, please include me for the drawing! Thanks for the giveaway!

CathyH said...

Hi Mervi, your cards are so pretty!
Finland looks beautiful!
cathyguitarteacher-01 at

Susan Burgess said...

I love that you do so many medias just like me! The card you are offerring is so pretty! Hugs, and thanks for vsiting my blogger! Wish we could all meet in one big room, Sanna

Laura said...

your doorprize is beautiful!!!..I would love to win it!!
Take care!!

fairyrocks said...

Pleased to meet you. You are a cutter for sure!! Lovely work.
Keep smiling and creating

Just Jenn Designz said...

Beautiful Card!

Please come on over my blog for a visit. I am #78 on the OWOH participant list. *hugs*,

Donna said...

Thank you for for offering this beautiful gift and thank you for the chance to win. Your hard work really shows!

Kim Dellow said...

Lovely work Mervi. So nice to see you and your blog on my journey around OWOH 2011. Enjoy the rest of OWOH. Kim (No. 724)

Isabelle said...

Hello Mervi ! Thanks for visiting my blog. Your cards are so lovely !!!

Caroline said...

Hi Mervi, greetings from a fellow blogger / crafter in the UK.

Thank you for visiting me and for the opportunity to visit your blog, it is nice to meet you.

Your cards are stunning.. love the cat ATC's. Wonderful give-away, I keep my fingers crossed and hope to win :)

Thank you for participating in this amazing journey of happiness.

Sarah said...

Your work and cards are so beautiful! - count me in. Enjoyed your blog - thanks for sharing! Hope you can visit me at 662


LauraO said...

Nice to meet you - thanks for stopping by my blog. I LOVE your cards and your ATCs - so beautifully done! I'm following so I can return again.


Kathy said...

Hi Thank you for visiting my blog.. it's so nice to meet you.. I love your cards.. and your blog is beautiful... thank you for the lovely comments on mine..
# 617

Kim Reid said...

I'd love to enter your beautiful giveaway!
Thanks :)
kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

Greetings from Cornwall, UK. I love your cards, the colour combination is beautiful

Gale said...

Hello from Oregon! Thanks for allowing me to peek around in your blog and join in on your giveaway. Your cards are beautiful. I make cards also.
Please feel free to come to my blog and enter my giveaway also.
:) Gale OWOH #473

Lisa said...

Hi Mervi! You live in a beautiful area. I can see why it inspires beautiful art! Your cards are gorgeous. I hope I win! And thanks for coming by and visiting my blog :)

Mirka said...

Minäkin osallistun, kuinkas muuten!!! :D

s hyler said...

I would love to be included in your wonderful drawing, if you get a chance to stop by my blog is #809

Cherry said...

Yea! So glad to be here. You have an awesome blog! Come check mine out sometime. Thanks for entering me!

Rayna said...

Beautiful! Such an amazing artist!

Rayna - Minnesota
northstarshetlands AT
OWOH blogger #836

M. Estes Zywar said...

Greetings from Massachusetts!
Such lovely cards you make!!
Glad to have found your
blog via OWOH.
Hugs, Mary #787

Digital Misfit said...

Gorgeous cards! All of your work is beautiful.
I LOL'd at the "ugly name" post. That is quite unfortunate :P
Thank you for participating in OWOH 2011. Pop by my blog, #51, if you get a chance.
hugs from ON, Canada

Lucy said...

Gorgeous Cards Sweet Giveaway~Hello from Ontario Canada. Please count me in for your giveaway.

Please visit my OHOW giveaway:

Marilyn said...

Hello from So. California. I've loved looking at all your cards. Particularly love the white embossed card with the blue butterfly. Thanks for visiting my blog. Please enter me in your drawing for one of your beautiful gifts.

donnalouiserodgers said...

Hi Mervi, thank you for coming by my OWOH post, this is my return visit
Doone x

Sandi M said...

Hello Mervi, thanks for visiting my OWOH so that I could find my way to Finland and the beauty of that photo which inspires you :) You have beautiful cards for your giveaways.
Sandi #559

Anonymous said...

Ihania kortteja!
'Minä poljen, sinä ohjaat' kortti olisi ihana lahja koulukaverille syntäriksi tai se se kaunis, jossa suukotkin ovat perhosia !

Eksyin tänne 'Loreal Blondin' blogista ja tulen kyllä toistekin!

DVArtist said...

Hello from the Pacific Northwest USA. You blog is very enjoyable. Please count me in on your giveaway.

Sophie said...

Hello Mervi,
Your cards are so pretty. And the cat ATCs at the top would have looked good in my collection (too bad they are not the prize!)
Thank you for visiting my blog.

jacque4u2c said...

Greetings from Louisville, KY - USA
Nice to meet you and visit your blog.
Winning your give away would be awesome!
Thanks for including me in your drawing..Come visit me, I am playing too.

Wanda Maria said...

Hello from beautiful NW Arkansas! It's nice meeting you! Please enter me in your fantastic giveaway and be sure to enter mine, too (if you haven't already.) #215 on the list.

Warmest Regards,

Wanda Eash
Two Crafty Mules

Wendy said...

These are beautiful cards. Thanks for visiting my blog.

Jo said...

So Nice to meet you and your very very pretty blog! Thanks so much for visiting my blog ... adn I would love to win one of your cards, they are beautiful...

Chris Hansen said...

Hi Mervi - what a lovely blog you have, and what wonderful artwork you create! Thank you for stopping by my blog and introducing yourself - I hope you're enjoying OWOH as much as I am!

xoxo, chris
OWOH #704

bigM said...

kiva mervi, kun poikkesit! sulla on täällä paljon kaikenlaista kaunista. olet tosi taitava;) jätän nyt arvonnat väliin ja ihastelen näitä upeita juttujasi...

Villa-loredana said...

Nice t meet you, the works show me, that we ae both in with sewing etc. If you come to the soutwest of Istria , you will find Peroj, come to take a really coffee. Count me in for the nice door prize. Loredana.
P.S. Thanks for passing by. Loredana

Barbara said...

Hi, I love your blog and the fact that it is translated for me is great. You make lovely things, cards or lovely things from concrete. I would love to win the card. Thanks for stopping by my blog Blossoms Bloomers and comment on my bracelet.

Redeker said...

Hi, I do visit a finnis blog sometimes and i'm so surprise about the language, the story you put is great! -about the name- Finland seems to be a great country, i did not go that far north yet, may be one day after seeing the photo's here and at other blogs. it looks like so much nature!!
I like your crafting and i also have put my name at your valentine action!
love Susanna

Threads of Inspiration said...

Hi Marvi, you have a beautiful blog! I love the photo of your local landscape, such inspiration. Thank you for the opportunity to win your beautiful cards!

Downunderdale said...

thank s so much for visiting my blog - what wonderful work you have here

M. Estes Zywar said...

Greetings Mervi;
Thank you so much for stopping by my Limelightartworksblog.
Love your cards!
Please count me in!
Hugs, Mary #787

Sädehelmi said...

Wau, ensimmäistä kertaa vierailemassa, ihania juttuja!

writergirldreams said...

Thank you for finding me and commenting on my blog. Your cards are beautiful, wow. Greetings to you from California! wgd

Jobi said...

Hello - it's so nice to meet you. Your cards are beautiful! Thanks for visiting my site, too.

peggy aplSEEDS said...

hello! thank you very much for the chance to win your giveaway. you make lovely cards. if you haven't yet, i hope you can drop by my blog at (#544) and join my OWOH giveaway. hugs and blessings!

Angie said...

Hi Mervi. Thank you for welcoming me to your blog. I really enjoyed visiting and viewing your lovely cards.

Please feel free to visit me and enter my giveaway also. Just click on my blog link, or I'm #625. Happy OWOH to you!

Flowermouse Design ❀ Lone said...

Hi Mervi!! Nice to meet you and to see your lovely work. So many different projects - very exciting!!

Thank you for your visit to my blog and for your comment. I would love to win your giveaway (my email is in my profile)!!! Please count me in.

Greetings from Norway!!!

Marianna said...

Thanks for visiting my blog and inviting me over. Your card is lovely.

Unknown said...

Those cards are stunning.

Thank you for visiting my blog, it's been fun returning the visit.

Unknown said...

Beautiful giveaway! Please enter my name.Hope you will drop by my blog too!

Robin said...

So nice to meet you during OWOH. Thanks for stopping by my blog and entering my giveaway. Your giveaway is wonderful and I would love to be entered in your drawing.


Anne said...

Love your cards!!!! It was so nice to stay awhile and enjoy a coffee with you. If you get the chance I would love you to visit me downunder (Australia) so I can return the favour. #819

stampgram said...

Hello from Cody, Wyoming, USA. I enjoyed visiting your blog and getting to know a bit about you. What a fun blog you have - and so many things to see. Thanks for participating in OWOH - isn't this fun! Please enter me in your drawing.
( stampgram AT yahoo DOT com )
If you haven't done so yet, please stop by and enter these giveaways too.
# 385
# 132

Created BY You said...

What lovely cards and handmade items! I love the colors and textures! Thanks for stopping by my paper crafting blog for the OWOH tour giveaway!
Sharon F

Sean said...

From the Florida Gulf Coast
I am entering for my daughter Melanie, she had wanted to participate in this year's event, but a fire changed her plans... I thought I would surprise her and do this for her..
Visit the site I set up for her on my blog #579.. and enter her name in the contest, thank You


Mandy said...

hi there...thanks for popping by my blog....put me in your giveaway,,,lovely!!...

My name is Cindy said...

Cool giveaway! Thanks for dropping in to see me, Cindy #487

Helen Campbell said...

Hi mervi, so nice to meet you! I've enjoyed browsing your blog, thanks for stopping by mine! Cheers!
Helen #769

mitz said...

.. this is ** card-tastic ** beautiful.. thanks for the opportunity

Anonymous said...

Thanks for dropping by my blogs during the OWOH 2011 hop! Hope you’ve had a fabulous experience! It’s a pleasure meeting you! Keep art alive!

~Spike (#22) (#24)

spikelikeart at gmail dot com

lissa said...

interesting about names and in different languages, I am certain that what means something bad doesn't necessary means something bad in some other parts of the world

anyway, hello from New York. thanks for your visit. I hope your days are sweet and fill with happiness.

Gail said...

haha That was funny. I hope my name doesn't mean anything like that ANYWHERE! Love your cards. Hope you stop by my blog to enter my drawing if you haven't already. Love these cards and would love to see them in person :)

Monique Kleinhans said...

What beautiful cards you make! I can't wait to see what other creations you have done (although that might have to wait until after OWOH...I'm not even half way through the list of blogs to visit! :)

Hope you get the chance to come and visit me as well:

Anonymous said...

Hello, Mervi
You look like you are one very creative lady. I am like that too. I begin something and it is hard to finish it!
I am in Cloth and Clay doll ning...another passion of mine where dolls are made out of cloth with a Creative paper clay overlay (or even Celluclay)on the head, torso, hands and feet and then painted and dresses.
Teresa in California

Michelle said...

Hey Mervi, It's lovely to meet you and to visit with you here in blogland. I love those Cat ATCs! These cards are great that you have for your giveaway. Thank you so much for visiting with me and commenting on my OWOH post. ~Michelle, #598

Birgit said...

Hi Mervi,

Thanks for the chance to win one of your elegant and pretty cards. :)

Greetings from Germany,
# 66

Suz said...

Thanks so much for visiting my blog! This is really a lot of fun and I love meeting people from other countries. Please add us to your drawing. Your cards are very lovely!


E Makes Art said...

Thank you for stopping by for OWOH! Your cards are lovely! I hope you are enjoying hopping around the world!


Jen xo said...

nice to meet you. i love collecting atcs and thanks for stopping by my blog too...

JoAnne said...

Hello Mervi,
What a lovely blog you have! I love your cards , and those cat atc's are adorable.
Happy OWOH!

Anonymous said...

Your work is very beautiful. you are multi-talented! I love that your last name is Cutter, that's great. cottage6studio(at)yahoo(dot)com

Barbara Rosenzweig said...

So glad that you enjoyed my blue hydrangea flower. Thanks for visiting my blog!
Your blog is wonderful and I will return to spend more time.

Tammy Freiborg said...

I make and collect ATCs too and also love playing with sewing. I also like butterfly kisses. #875

Barbara Olivo Cagle said...

Hi Mervi, I would love to win your beautifully handcrafted art cards. How sweet! Please visit my blog, too. I am the author of "16 x MOM: A Mastery of Motherhood." I am giving away my book and a couple of laminated 4 leaf clovers.

Carolyn or Connee said...

Lovely blog and lovely note cards.Carolyn Kight Michigan USA
My blogs in OWOH

another email (I like this one the best.)

Deedra said...

These are lovely!! Please count me in!

Leslie A. Hawkins said...

Lovely art, Loving this OWOH and meeting everyone. Come by for a visit Leslie

HeARTworks said...

Greetings from the Philippines! Your cards are beautiful- I love the wonderful combination of different patterns and colors! Patsy.paterno (at) from

cbee said...

Thank you for stopping by my blog! I would so much love to win your gorgeous giveaway!!
Hugs, Caro

michelle said...

Hi There so nice to meet you ! your cards are so pretty would love to win one of them ! thanks for stopping in on me

take care

Jamie Lott said...

Your work and your blog are lovely! I'm so glad you stopped by to visit with me. It is very nice to meet you. Will be back for a visit again soon.


Anonymous said...

I couldn't figure out how to leave a comment on the candy but here I am! :D The cards are lovely! :)