Hei, kortin ruusut väritin ja sitten kohokuvioin värittömällä jauheella, pistin pakastimeen - ja unohdin viikoksi! Rutistelin "kylmää" kuvaa ja levittelin Distress Inkin Tea Dye sävyä. Muistaakseni tämä on nimeltään vale krakleeraus- tekniikka.
Hi, I used False Crackle technique with this Make it Crafty's rose stamp. Colouring with Zig CCRB watercolour brushes. Background is Penny Black's interlocking diecut. Simon's stitched retangle and Spellbinders curved oval are the other diecuts. Only seam binding ribbon and bow for embellishment.
Crafting From The Heart
Craft Your Passion
Die Cuttin' Divas
Simon Says Monday Challenge
Through The Craft Room Door
Thank you;-))m
Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Monday, August 29, 2016
Tyyntä ja myrskyä
Hei, olipas kova myrsky, meillä oli sähköt poissa 24 tuntia. Pihajuhlat ehdittiin viettää mökin suojaisemmalla nurkalla juuri ennen sähkökatkosta. Kaikki korttilaatikot olivat täynnä oksanpätkiä ja havunneulasia. Onneksi kaikissa on sellofaanipussit, kortit on taas siistinä seuraavaa kertaa varten.
Kiitokset kaikille kävijöille ja musiikista ja viihdytyksestä vastanneelle Heikki Mäntyselle.
Ilta todellakin jatkui venetsialaistyyliin, kaikki kynttilät kaivettiin esille, oli tunnelmallista!
Kiitoksena papille, joka siunasi isämme, tein kuoret koteloon, joka sisälsi CDn isän ja veljesten musiikkia.
This is a CD case card I made for a thank you gift full of music.
We had an awful wind storm on Saturday - and it was my garden party with open card studio!
Busy day with about 30 people, cafe with cakes and a singer with a guitar.
In the afternoon the electricite went off for 24 hours! In the evening we had a candles all over, very nice! All the card boxes was full of twigs and stuff from the trees. TG I have cello bags in every card.
Kiitos käynnistä! Thank you;-))m
Kiitokset kaikille kävijöille ja musiikista ja viihdytyksestä vastanneelle Heikki Mäntyselle.
Ilta todellakin jatkui venetsialaistyyliin, kaikki kynttilät kaivettiin esille, oli tunnelmallista!
Kiitoksena papille, joka siunasi isämme, tein kuoret koteloon, joka sisälsi CDn isän ja veljesten musiikkia.
This is a CD case card I made for a thank you gift full of music.
We had an awful wind storm on Saturday - and it was my garden party with open card studio!
Busy day with about 30 people, cafe with cakes and a singer with a guitar.
In the afternoon the electricite went off for 24 hours! In the evening we had a candles all over, very nice! All the card boxes was full of twigs and stuff from the trees. TG I have cello bags in every card.
Kiitos käynnistä! Thank you;-))m
Muu askartelu,

Saturday, August 27, 2016
More Die Cuts
Tänään vietetään avoimen ateljeen päiviä mökillämme, samalla kesäkauden päättäjäisiä.
Hauskaa lauantaita, tervetuloa viikon Allsorts haasteen pariin! Aiheena käyttää useampaa kuin kaksi stanssattua kuviota.
Hi; Happy Saturday, it's time for a new Allsorts Challenge! "More than 2 die cuts" is our theme.
Sponsor is Sizzix.
DT Card Info: Anniversary card for the 25th Wedding Day.
Stamp; Penny Johnsson (?) coloured with Promarkers
Diecuts: Simon Says stitched retangle; doily heart and Tattered Lace flower stems, numbers IO.
Flowers Magnolia and Wild Orchid Crafts
Thank You;-))m
Please head over to Allsorts Challenge for all the details and prizes of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.
Hauskaa lauantaita, tervetuloa viikon Allsorts haasteen pariin! Aiheena käyttää useampaa kuin kaksi stanssattua kuviota.
Hi; Happy Saturday, it's time for a new Allsorts Challenge! "More than 2 die cuts" is our theme.
Sponsor is Sizzix.
DT Card Info: Anniversary card for the 25th Wedding Day.
Stamp; Penny Johnsson (?) coloured with Promarkers
Diecuts: Simon Says stitched retangle; doily heart and Tattered Lace flower stems, numbers IO.
Flowers Magnolia and Wild Orchid Crafts
Thank You;-))m
Please head over to Allsorts Challenge for all the details and prizes of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.
Allsorts DT,

Thursday, August 25, 2016
Roses and glitter
Hei, tänään on reissattu peräkärryn kanssa Tampereen kautta Lempäälän Ideaparkiin ja sieltä Hämeenlinnan kautta takaisin mökille. Ja niin oli sekä iso kärry ja auto täynnä tavaraa.
Kortti on yksinkertainen, mutta todella kimaltava synttärikortti, kaunista paperia ei raaskinut peittää.
Hi, driving and shopping this day, the car and big trailer was full of stuff.
A card for big birthday with beautiful paper and sticky glittery sheets.
Simons stitched squares and numbers IO diecuts.
Kortti on yksinkertainen, mutta todella kimaltava synttärikortti, kaunista paperia ei raaskinut peittää.
Hi, driving and shopping this day, the car and big trailer was full of stuff.
A card for big birthday with beautiful paper and sticky glittery sheets.
Simons stitched squares and numbers IO diecuts.
Tasavuotiskortit/ Big birthdays

Wednesday, August 24, 2016
Vintage girl
Hei, herkkää ja suloista vintagea, lentosuukkoja lähetellään kortissa.
Hi, hugs and kisses, sends this beautiful vintage girl for you.
Hi, hugs and kisses, sends this beautiful vintage girl for you.

Monday, August 22, 2016
Työt ja koulut ovat alkaneet, ensimmäiset flunssatkin jo liikkeellä.
Kesän betonityöt sain tehtyä eilen mukavassa säässä loppuun. Saavat kuivua nyt rauhassa lauantain näyttelyyn. "Avoin ateljee" ja kesänlopettajaiset täällä mökkirannalla.
Here's some hints what I've been doing lately, both very hard work!
I'm having "Open Craft Studio" here at the cottage beach next Saturday, with music, candles and coffee! Maybe a mushroom pie...
Kesän betonityöt sain tehtyä eilen mukavassa säässä loppuun. Saavat kuivua nyt rauhassa lauantain näyttelyyn. "Avoin ateljee" ja kesänlopettajaiset täällä mökkirannalla.
Here's some hints what I've been doing lately, both very hard work!
I'm having "Open Craft Studio" here at the cottage beach next Saturday, with music, candles and coffee! Maybe a mushroom pie...

Saturday, August 20, 2016
Fabulous Florals
Hauskaa lauantaita, tervetuloa viikon Allsorts haasteen pariin! Upeita kukkaistöitä haluamme nähdä seuraavan viikon.
Esittelyssä tilauskortti isoille synttäreille, tilaajan mielestä tämä muistutti Pentikin lautasta, joista sankari pitää!
Hi; Happy Saturday, it's time for a new Allsorts Challenge! Fabulous florals, that's what we want to see the next week, welcome! Our sponsor is Marianne design with lovely prize.
My sample card is an order to big birthdays, romantic florals for lady.
DT Card Info:
Stamp: Stempelglede
Mediums: Zig CCRB watercolour markers, Stickles
Paper: Pion
Diecuts: Simon's stitched, and Spelbinders frame, numbers , "congrats" text from Korttipaja.
rose embossing folder, pearls
Crafting from the Heart
Craft Your Passion
Fab 'n' Funky
Live & Love Crafts Challenge
Love to Scrap
Thank You;-))m
Please head over to Allsorts Challenge for all the details and prizes of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.
Esittelyssä tilauskortti isoille synttäreille, tilaajan mielestä tämä muistutti Pentikin lautasta, joista sankari pitää!
Hi; Happy Saturday, it's time for a new Allsorts Challenge! Fabulous florals, that's what we want to see the next week, welcome! Our sponsor is Marianne design with lovely prize.
My sample card is an order to big birthdays, romantic florals for lady.
DT Card Info:
Stamp: Stempelglede
Mediums: Zig CCRB watercolour markers, Stickles
Paper: Pion
Diecuts: Simon's stitched, and Spelbinders frame, numbers , "congrats" text from Korttipaja.
rose embossing folder, pearls
Crafting from the Heart
Craft Your Passion
Fab 'n' Funky
Live & Love Crafts Challenge
Love to Scrap
Thank You;-))m
Please head over to Allsorts Challenge for all the details and prizes of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.
Allsorts DT,
Tasavuotiskortit/ Big birthdays

Thursday, August 18, 2016
Siilit sienessä
Hei, sadetta piisaa, no hyvä puoli, että löytyy sieniäkin. Nämä kaksi kortin siiliä ovat löytäneet omansa. Vielä ehdit osallistua Penny Black and more elokuun haasteeseen "kaikki leimattu käy".
Hi! Reminding about Penny Black and more August Challenge " Anything goes with a Stamp",
still time to make an entry.
It's been quite rainy days, but the positive thing about that is, there are a lot of mushrooms around.
Not picking the red ones with white spots on!!!
DT sample card:
Using Penny Black 4255J hedgy truffles
Colouring with Zig CCRB watercolour markers
Wooden text diecuts, painted black says "Happy Day"
Cards in Envy
Crafting from the Heart
Craft Your Passion
Through The Craft Room Door
Tuesday Throwdown
Thank you;-))m
Hi! Reminding about Penny Black and more August Challenge " Anything goes with a Stamp",
still time to make an entry.
It's been quite rainy days, but the positive thing about that is, there are a lot of mushrooms around.
Not picking the red ones with white spots on!!!
DT sample card:
Using Penny Black 4255J hedgy truffles
Colouring with Zig CCRB watercolour markers
Wooden text diecuts, painted black says "Happy Day"
Cards in Envy
Crafting from the Heart
Craft Your Passion
Through The Craft Room Door
Tuesday Throwdown
Thank you;-))m
Penny Black at Allsorts Challenge DT

Wednesday, August 17, 2016
Perfect birthday
Hei, välillä vintagekorttia esille, naisellista ja romanttista, tässä myös värikästä kukkapaperia taustalla! Peilistanssikin löytyi varastosta, kiva löytö! Tulette näitä näkemään useamminkin!!!
Hi, how about a colouful vintage card, feminine with beautiful rose paper, ribbons and lace.
Sizzix mirror ( I had forgotten I had this!!!) with text " Perfect birthday for tens of years...."
Hi, how about a colouful vintage card, feminine with beautiful rose paper, ribbons and lace.
Sizzix mirror ( I had forgotten I had this!!!) with text " Perfect birthday for tens of years...."

Tuesday, August 16, 2016
Ilosen vinkki
Heips, ei tullut Iloselle mitalia, mutta pelit ja kisat jatkuvat. Ja jotkut ottaa vaan aurinkoa. (Minä keitän marjamehua) Tässä alustus tämän päivän kortteihin!
Hello, two funny (?) card with Art Impressions Stamps for you today, quick made.
It's raining here, not sunbathing, I'm making berry juice from own black and red currants.
Hello, two funny (?) card with Art Impressions Stamps for you today, quick made.
It's raining here, not sunbathing, I'm making berry juice from own black and red currants.
Art Impressions,

Saturday, August 13, 2016
Tervetuloa viikon Allsorts haasteen pariin! Perhosia halutaan nähdä viikon haasteessa.
Hi; Happy Saturday, it's time for a new Allsorts Challenge! "Butterflies" is sweet Susan's theme this week. Our sponsor is Stamp Addicts. Here's my DT sample, a celebration card for young lady.
DT Card Info:
Stamp Unity, colouring with ProMarkers
Butterflies die cuts: Poppy
two laces, roses with Stickles, pearls
text "congrats "
Seize The Birthday
Southern Girls
Thank You;-))m
Please head over to Allsorts Challenge for all the details and prizes of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.
Hi; Happy Saturday, it's time for a new Allsorts Challenge! "Butterflies" is sweet Susan's theme this week. Our sponsor is Stamp Addicts. Here's my DT sample, a celebration card for young lady.
DT Card Info:
Stamp Unity, colouring with ProMarkers
Butterflies die cuts: Poppy
two laces, roses with Stickles, pearls
text "congrats "
Seize The Birthday
Southern Girls
Thank You;-))m
Please head over to Allsorts Challenge for all the details and prizes of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.
Allsorts DT

Friday, August 12, 2016
perjantain birdy
Hei! Tämä kortti on tehty jo maaliskuussa! Käyn läpi tiedostoja, joita vielä voi esitellä. No, ei tässä kummoinen väritys ole, mutta kokonaisuus oli kaunis.
Hi a card made on March, I'm cleaning my files! Not so proud of the colouring, but the idea was quite nice.
Stamp: Stempelglede
Hi a card made on March, I'm cleaning my files! Not so proud of the colouring, but the idea was quite nice.
Stamp: Stempelglede

Thursday, August 11, 2016
Little sailor
Hei, löysin varastostani tuommoisen kesäpoikakuvan, olen voittanut varmaan joskus jostain kilpailusta. No pitihän se vihdoin väritellä ja koota kortiksi. Vielä huomiseen iltapäivään ehtii osallistua Allsorts'in palloja ja raitoja haasteeseen!
Hi, I found this little sailor boy-image from files, never used it before. So took my Promarkers and coloured it. My "spots&stripes" theme goes still on over at Allsorts, hurry to entry!
Cardz 4 Guyz
I love Promarkers
Thank you;-))m
Hi, I found this little sailor boy-image from files, never used it before. So took my Promarkers and coloured it. My "spots&stripes" theme goes still on over at Allsorts, hurry to entry!
Cardz 4 Guyz
I love Promarkers
Thank you;-))m

Tuesday, August 09, 2016
Harlequin serenade
Hei, onpas ollut kovat tuulet, tukkaputkella ollaan oltu täällä rannalla. Minä en ole uskaltanut mennä uimaankaan pariin päivään, niin hirveä aallokko suoraan laituriin.
Kortti on tehty kivaan helppoon mallihaasteeseen. Sopivat paperit löytyivät silppulaatikosta!
Hi, we have had heavy wind from the lake two days now. So stormy waves, I could dare to go swimming.
Today's card is for Sketch Saturday, lovely easy sketch. Stamp is Penny Black's, coloured with ProMarkers. I found the papers from my bits&pieces box ( have several!) and was satisfield to use them here.
Other challenges:
Craft Your Passion
Crafty Boots
Critters and Creatures
Thank you;-))m
Kortti on tehty kivaan helppoon mallihaasteeseen. Sopivat paperit löytyivät silppulaatikosta!
Hi, we have had heavy wind from the lake two days now. So stormy waves, I could dare to go swimming.
Today's card is for Sketch Saturday, lovely easy sketch. Stamp is Penny Black's, coloured with ProMarkers. I found the papers from my bits&pieces box ( have several!) and was satisfield to use them here.
Other challenges:
Craft Your Passion
Crafty Boots
Critters and Creatures
Thank you;-))m

Sunday, August 07, 2016
Hello Cat!
Tervetuloa elokuun Penny Black and More haasteen pariin. Helpot haasteet jatkuvat, kaikki leimattu käy!
Hello, first Sunday of the month - it's time for new Penny Black and More Challenge. "Anything goes with stamp! Hope you tell us what the stamp is you are using, helps us a lot!!! Remember - with digistamps you are not eligible for the prizes. We are looking for new GDT's on our way for those using Penny Black stamps, it might be you next time!
Our sponsors are Penny Black , Crafty Ribbons and Crafts U Love.
DT Card info:
Using Penny Black 30-273 Furry Afflection and paper pad.
Colouring with ProMarkers, hello die cut Hero Arts'.
And again spot and stripes ( Allsorts Challenge theme this week)!
Crafting With Friends
Crafty Ribbons
Thank you;-))m
Please head over to Penny Black and More Challenge for all the details of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.
Hello, first Sunday of the month - it's time for new Penny Black and More Challenge. "Anything goes with stamp! Hope you tell us what the stamp is you are using, helps us a lot!!! Remember - with digistamps you are not eligible for the prizes. We are looking for new GDT's on our way for those using Penny Black stamps, it might be you next time!
Our sponsors are Penny Black , Crafty Ribbons and Crafts U Love.
DT Card info:
Using Penny Black 30-273 Furry Afflection and paper pad.
Colouring with ProMarkers, hello die cut Hero Arts'.
And again spot and stripes ( Allsorts Challenge theme this week)!
Crafting With Friends
Crafty Ribbons
Thank you;-))m
Please head over to Penny Black and More Challenge for all the details of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.
Penny Black at Allsorts Challenge DT

Saturday, August 06, 2016
Spots and stripes
Tervetuloa viikon Allsorts haasteen pariin! Emännyysvuoro on minulla ja aiheeni "pallot ja raidat!
It is Saturday morning and a time for a new Allsorts Challenge! My time to be the hostess and the theme is " Spots and Stripes". Our sponsors are Crafty Ribbons and Digistamp Boutique.
DT Card Info:
Stamp: Stampavie, colouring with ProMarkers.
Papers Penny Black, heart diecut Simon Says'; frame Spellbinders
Craft Your Passion
Double D
Thank You;-))m
Please head over to Allsorts Challenge for all the details and prizes of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.
It is Saturday morning and a time for a new Allsorts Challenge! My time to be the hostess and the theme is " Spots and Stripes". Our sponsors are Crafty Ribbons and Digistamp Boutique.
DT Card Info:
Stamp: Stampavie, colouring with ProMarkers.
Papers Penny Black, heart diecut Simon Says'; frame Spellbinders
Craft Your Passion
Double D
Thank You;-))m
Please head over to Allsorts Challenge for all the details and prizes of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.
Allsorts DT,

Thursday, August 04, 2016
Upeat tytöt
Hei, pari korttia juhlivalle naiselle, leimakuvan valmistajaa en muista, väritys tusseilla.
Hi, two cards for young ladies celebrations. Can't remember the stamp, I had some already stamped at my stash. Coloured with ProMarkers.
Crafty Sentiment Designs
Penny's Paper-Crafty Challenge
Thank you;-))m
Hi, two cards for young ladies celebrations. Can't remember the stamp, I had some already stamped at my stash. Coloured with ProMarkers.
Crafty Sentiment Designs
Penny's Paper-Crafty Challenge
Thank you;-))m
2016 kortit,

Wednesday, August 03, 2016
With Little Steps...
Hei, hiljalleen taas aloitellaan kortteilua, kastekortilla tytölle. (tilaustyö).
Hi, back to business - starting again, with a little steps! Today with a baby girl card for christening.
Stamp: Lili of the Valley, colouring with ProMarkers, papers Penny Black.
Lili of the Valley (Facebook) Challenge
Craft Your Passion
Crafty Sentiments
Thank you;-))m
Hi, back to business - starting again, with a little steps! Today with a baby girl card for christening.
Stamp: Lili of the Valley, colouring with ProMarkers, papers Penny Black.
Lili of the Valley (Facebook) Challenge
Craft Your Passion
Crafty Sentiments
Thank you;-))m

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