Hei mukavaa viikonloppua, kynttilöitä sytytetään, hämäränhyssyä vietetään.
Kolme korttia samalla Penny Black'in uudella leimasimella, väritetty Gelatos & vesisiveltimellä.
Hi. Happy Friday! And Halloween if you are celebrating it. We have a little quieter fest, remembering those who has past and light candles for their memories.
Three cards with new Penny Black Christmas Stamp " festive florals 40-352". Coloured with Gelatos and water, white chalk pen. Tradiotionel colours red, green and white, which is your favourite?!
Divas by Design
Fab'n Funky
Simon says Stamp
Through the Craftroom Door
Thank you;-))m
Friday, October 31, 2014
Jouluiset lehvät
2014 Joulu/Christmas,

Thursday, October 30, 2014
Syksyn siilet
Hei, yksitasokortti eli keep it simple, paljon pohjaa näkyvissä. Penny leima embossattuna ja tusseilla väritettynä, reunus vapaalla kädellä.
Simple cas card for autumn couple. Penny Black's hedgehogs stamped and embossed as the pretty text. My own doodling with free hand. Colouring with ProMarkers.
Addicted to Stamps and More
CAS on Sunday
Penny's Paper-Crafty
Scrappers' Delights
Sisterhood of Crafters
Simon Says Stamp
The Paper Nest Dolls Challenge
Thank you;-))m
Simple cas card for autumn couple. Penny Black's hedgehogs stamped and embossed as the pretty text. My own doodling with free hand. Colouring with ProMarkers.
Addicted to Stamps and More
CAS on Sunday
Penny's Paper-Crafty
Scrappers' Delights
Sisterhood of Crafters
Simon Says Stamp
The Paper Nest Dolls Challenge
Thank you;-))m

Wednesday, October 29, 2014
12 cards!
Hei, vihdoinkin vähän valoisampaa. Sain kuvattua viikonlopun korttisatsini.
Tässä sarja joulumaisemaa, kylmä- ja lämpökohotettuna erilaisilla koristeilla.
Hi, finally some sun today, so I could take photos from the cards I made at the weekend.
Here's 12 with Crafty Individuals stamp, cold and heat embossing, little different embellishments.
Alareunassa on joulutervehdys embossattuna, ei vaan näykään kuvassa.
There's " Merry Christmas" embossed on the lower edge. Marianne Design poinsettia and Penny Black's snowflakes.
Ja nyt äkkiä värittämään muutama kuva, kun on valoa, sitten vesijumppaan!
My water gym starts today after autumn holiday, a little time to color some images before it;-))m
Tässä sarja joulumaisemaa, kylmä- ja lämpökohotettuna erilaisilla koristeilla.
Hi, finally some sun today, so I could take photos from the cards I made at the weekend.
Here's 12 with Crafty Individuals stamp, cold and heat embossing, little different embellishments.
Alareunassa on joulutervehdys embossattuna, ei vaan näykään kuvassa.
There's " Merry Christmas" embossed on the lower edge. Marianne Design poinsettia and Penny Black's snowflakes.
Ja nyt äkkiä värittämään muutama kuva, kun on valoa, sitten vesijumppaan!
My water gym starts today after autumn holiday, a little time to color some images before it;-))m
2014 Joulu/Christmas

Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Vintage Christmas
Hei, tervetuloa Craft-Room haasteen pariin! Kiitokset viime haasteeseen osallistujille. Nyt kaksiviikkoinen aihe on "vintage joulu". Tässä kolme mallikorttia!
-Hi! Welcome, at Craft-Room Challenge.
Thank you for your entries last week. Now our theme is " Vintage Christmas ! This is my cup of tea!
Here's three samples with vintage images and papers, die cuts, lace and twine. I made my own background for the two first cards with Gelli plate and acrylic paints. Some embossing or paint on the embellishments. Little recycling too, a little piece of inside paper from chocolade box on the right of the girl image.
Papers Pion Design. Merry Christmas is Penny Black's stamp. Diecuts: Penny Black, Memory box and Spellbinders.
It's all about the Vintage
Please head over to Craft-Room Challenge for all the details of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.
-Hi! Welcome, at Craft-Room Challenge.
Thank you for your entries last week. Now our theme is " Vintage Christmas ! This is my cup of tea!
Here's three samples with vintage images and papers, die cuts, lace and twine. I made my own background for the two first cards with Gelli plate and acrylic paints. Some embossing or paint on the embellishments. Little recycling too, a little piece of inside paper from chocolade box on the right of the girl image.
Papers Pion Design. Merry Christmas is Penny Black's stamp. Diecuts: Penny Black, Memory box and Spellbinders.
It's all about the Vintage
Please head over to Craft-Room Challenge for all the details of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.
2014 Joulu/Christmas,
Craft-Room Challenge DT,

Monday, October 27, 2014
Hei, uusi viikko ja uudet kortit. Sateinen ja sumuinen viikonloppu, tulipa aherrettua yli 30 korttia - suurin osa joulua. Tänään on sitten siivottu suurimmat sotkut, mutta kiirettä pajalla riittää.
Tässä Heinolassa askarreltu pöllökortti isälle.
Hi, I had a busy weekend making cards, my task was 50 cards, but made "just" over 30, mostly Christmas cards. Not a peek outside, it was so windy and foggy and rainy days. Today I had to go to the city for some shopping and filled the fuel tank for tomorrow's little trip!!! And had to vacuum the hole house, you know the little scraps that spreads all over.
Today's card is a simple one for DAD! Stampendous owl, just embossed, not coloured.
Crafting When We Can
Tässä Heinolassa askarreltu pöllökortti isälle.
Hi, I had a busy weekend making cards, my task was 50 cards, but made "just" over 30, mostly Christmas cards. Not a peek outside, it was so windy and foggy and rainy days. Today I had to go to the city for some shopping and filled the fuel tank for tomorrow's little trip!!! And had to vacuum the hole house, you know the little scraps that spreads all over.
Today's card is a simple one for DAD! Stampendous owl, just embossed, not coloured.
Crafting When We Can
2014 kortit

Candy Giveaway Winner
Heippa ja kiitokset osallistumisesta Penny Black and More haasteen ja Penny Black Inc'in kanssa järjestämiin karkkikepposiin! Minun tarjoamaani palkintoa tavoitteli 53 kisaajaa ja kolmas random arvonta osui oikein osallistuneelle eli tarkkaan ohjeet lukeneelle.
Hello and welcome my new followers! Thank you for your entries to my Candy Giveaway with Penny Black and More Challenge and Penny Black Inc.
The prize offered by me was drawn with random org. from all the entries and the third one had read the rules!
Voittaja on.... Winner is.... nro 17 ja sieltä löytyy...she is...
Paljon onnea! Congrats!
Hello and welcome my new followers! Thank you for your entries to my Candy Giveaway with Penny Black and More Challenge and Penny Black Inc.
The prize offered by me was drawn with random org. from all the entries and the third one had read the rules!
Voittaja on.... Winner is.... nro 17 ja sieltä löytyy...she is...
- Tirpuunen said...
Voi veljet, tämän palkinnon kun saisi, mulla on jo tuo leimasin vaan ei
stanssia. =) Korttisi on jälleen kerran upea, oikea taidonnäyte!
Paljon onnea! Congrats!

Sunday, October 26, 2014
Punaiset joulutähdet
Hei, tässä pari punaista joulutähtikorttia. Pohja Dylusions suihkeilla, leimattu Stampendous leimasimella ja Distress Ink eri väreillä ja kohotettu. Keskiosat tarroilla ja vielä Mariannen joutähti.
Hi, two poinsettia cards. Background sparyed with Dylusions. Stampendous: " cling poinsettia background" stamped with Distress Inks colours and embossed clear 3 d foams and Marianne Design die cut poinsettia.
Divas by Design
Hiding in my Craft-room
Red Rubber Inspirations
Thank you;-))m
Hi, two poinsettia cards. Background sparyed with Dylusions. Stampendous: " cling poinsettia background" stamped with Distress Inks colours and embossed clear 3 d foams and Marianne Design die cut poinsettia.
Divas by Design
Hiding in my Craft-room
Red Rubber Inspirations
Thank you;-))m
2014 Joulu/Christmas

Saturday, October 25, 2014
Bunny and Snow Buddies
Hauskaa lauantaita, tervetuloa viikon Allsorts haasteen pariin! Kuukauden päästä ollaan jo joulun paremmalla puolella! Viikon haaste on "joulu". Tein kaksi mallikorttia sponsorin Cuddly Buddly'n digikuvilla, voittoina on ihan oikeita leimasimia!
Hi; Happy Saturday, it's time for a new Allsorts Challenge! It's a month to Christmas and DT Brenda's theme goes: "Just Christmas". I made two cards with our sponsor Cuddly Buddly's digi-images. As prize we have some real stamps!
Card 1: Image: Lilyboo Bunny Christmas
Colouring with ProMarkers, diecut Spellbinders, paper pearly pink cardstock; Pion Design.
"ball" ribbons, broad white lace, gems.
Crafting by Designs
Digi Stamps 4 Joy
Inky Chicks
Card 2: Image: Snow Buddies
Colouring with ProMarkers; Sakura white 850; frame Lea'abilities,pearly cardstock, papers Maja Design, white and blue organza ribbon and bows.
Crafty Bloggers Network
Little Claire's
Really Reasonable Ribbon
Sweet Stamping Christmas
Please head over to Allsorts Challenge for all the details and prizes of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.
Hi; Happy Saturday, it's time for a new Allsorts Challenge! It's a month to Christmas and DT Brenda's theme goes: "Just Christmas". I made two cards with our sponsor Cuddly Buddly's digi-images. As prize we have some real stamps!
Card 1: Image: Lilyboo Bunny Christmas
Colouring with ProMarkers, diecut Spellbinders, paper pearly pink cardstock; Pion Design.
"ball" ribbons, broad white lace, gems.
Crafting by Designs
Digi Stamps 4 Joy
Inky Chicks
Card 2: Image: Snow Buddies
Colouring with ProMarkers; Sakura white 850; frame Lea'abilities,pearly cardstock, papers Maja Design, white and blue organza ribbon and bows.
Crafty Bloggers Network
Little Claire's
Really Reasonable Ribbon
Sweet Stamping Christmas
Please head over to Allsorts Challenge for all the details and prizes of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.
2014 Joulu/Christmas,
Allsorts DT

Friday, October 24, 2014
Autumn colours
Hei, mukavaa perjantaita. Syksyn ja halloween- värejä koottu näihin kahteen korttiin.
Vielä pari päivää aikaa osallistua karkkiin!
Hi, happy Friday, two cards with autumn and halloween colours - I don't do halloween cards!
Card 1: Black cardstock, a scrap of "halloween paper". Background done with brayer and Kaleidacolor rainbow (cappuccino delight). Stamp is Penny Black's "winter ledge". Spellbinders leaves and button, text "a hello for you".
CCEE Stampers
Creative Knockouts
C.R.A.F.T. Challenges
Penny Black Saturday
Card 2: Background done with Dylusions sprays, corrugated golden paper.Image stamped with Distress inks and clear embossing, dots ribbon and SP leaves.
Cards and More
Just Inspirational
Stampin' Royalty
Sweet Stamps
Remember to enter Candy giweaway event, still two days!!!
Vielä pari päivää aikaa osallistua karkkiin!
Hi, happy Friday, two cards with autumn and halloween colours - I don't do halloween cards!
Card 1: Black cardstock, a scrap of "halloween paper". Background done with brayer and Kaleidacolor rainbow (cappuccino delight). Stamp is Penny Black's "winter ledge". Spellbinders leaves and button, text "a hello for you".
CCEE Stampers
Creative Knockouts
C.R.A.F.T. Challenges
Penny Black Saturday
Card 2: Background done with Dylusions sprays, corrugated golden paper.Image stamped with Distress inks and clear embossing, dots ribbon and SP leaves.
Cards and More
Just Inspirational
Stampin' Royalty
Sweet Stamps
Remember to enter Candy giweaway event, still two days!!!
2014 kortit

Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Pitkä joulukortti
Heips! Korttitalkoiden yhtenä haasteena pitkään korttiin luonnos ja puiset koristeet. Jouluvintagea syntyi! Kehykset ja teksti käsitelty Inka Gold'illa.
P*skarteluhaasteeseen: cabinet- koko!
Hi, Christmas vintage card in cabinet size. Wooden frame and text treated with Inka-Gold
P*skarteluhaasteeseen: cabinet- koko!
Hi, Christmas vintage card in cabinet size. Wooden frame and text treated with Inka-Gold
2014 Joulu/Christmas

Candy giveaway event with Penny Black's
Rullaa alas uudempiin postauksiin. Sticky post, roll down for the newer ones!
Otapa kupponen, pitkä postaus. Take a cuppa, cause this is a long posting!
A very warm welcome to our special October prize candy event. Please read the original text in english here at the Penny Black and More Challenge.

Suomennan lyhyesti englannista (kysy lisää, jos et ymmärtänyt):
Tuon ensimmäisen kuvan huikean Penny Black- palkintopaketin ja muiden palkintojen (katso blogi) arvontaan pääset seuraavasti:
- liity seuraajaksi Penny Black and More haasteblogiin
- lisää ensimmäinen logo blogiisi ja linkitä se Penny Black and More haasteblogiin
- rekisteröidy ilmaiseksi Penny Black Club'iin - saat aina ensimmäisenä tietoa uutuuksista
ja kivoja vinkkejä ja paljon muuta.
- jätä kommenttisi Penny Black and More haasteblogin ko postaukseen.
Voittajat arvotaan nimien joukosta!
Bonus palkinto Penny Black on Facebook here .
Käy myös tykkäämässä ja kommentoimassa ( voit myös jakaa!) Facebookissa Penny Black'in sivuilla. Tämä palkinto jaetaan siellä:

Samalla muistutan lokakuun haasteesta, "joulunvalmisteluja". Tässä toinen DT-korttini:
Reminding you about our October theme " Get ahead for Christmas". Here's my second DT card:
Stamp: Penny Black "winter pine 40-348" Colouring with Gelatos and water. Leafy diecut Penny Black's "holly berries 51-019". Pointsettia Marianne Design's, Happy Christmas papers.
And that's not all!
Eikä tässä vielä kaikki! Penny Black and More Design Tiimin jäsenten blogeista löytyy lisää palkintoja! Siis tuosta listaa läpi ja osallistu kaikkiin arvointoihin. Alla näet kuvan minun tarjoamasta palkinnosta, kommentoi ja voittaja valitaan kaikkien osallistujien kesken. Voit myös kirjautua lukijakseni!
Penny Black Clear Stampset, stencil and some stamped images. I'll post worlwide.
Palkintoni: PB leimasinsetti, sabluuna ja muutama leimattu kuva.
Onnea kaikille ja mukava kun tulet mukaan hauskanpitoon;-))m
Follow me here too > Seuraa blogiani Bloglovinin avulla
Follow me here too > Seuraa blogiani Bloglovinin avulla
Penny Black at Allsorts Challenge DT

Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Omatekoinen tausta
Heips! Viikko sitten alkoi toistaiseksi viimeinen haasteeni Craft-Room'ssa, aiheena itsetehty tausta. Vielä ehditte mukaan. Tässä toinen versio mallikortistani, se toinen puoli! (Eka täällä)
Hello, here's my second Dt sample for Craft-Room Challenge " Make your own backround". You still got one week to entry! My first card is here. This is the negative side, little darker colours.
Supplies: Tando Creative's stencil and Distress Spray Stains, Distress Inks, stamp Tim Holtz; Penny Black's die cut, lace, twine and a little star cut.
Addicted to Stamps
recycle (old lace), image, diecut: Craft your Passion
Love to Create
Merry Monday Christmas Challenge
Simon Says Stamp and Show
Thank you;-))m
Hello, here's my second Dt sample for Craft-Room Challenge " Make your own backround". You still got one week to entry! My first card is here. This is the negative side, little darker colours.
Supplies: Tando Creative's stencil and Distress Spray Stains, Distress Inks, stamp Tim Holtz; Penny Black's die cut, lace, twine and a little star cut.
Addicted to Stamps
recycle (old lace), image, diecut: Craft your Passion
Love to Create
Merry Monday Christmas Challenge
Simon Says Stamp and Show
Thank you;-))m
2014 Joulu/Christmas,
Craft-Room Challenge DT

Monday, October 20, 2014
Hei, mukavaa viikonalkua. Kuvassa lauantain aamu-usvaa järvellä.
Hi, happy Monday. First a photo which I took on Saturday morning
Unisieppari-kortti on tehty jo Eurajoen talkoissa syyskuussa. Haaste oli käyttää saatu koristelumateriaali, kuva digileima, väritetty ProMarkereilla. Paperit Pion Design.
Dreamcatcher card, digi-image coloured with ProMarkers, papers Pion Design.
flowers, sentiment,blue: Crafty Calendar
That Craft Place
Thank you;-))m
Hi, happy Monday. First a photo which I took on Saturday morning
Unisieppari-kortti on tehty jo Eurajoen talkoissa syyskuussa. Haaste oli käyttää saatu koristelumateriaali, kuva digileima, väritetty ProMarkereilla. Paperit Pion Design.
Dreamcatcher card, digi-image coloured with ProMarkers, papers Pion Design.
flowers, sentiment,blue: Crafty Calendar
That Craft Place
Thank you;-))m
2014 kortit,

Sunday, October 19, 2014
Hei, niin ne ilmat vaihtelee, lauantaina oli niin mahtavan kaunis syyssää. Sain vihdoin kaikki kukkaruukut tyhjennettyä ja vielä tarkeni pestä ne järvessä. Tänään onkin sitten tuullut ja satanut suoraan järveltä, niin märkää. Mutta askarteluhuoneella sain tehtyä n. 20 muistikirjaa ja illalla vielä väänsin sytykeruusuja.
Hi, spending weekend at the cottage, yesterday was so beautiful and sunny autumn day. I've got my garden ready for the winter. Even washed the pots in the lake, the water wasn't cold at all. Today it
has rained the day. But I've been busy in my studio, made about 20 Bia- booklets for Christmas sale.
But no cards! Like a holiday!
Hi, spending weekend at the cottage, yesterday was so beautiful and sunny autumn day. I've got my garden ready for the winter. Even washed the pots in the lake, the water wasn't cold at all. Today it
has rained the day. But I've been busy in my studio, made about 20 Bia- booklets for Christmas sale.
But no cards! Like a holiday!
2014 Joulu/Christmas,

Saturday, October 18, 2014
Hauskaa lauantaita, tervetuloa viikon Allsorts haasteen pariin! " Kohotusta/ embossausta" kuivana tai märkänä on viikon tekniikkahaaste. Muistutan samalla sisarhaasteemme Penny Black and More lokakuun joulukortti-aiheesta - ja olethan jo osallistunut Karkkitapahtumaamme, minun palkintoni löydät täältä! DT korttini on kohotettu hopeajauheella.
Hi; Happy Saturday, it's time for a new Allsorts Challenge! Our technique theme comes from DT Helene: "embossing" dry or wet - or both. Reminding you also about our sister Challenge Penny Black and More October's Christmas theme and Candy Giveaway Event. You'll find my candy here!
Allsorts Dt- card: Stamp Penny Black winterpine (40-348); Distress Embossing ink; Ranger Embossing powder silver; heat gun. Cut off and mounted with 3d foam. Background stamp Penny Black paisley (2 times). Silver ribbon and cardstock: white cardstock size 5"x7".
Anything Goes with a Twist
Christmas Stampin' All Year Long
STAMPlorations Challenge Blog
Please head over to Allsorts Challenge for all the details and prizes of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.
Hi; Happy Saturday, it's time for a new Allsorts Challenge! Our technique theme comes from DT Helene: "embossing" dry or wet - or both. Reminding you also about our sister Challenge Penny Black and More October's Christmas theme and Candy Giveaway Event. You'll find my candy here!
Allsorts Dt- card: Stamp Penny Black winterpine (40-348); Distress Embossing ink; Ranger Embossing powder silver; heat gun. Cut off and mounted with 3d foam. Background stamp Penny Black paisley (2 times). Silver ribbon and cardstock: white cardstock size 5"x7".
Anything Goes with a Twist
Christmas Stampin' All Year Long
STAMPlorations Challenge Blog
Please head over to Allsorts Challenge for all the details and prizes of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.
2014 Joulu/Christmas,
Allsorts DT,

Thursday, October 16, 2014
Pink Ladies
Hei, lokakuun pinkki kortti tulee tässä! Pink October's card!
P*skarteluhaasteessa haetaan paljetteja, no huh ! Ajattelin ensin jättää väliin, mutta sitten muistin tuon kukan, jonka ostin vahingossa, tädää! Kuparilankaa, paljetteja ja helmiä, yksi kukka maksoi 2 e, että tulee kortille hintaa...
Blogissani on muuten karkkia tarjolla ja linkki, mistä sitä löytyy vielä enemmän!
Leima/Stamp: Flonz; Versafine black, väritön/clear embossing; ProMarkers
Papers: Authentique, Heartfelt Creations ( stithced/ ompelua); helmiäiskartonki, pearly cardstock
Kukka/Flower: Maya Road; diecut/ leike: Memory Box; Reunaleikkuri/Punch: Martha Stewart
Nauha/ribbon; Pitsi/Lace
The challenge for this card was to use "sequins". I had this flower made from sequins and pearls -
I make mistake shopping sometimes! But now it found it's place;-))m
Follow me with- Seuraa blogiani Bloglovinin avulla.
P*skarteluhaasteessa haetaan paljetteja, no huh ! Ajattelin ensin jättää väliin, mutta sitten muistin tuon kukan, jonka ostin vahingossa, tädää! Kuparilankaa, paljetteja ja helmiä, yksi kukka maksoi 2 e, että tulee kortille hintaa...
Blogissani on muuten karkkia tarjolla ja linkki, mistä sitä löytyy vielä enemmän!
Leima/Stamp: Flonz; Versafine black, väritön/clear embossing; ProMarkers
Papers: Authentique, Heartfelt Creations ( stithced/ ompelua); helmiäiskartonki, pearly cardstock
Kukka/Flower: Maya Road; diecut/ leike: Memory Box; Reunaleikkuri/Punch: Martha Stewart
Nauha/ribbon; Pitsi/Lace
The challenge for this card was to use "sequins". I had this flower made from sequins and pearls -
I make mistake shopping sometimes! But now it found it's place;-))m
Follow me with- Seuraa blogiani Bloglovinin avulla.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Make your Own Background
Hei, tervetuloa Craft-Room haasteen pariin! Minä häärin emäntänä parin viikon ajan. Teemani on "itsetehty tausta" eli nyt valmiit paperit takaisin ja embossaamaan, leimaamaan, leikkaamaan, mitä vaan. Minä käytin pohjassa joulupallosabluunaa, Distress Spray Stain & Ink värejä.
-Hi! Welcome, at Craft-Room Challenge.
I'm your hostess this fortnight and chose the theme " Make your Own Background". So put the designer papers away - and let's stamp, emboss or whatever you like to create something your own - and let us see it too.
Here's how I started! Tando Creative's stencil and Distress Spray Stains ( antique linen and Vintage photo), paper is Canson Imagine, you can see the positive and negative versions.
Stamp: Tim Holtz; Mediums: Archival Ink, clear embossing, Distress Inks;
Diecuts: swirly flourish Crafts-Too, brown cardstock embossed (dabber) and clear Utee;
snowflakes Penny Black's new dies, cut off the sprayed paper. Text also PB's.
Artistic Inspirations
Crafty Bloggers Network
Red Rubber Inspirations
O...Ornament: Simon Says Stamp and Show
Please head over to Craft-Room Challenge for all the details of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates. Thank you;-))m
Follow me - Seuraa blogiani Bloglovinin avulla
-Hi! Welcome, at Craft-Room Challenge.
I'm your hostess this fortnight and chose the theme " Make your Own Background". So put the designer papers away - and let's stamp, emboss or whatever you like to create something your own - and let us see it too.
Here's how I started! Tando Creative's stencil and Distress Spray Stains ( antique linen and Vintage photo), paper is Canson Imagine, you can see the positive and negative versions.
Stamp: Tim Holtz; Mediums: Archival Ink, clear embossing, Distress Inks;
Diecuts: swirly flourish Crafts-Too, brown cardstock embossed (dabber) and clear Utee;
snowflakes Penny Black's new dies, cut off the sprayed paper. Text also PB's.
Artistic Inspirations
Crafty Bloggers Network
Red Rubber Inspirations
O...Ornament: Simon Says Stamp and Show
Please head over to Craft-Room Challenge for all the details of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates. Thank you;-))m
Follow me - Seuraa blogiani Bloglovinin avulla
2014 Joulu/Christmas,
Craft-Room Challenge DT

Saturday, October 11, 2014
Kermaa ja ruskeaa
Hauskaa lauantaita, tänään askarrellaan Heinolassa, SannaS' treffeillä.
Tervetuloa viikon Allsorts haasteen pariin! " Kermaa ja ruskeaa" värihaasteella heitetään nyt, ottakaa koppi. Tein malliksi syksyisen onnittelukortin.
Hi; Happy Saturday, really happy, because I'm in the crafter's meeting!
It's time for a new Allsorts Challenge! DT Jo's theme is colours " Cream and Brown".
Stamped image from my stash (don't remember whose!), coloured with ProMarkers.
Papers are Basic Grey, brown lace, flowers in brown and cream shades, pearls.
Please head over to Allsorts Challenge for all the details and prizes of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.
Crafty Girls
Frilly and Funkie
I love ProMarkers
Little Miss Muffet
Paper Shelter
Papertake Weekly
Southern Girls
The Crazy Challenge
Thank you;-))m
Tervetuloa viikon Allsorts haasteen pariin! " Kermaa ja ruskeaa" värihaasteella heitetään nyt, ottakaa koppi. Tein malliksi syksyisen onnittelukortin.
Hi; Happy Saturday, really happy, because I'm in the crafter's meeting!
It's time for a new Allsorts Challenge! DT Jo's theme is colours " Cream and Brown".
Stamped image from my stash (don't remember whose!), coloured with ProMarkers.
Papers are Basic Grey, brown lace, flowers in brown and cream shades, pearls.
Please head over to Allsorts Challenge for all the details and prizes of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.
Crafty Girls
Frilly and Funkie
I love ProMarkers
Little Miss Muffet
Paper Shelter
Papertake Weekly
Southern Girls
The Crazy Challenge
Thank you;-))m
Allsorts DT

Friday, October 10, 2014
Joulukuusia katsellaan
Hei, nalle on jo hakenut kuusen, me olemme vasta katselleet sopivia kävelylenkin varrelta.
Kaksi korttia, sama kuva ja paperikko.
Perjantaipingu löytyy lopusta! Hauskaa viikonloppua!
Hi, this cute bear has already found a tree, and again I have used all pieces of two sided paper!
One card in green and another in grey shades.
Image: Di's Digis; colouring with ProMarkers, papers from My Mind's Eye "remarkable", snowflake die cut Simon's. Twine and snowflake charms.
1. card : A Random Fan Challenge
Scrappers' Delights
Aud Sentiments Challenge
Deep Ocean Challenge
grey green, tea green, pressed leef : Passion For Promarkers Challenge
2. card: Crafty Hazelnuts Christmas Challenge Extra
Crafty Hazelnut's Patterned Paper
Crafty Sentiment Designs
Digi Choosday Challenge
Doodle Pantry
Papertake Weekly
Happy weekend! Thank you;-))m
Kaksi korttia, sama kuva ja paperikko.
Perjantaipingu löytyy lopusta! Hauskaa viikonloppua!
Hi, this cute bear has already found a tree, and again I have used all pieces of two sided paper!
One card in green and another in grey shades.
Image: Di's Digis; colouring with ProMarkers, papers from My Mind's Eye "remarkable", snowflake die cut Simon's. Twine and snowflake charms.
1. card : A Random Fan Challenge
Scrappers' Delights
Aud Sentiments Challenge
Deep Ocean Challenge
grey green, tea green, pressed leef : Passion For Promarkers Challenge
2. card: Crafty Hazelnuts Christmas Challenge Extra
Crafty Hazelnut's Patterned Paper
Crafty Sentiment Designs
Digi Choosday Challenge
Doodle Pantry
Papertake Weekly
Happy weekend! Thank you;-))m
2014 Joulu/Christmas,

Thursday, October 09, 2014
Hei, kortti sinisen ystävälle, upeat Pion'in paperit, pitsiä, tylliä ja pieniä kukkia.
It's all about vintage and beauty- bingohaasteeseen: valkoinen(tylli)- x (kukat)- pitsi.
Hi, blue ballerina, beautiful papers from Pion, lace, tulle and small flowers.
Now back to the desk, six Christmas cards are waiting...
It's all about vintage and beauty- bingohaasteeseen: valkoinen(tylli)- x (kukat)- pitsi.
Hi, blue ballerina, beautiful papers from Pion, lace, tulle and small flowers.
Now back to the desk, six Christmas cards are waiting...

Wednesday, October 08, 2014
Syksyn värejä
Hei, sataa, sataa ropisee...
Vähän auringonvärejä ja kukkaloistoa pimeyteen. Kortti on tehty Korttitalkoissa, leima- ja luonnoshaaste.
Hi, it's raining here. Here's one card I made at Crafting Camp: two challenges; to use the stamp and a sketch.
Stamp is Viva Decor , Versafine ink and clear embossing and coloured with ProMarkers. Papers Basic Grey.
Crafting Musketeers
Crafty Creations
I Love ProMarkers
Papertake Weekly
Stamp and Create
Thank you;-))m
Vähän auringonvärejä ja kukkaloistoa pimeyteen. Kortti on tehty Korttitalkoissa, leima- ja luonnoshaaste.
Hi, it's raining here. Here's one card I made at Crafting Camp: two challenges; to use the stamp and a sketch.
Stamp is Viva Decor , Versafine ink and clear embossing and coloured with ProMarkers. Papers Basic Grey.
Crafting Musketeers
Crafty Creations
I Love ProMarkers
Papertake Weekly
Stamp and Create
Thank you;-))m
2014 kortit

Tuesday, October 07, 2014
Hei, tein jo keväällä tämän korttiboksin mieheni siskolle. Kauniit paperit Klemmarikellarista. Rasian sisällä kaksi rasiaa, jonne leimasin matka-aiheisia tekstejä ja laitoimme lomamatkarahaa.
Hi, I made this card box to my SIL for her 50th birthday. There's two little boxes inside where we put some money for holiday trip to Barcelona.
Lace, ribbons, lots of pearls, flowers, brads, butterflies and numbers. Travel themed stamps inside the boxes.
Charisma Cardz
Crafting from the Heart
Craftin Desert Diva's: Link it up
Creative Corner Challenges
Melonheadz Friends
Not just cards
That Craft Place
The Crazy Challenge
Thank you!
Hi, I made this card box to my SIL for her 50th birthday. There's two little boxes inside where we put some money for holiday trip to Barcelona.
Lace, ribbons, lots of pearls, flowers, brads, butterflies and numbers. Travel themed stamps inside the boxes.
Charisma Cardz
Crafting from the Heart
Craftin Desert Diva's: Link it up
Creative Corner Challenges
Melonheadz Friends
Not just cards
That Craft Place
The Crazy Challenge
Thank you!
Muu askartelu

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