Hellurei jo tiistaita mennään, pidin tuossa pari vapaapäivää kortteilusta. Eilen kuitenkin järjestelin työhuonetta, levitin pari hyllyä lattialle ja raakkasin jo osan pois suoraan roskiin. Valmiiksi leimattuja kuvia olisi vaikka muille jakaa. Jos kelpaa, pistä viestiä. * edit: ovat kelvanneet, jos lisää tulee niin ilmoittelen myöhemmin tuolla kirppissivullani, joka on myös työnalla!
Tänään olisi ollut vähän valoisampaa väritelläkin, mutta huomasin olevani jäljessä DT kirjoitushommista ja puoli päivää siinä sitten vierähti.
A card for Friend's Day ( Valentine's), nice sentiment says: " it's time to take a brake and relax and enjoy the moment and be happy..."
I think I use this sketch more with those tiny stamps ( Penny Black).
Thanks, happy day;-))m
Tuesday, January 31, 2017
Jalat pöydällä

Saturday, January 28, 2017
Nyt juhlitaan! Allsorts #400!
Hauskaa lauantaita, tervetuloa Allsorts #400 - juhlahaasteeseen. Palkinnotkin on nyt juhlaluokkaa!
Hi; Happy Saturday! Let's CELEBRATE Allsorts Challenge# 400! Look out our prizes at the blog!
DT Frame Card Info:
Diecuts: Tattered Lace "Charming over the Edge" 365007, the "Bride & Groom" 373571
Silver Cardstock, flowers from WOC; diamond ribbon all over
Stamped wedding sentiments in Finnish.
Crafty Creations
Do -Al(l) Kreatives
Penny's Paper-Crafty Challenge
Simon Says Stamp
DT- korttini on hääkortti pitsikehyksessä, paljon kukkia, sisällä hääpäri ja leimatut tekstit.
Timanttinauhat kiertävät korttia, paksuus n. 3 cm.
Kiitos! Thank You;-))m
Please head over to Allsorts Challenge for all the details and prizes of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.
Hi; Happy Saturday! Let's CELEBRATE Allsorts Challenge# 400! Look out our prizes at the blog!
DT Frame Card Info:
Diecuts: Tattered Lace "Charming over the Edge" 365007, the "Bride & Groom" 373571
Silver Cardstock, flowers from WOC; diamond ribbon all over
Stamped wedding sentiments in Finnish.
Crafty Creations
Do -Al(l) Kreatives
Penny's Paper-Crafty Challenge
Simon Says Stamp
DT- korttini on hääkortti pitsikehyksessä, paljon kukkia, sisällä hääpäri ja leimatut tekstit.
Timanttinauhat kiertävät korttia, paksuus n. 3 cm.
Kiitos! Thank You;-))m
Please head over to Allsorts Challenge for all the details and prizes of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.
Allsorts DT,

Friday, January 27, 2017
Hei, pakkailen kortteja huomisiin myyjäisiin Asikkalaan, Kissanpäiville. Kaikenlaista kivaa tapahtumaa, ja saapi sieltä ihan nokipannukahvitkin!
Tänään kolme lehmäkorttia, ekat Penny Blackin leimalla ja toinen Magnolian.
Hi; I'm packing my cards to the "Country " high school sale event. Here's two Penny Black's cows and one Magnolia's.
Happy weekend! Hauskaa viikonloppua;-))m
Tänään kolme lehmäkorttia, ekat Penny Blackin leimalla ja toinen Magnolian.
Hi; I'm packing my cards to the "Country " high school sale event. Here's two Penny Black's cows and one Magnolia's.
Happy weekend! Hauskaa viikonloppua;-))m

Wednesday, January 25, 2017
Kissa ja siili
Hei, lauantaina on koko perheelle suunnattu talvinen tapahtuma " Kissanpäivät " Koulutuskeskus Salpauksen luonnonvara-alan yksikössä Asikkalassa. Olen liikuntasalissa myymässä korttejani.
Tänään vuorossa Penny Blackin leimasimilla tehdyt kissa kirjoittaa ja siili kukkapuskineen - kortit.
Hi today I'll show you more animal cards, with Penny Black stamps, cat and a hedge.
Images are coloured with Promarkers and papers are also Penny Black's. Round sentiment stamps says "From Me to you" in Finnish.
Creative Inspirations
Penny's Paper-Crafty Challenge
Simon Says Stamp
A hint: Use scraps from same paper pad, same pattern with different shades!
Vinkki jämäsuikaleiden käyttöön: samasta lehtiöstä eriväriset, mutta samalla kuviolla, toimii!
Kiitos - Thanks;-))m
Tänään vuorossa Penny Blackin leimasimilla tehdyt kissa kirjoittaa ja siili kukkapuskineen - kortit.
Hi today I'll show you more animal cards, with Penny Black stamps, cat and a hedge.
Images are coloured with Promarkers and papers are also Penny Black's. Round sentiment stamps says "From Me to you" in Finnish.
Creative Inspirations
Penny's Paper-Crafty Challenge
Simon Says Stamp
A hint: Use scraps from same paper pad, same pattern with different shades!
Vinkki jämäsuikaleiden käyttöön: samasta lehtiöstä eriväriset, mutta samalla kuviolla, toimii!
Kiitos - Thanks;-))m

Tuesday, January 24, 2017
Hei, lauantaina on koko perheelle suunnattu talvinen tapahtuma " Kissanpäivät " Koulutuskeskus Salpauksen luonnonvara-alan yksikössä Asikkalassa. Olen liikuntasalissa myymässä korttejani.
Olen tehnyt tapahtumaan ja paikkaan sopivia kortteja, tässä traktorikortteja!
Hi, next Saturday I'm at family-oriented winter event called "Cat's days'" at the natural resource high school in Asikkala - with my cards. So I have made a lot of animal and country -themed cards.
Today I'll show my new cards with old tractors. The first is Penny Black stamp, coloured with Promarkers, papers are scraps with Mama Elephants diecut.
The second card is with Tattered Lace die "Classic Tractor", Tim's viewmaster; TL leave cut in three.
The stripes are my old working stuff used in design and structure drawing. I cleaned one closet and found great things to use in crafting!
Crafting From The Heart
Crafty Sentiments
Get Creative Challenges
Ooh La La Creations
Kiitos - Thanks;-))m
Olen tehnyt tapahtumaan ja paikkaan sopivia kortteja, tässä traktorikortteja!
Hi, next Saturday I'm at family-oriented winter event called "Cat's days'" at the natural resource high school in Asikkala - with my cards. So I have made a lot of animal and country -themed cards.
Today I'll show my new cards with old tractors. The first is Penny Black stamp, coloured with Promarkers, papers are scraps with Mama Elephants diecut.
The second card is with Tattered Lace die "Classic Tractor", Tim's viewmaster; TL leave cut in three.
The stripes are my old working stuff used in design and structure drawing. I cleaned one closet and found great things to use in crafting!
Crafting From The Heart
Crafty Sentiments
Get Creative Challenges
Ooh La La Creations
Kiitos - Thanks;-))m

Monday, January 23, 2017
Hei, kokeilin tuota bokeh-tekniikkaa näiden kalakorttien kanssa. Digikuva tulostettu suoraan korttipohjaan, väritys Promarkereilla ja tausta Distress Inkeillä ja vedellä. Tekstit mustalla Versafinella ja kohotettu värittömällä jauheella.
Hi, today's cards shows the new Bugaboo fish image. I made one layer cards - something I so randomly do! Thanks for Pia for her inspiration! I tried also the bokeh- technique ( I think!).
Colouring with ProMarkers, background with selfmade stencils and Distress Inks and water.
Funny sentiments stamped with Versafine black and clear embossing powder.
Catch the Bug bingo: s-g blue > embossing > dots&stripes ( stripe is on the fish!)
Thank you;-))m
Hi, today's cards shows the new Bugaboo fish image. I made one layer cards - something I so randomly do! Thanks for Pia for her inspiration! I tried also the bokeh- technique ( I think!).
Colouring with ProMarkers, background with selfmade stencils and Distress Inks and water.
Funny sentiments stamped with Versafine black and clear embossing powder.
Catch the Bug bingo: s-g blue > embossing > dots&stripes ( stripe is on the fish!)
Thank you;-))m

Sunday, January 22, 2017
Blue, white and green
Hei vaan, nyt on hiihtokausi avattu! Upeat kelit viikonloppuna. Korttini on samoissa sävyissä, kuitenkin eksoottinen unikko.
Hi, we have enjoyed the beautiful winter wheather this weekend. We were skiing on the frozen lake.
My flower card is a bit exotic, Himalayan Poppy, but quite same colours as above!
Stamp: C.C. Designs
Tool: We R Memorykeepers Precision Press
Zig Clean Color Real brush watermarkers
Frame: Spellbinders, papers K&Co, organza ribbon, pearls.
Crafts Galore Encore Challenges
Just for Fun Rubber Stamps
Ribbon Girl
I made some cakes too, no fat at all!!! And how pretty and shiny they were at night!
Tässä vielä ihan rasvattomia kakkuja, ihanat valot illanpimeyteen. Alusta itsetehty betonista.
Thank you;-))m
Hi, we have enjoyed the beautiful winter wheather this weekend. We were skiing on the frozen lake.
My flower card is a bit exotic, Himalayan Poppy, but quite same colours as above!
Stamp: C.C. Designs
Tool: We R Memorykeepers Precision Press
Zig Clean Color Real brush watermarkers
Frame: Spellbinders, papers K&Co, organza ribbon, pearls.
Crafts Galore Encore Challenges
Just for Fun Rubber Stamps
Ribbon Girl
I made some cakes too, no fat at all!!! And how pretty and shiny they were at night!
Tässä vielä ihan rasvattomia kakkuja, ihanat valot illanpimeyteen. Alusta itsetehty betonista.
Thank you;-))m

Saturday, January 21, 2017
Hauskaa lauantaita, tervetuloa viikon Allsorts haasteen pariin! Päivänkakkaroita tai vastaavia kukkia halutaan nähdä viikon haasteessa. Palkintona leimasinsetti.
Hi; Happy Saturday, it's time for a new Allsorts Challenge! The theme is "Daisies" so flowery creations, please.
DT Card Info:
Image and papers Pion Design
Flowers and lace from Wild Orchid Craft
Diecuts: Fawn Lawn
Brown Sugar
Crafty Catz
Creative Fingers
Inspiration Destination
Penny's Paper-Crafty Challenge
Thank You;-))m
Please head over to Allsorts Challenge for all the details and prizes of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.
Hi; Happy Saturday, it's time for a new Allsorts Challenge! The theme is "Daisies" so flowery creations, please.
DT Card Info:
Image and papers Pion Design
Flowers and lace from Wild Orchid Craft
Diecuts: Fawn Lawn
Brown Sugar
Crafty Catz
Creative Fingers
Inspiration Destination
Penny's Paper-Crafty Challenge
Thank You;-))m
Please head over to Allsorts Challenge for all the details and prizes of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.
Allsorts DT,

Friday, January 20, 2017
Tassu näkyy
Hei, viikon päästä lauantaina olen korttieni kanssa Asikkalan Kissapäivillä, Salpaus -oppilaitoksella.
Kissa ja muita eläinkortteja on ollut työpöydällä useita. Tuo "Sinulle" teksti on aika hyvä, se käy melkein mihin vaan- ystävänpäivään ja muihin onnitteluihin!
P*skishaaste #338: neljä jalkaa
Penny Black cat stamp, coloured with Promarkers, Glossy accents. Text "For You" is very handy- goes for most occasions. Background embossed hearts; corrugated cardstock under the image. I painted the sparklets black ( Promarker) as haven¨'t any.
For Finnish Challenge: four legs!
Kissa ja muita eläinkortteja on ollut työpöydällä useita. Tuo "Sinulle" teksti on aika hyvä, se käy melkein mihin vaan- ystävänpäivään ja muihin onnitteluihin!
P*skishaaste #338: neljä jalkaa
Penny Black cat stamp, coloured with Promarkers, Glossy accents. Text "For You" is very handy- goes for most occasions. Background embossed hearts; corrugated cardstock under the image. I painted the sparklets black ( Promarker) as haven¨'t any.
For Finnish Challenge: four legs!

Wednesday, January 18, 2017
Special friends
Hei, puolenkuun muistutus tammikuun Penny Black and more haasteesta: "Kaikki käy, leimaillen".
Hi, reminding about Penny Black and more January Challenge: "Anything stamped goes".
DT Card info:
using Penny Black 4295K sweet on you and sentiment from 30-270 mimi's love;
papers 80-011 beau jardin
mediums: versafine black + clear embossing, colouring with Promarkers
Crafting From The Heart
Crafty Sentiments
Lemon Shortbread Challenge
Thank you;-))m
Hi, reminding about Penny Black and more January Challenge: "Anything stamped goes".
DT Card info:
using Penny Black 4295K sweet on you and sentiment from 30-270 mimi's love;
papers 80-011 beau jardin
mediums: versafine black + clear embossing, colouring with Promarkers
Crafting From The Heart
Crafty Sentiments
Lemon Shortbread Challenge
Thank you;-))m

Monday, January 16, 2017
Hei, kukkakaupassa näin jo ensimmäiset helmihyasintit ruukussa. Olen tehnyt paljon kukkakortteja viimeaikoina. Aloitetaan sitten näistä keväisimmistä!
Hi, I've been making flower cards recently. Here's one of my favourite flower, grape hyasinth.
Totally a spring in the air... This goes also for winter birthdays.
Stamp: Woodware
Tool: We R Precision Press with Distress Inks and water
Coloured with Zig CCRB watercolour markers
Frame Spellbinders, down paper K&Co's, lower panel embossed in a folder with pigment ink on.
(Mama Elephant winter), white ribbon and bow with dots; pearls.
Crafting When We Can
Fashionable Stamping
Penny's Paper-Crafty Challenge
Really Reasonable Ribbon
Ribbon Girl
Simon Says Stamp
The Corrosive Challenge
Thank you;-))m
Hi, I've been making flower cards recently. Here's one of my favourite flower, grape hyasinth.
Totally a spring in the air... This goes also for winter birthdays.
Stamp: Woodware
Tool: We R Precision Press with Distress Inks and water
Coloured with Zig CCRB watercolour markers
Frame Spellbinders, down paper K&Co's, lower panel embossed in a folder with pigment ink on.
(Mama Elephant winter), white ribbon and bow with dots; pearls.
Crafting When We Can
Fashionable Stamping
Penny's Paper-Crafty Challenge
Really Reasonable Ribbon
Ribbon Girl
Simon Says Stamp
The Corrosive Challenge
Thank you;-))m
Flower cards,

Saturday, January 14, 2017
Wings on Things
Hauskaa lauantaita, tervetuloa viikon Allsorts haasteen pariin! "Kaikenlaisia siivekkäitä" halutaan
Hi; Happy Saturday, it's time for a new Allsorts Challenge! Tracy Mouse's theme is "Wings on Things" - our sponsor is Tattered Lace.
DT Card Info:
Stamp: Make it Crafty ( one of my fave fairy image!)
Mediums: Versafine black + clear embossing, Zig CCRB watercolour markers
Corner die: Memory Box
Brown Sugar
Creative Corner Challenges
Creative Friday
Creative Fingers
Fussy and Fancy Friday's
Thank You;-))m
Please head over to Allsorts Challenge for all the details and prizes of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.
Hi; Happy Saturday, it's time for a new Allsorts Challenge! Tracy Mouse's theme is "Wings on Things" - our sponsor is Tattered Lace.
DT Card Info:
Stamp: Make it Crafty ( one of my fave fairy image!)
Mediums: Versafine black + clear embossing, Zig CCRB watercolour markers
Corner die: Memory Box
Brown Sugar
Creative Corner Challenges
Creative Friday
Creative Fingers
Fussy and Fancy Friday's
Thank You;-))m
Please head over to Allsorts Challenge for all the details and prizes of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.
Allsorts DT,

Thursday, January 12, 2017
Smile time
Hei, nyt tarvii vähän huumoria! Tässä muutama hauska kortti naisille (?). Pari ekaa on digikuvia ja vikat Artin leidejä!
Hi, need some humour? Here's some funny cards for ladies! Two first are digi-images, coloured with ProMarkers.
Stamps: Art Impressions, coloured with Zig CCRB.
Oh yes, this helped a little;-))m
Hi, need some humour? Here's some funny cards for ladies! Two first are digi-images, coloured with ProMarkers.
Stamps: Art Impressions, coloured with Zig CCRB.
Oh yes, this helped a little;-))m
Art Impressions,

Tuesday, January 10, 2017
Under umbrella
Hei, säät vaihtelee pakkasista tämän päivän vesisateeseen. Sateenvarjon alla ollaan korteissakin.
Ystävänpäiväkortteja tehtaillaan sen kun keritään.
Hi, our frost and snow are nearly gone, it was raining today! Really needed umbrella!
These cards are quite similar, only little colour variations. ( Easy peasy...)
Image: Bugaboo, coloured them with ProMarkers for the first time!
Papers: K&Co; Frame Spellbinders; seambinding ribbon with bow and roses and pearls.
Catch the Bug
Crafting From The Heart
Crafty Sentiments
Thank you;-))m
Ystävänpäiväkortteja tehtaillaan sen kun keritään.
Hi, our frost and snow are nearly gone, it was raining today! Really needed umbrella!
These cards are quite similar, only little colour variations. ( Easy peasy...)
Image: Bugaboo, coloured them with ProMarkers for the first time!
Papers: K&Co; Frame Spellbinders; seambinding ribbon with bow and roses and pearls.
Catch the Bug
Crafting From The Heart
Crafty Sentiments
Thank you;-))m

Saturday, January 07, 2017
Kissoja ja koiria
Hauskaa lauantaita, tervetuloa viikon Allsorts haasteen pariin! "Kissoja ja koiria" on kiva aihe seuraavaksi. Kiitokset viime viikon haasteeseeni osallistuneille.
Hi; Happy Saturday, it's time for a new Allsorts Challenge! Thank you for your creations for my "new" theme last week, so many beautiful entries.
Now it's sweet Susan's theme "Cats and / or Dogs". I'm sure we'll have a fabulous week!
Our sponsors are Sizzix and Digistamp Boutique.
DT Card Info: Stamp: Penny Black; Mediums: Versafine black ink and clear embossing powder; Zig CCRB watercolour markers; Sakura Identi pen.
Diecuts: Simon Says Stamps stitched retangles, Mama Elephant's banner, handwritten text!
( Hello to my Friend!)
Black and kraft cardstock, brads. (.... Another card with different colours....)
Brown Sugar
Crafting by Designs
Creative Corner Challenges
Creative Friday
Creative Fingers
Pattie's Creations
Penny's Paper-Crafty Challenge
Thank You;-))m
Please head over to Allsorts Challenge for all the details and prizes of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.
Hi; Happy Saturday, it's time for a new Allsorts Challenge! Thank you for your creations for my "new" theme last week, so many beautiful entries.
Now it's sweet Susan's theme "Cats and / or Dogs". I'm sure we'll have a fabulous week!
Our sponsors are Sizzix and Digistamp Boutique.
DT Card Info: Stamp: Penny Black; Mediums: Versafine black ink and clear embossing powder; Zig CCRB watercolour markers; Sakura Identi pen.
Diecuts: Simon Says Stamps stitched retangles, Mama Elephant's banner, handwritten text!
( Hello to my Friend!)
Black and kraft cardstock, brads. (.... Another card with different colours....)
Brown Sugar
Crafting by Designs
Creative Corner Challenges
Creative Friday
Creative Fingers
Pattie's Creations
Penny's Paper-Crafty Challenge
Thank You;-))m
Please head over to Allsorts Challenge for all the details and prizes of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.
Allsorts DT,

Thursday, January 05, 2017
Frozen Snowmen
Hei, hyytävän kylmää pakkasta pidellyt jo pari päivää. Onneksi sisällä on lämmintä, katselin ikkunasta, kun lapsille jäädytettiin luistelukenttää koulun pihalle. Taisi jäätyä hetkessä.
Kortti on viimeisiä joulukortteja, joita tein. Vasta ennen joulua sain viimein itselleni tämän Lilin leimasimen.
Hi, it's been so cold for two days now, we are having -20 degrees and in the Lappland there's over -40 frozen!!!
So for that's why these frozen snowmen are perfect at the moment. I got the stamp just before Christmas and managed to do this as my last Christmas card - or so... added diecuts that were lying all over on the table...
Stamp: Lili of the Valley ( new to me)
Colouring with Zig CCRB watercolour markers
different diecuts with pearly cardstock
snowflakes on the air: Moving along with the times
new: Cute card Thursday
new Simon Wednesday Challenge
Thank you;-))m
Kortti on viimeisiä joulukortteja, joita tein. Vasta ennen joulua sain viimein itselleni tämän Lilin leimasimen.
Hi, it's been so cold for two days now, we are having -20 degrees and in the Lappland there's over -40 frozen!!!
So for that's why these frozen snowmen are perfect at the moment. I got the stamp just before Christmas and managed to do this as my last Christmas card - or so... added diecuts that were lying all over on the table...
Stamp: Lili of the Valley ( new to me)
Colouring with Zig CCRB watercolour markers
different diecuts with pearly cardstock
snowflakes on the air: Moving along with the times
new: Cute card Thursday
new Simon Wednesday Challenge
Thank you;-))m

Wednesday, January 04, 2017
Makiaa kaverin kanssa
Hei, pari joulukorttia söpöjen herkuttelevien hiirulaisten kera. Käytin näissä pitkästä aikaa kulmaleikkuria (Zutter).
Hi, two sweet mice having a cookie time. Christmas cards for my sister and brother.
Image: Di's Digis
Colouring: ProMarkers
Die cuts: Sizzix, Crafter's Comp.; Spellbinders; Simon Says Stamp; Zutter round it all.
Papers: JK Primeco
Di's Digi Design Challenge Passion for Promarkers
Thank you;-))m
Hi, two sweet mice having a cookie time. Christmas cards for my sister and brother.
Image: Di's Digis
Colouring: ProMarkers
Die cuts: Sizzix, Crafter's Comp.; Spellbinders; Simon Says Stamp; Zutter round it all.
Papers: JK Primeco
Di's Digi Design Challenge Passion for Promarkers
Thank you;-))m
2016 joulu/Cmas,

Tuesday, January 03, 2017
Tulppaanien aikaan
Hei, tulppaaniviikot alkavat, ihanaa väriloistoa siis tiedossa! Kortti on Mo'n digikuva ja väritetty Promarkkereilla, paprut Lawn Fawn setistä ja stanssit ovat Swedish House Crafts'ltä.
Hi, it's tulip time again! This girl have plenty of these beauties. Card is for Sketch Saturday Challenge. Image is Mo Manning's and coloured with ProMarkers ( background with DI), papers from Lawn Fawn and diecuts from Swedish House Crafts.
Thank you;-))m
Hi, it's tulip time again! This girl have plenty of these beauties. Card is for Sketch Saturday Challenge. Image is Mo Manning's and coloured with ProMarkers ( background with DI), papers from Lawn Fawn and diecuts from Swedish House Crafts.
Thank you;-))m
Mo Manning

Monday, January 02, 2017
Hei, vuoden neljä ensimmäistä korttia on jo tehty! Tässä ensimmäinen, P*skis -haasten mallin mukaan. Sydän- kohokansiolla tehty tausta. Paneelin päälle liimattu Penny Black'in leimakuva, väritetty Zig CCRB vesiväritusseilla ja paperisuikaleet. Kartonkileike väritetty valkoiseksi.
Four first cards done this year! This is the first for Finnish challenge P*skis, it's a sketch.
Penny Black's image coloured with Zig watercolour markers. Patterned paper scarps in a papnel, background is done in heart- embossing folder (Xcut). Wooden text: "For Friend".
Kiitos...Thank you;-))m
Four first cards done this year! This is the first for Finnish challenge P*skis, it's a sketch.
Penny Black's image coloured with Zig watercolour markers. Patterned paper scarps in a papnel, background is done in heart- embossing folder (Xcut). Wooden text: "For Friend".
Kiitos...Thank you;-))m

Sunday, January 01, 2017
Blue Birthday!
Hyvää Uutta vuotta 2017! Upeaa Suomi 100 - juhlavuotta !
Tervetuloa tammikuun Penny Black and More haasteen pariin.
Aihe on vapaa - kaikki käy, kunhan käytät ihan oikeaa leimasinta työssäsi.
Mallikorttini on talvinen synttärikortti pienelle tytölle.
Happy New Year - it's time for Penny Black and More Challenge. January's theme is "Anything goes with stamped image!
Our sponsors are Penny Black, Crafty Ribbons, Tattered Lace.
My sample is a card for a little girl's winter birthday.
DT Card Info:
Stamp: using Penny Black 40-301 me and my bunny
Colouring with Promarkers
Dies: Spellbinders, snowflake is Crafty Individuals'; "congrats- text die" from Heidin korttipaja
Paper: Basic Grey, lace, WOC flower
CRAFT Challenge
Cute Card Thursday
Penny's Paper-Crafty Challenge
Simon says Stamp
Thank you / Kiitos ;-))m
Please head over to Penny Black and More Challenge for all the details of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.
Tervetuloa tammikuun Penny Black and More haasteen pariin.
Aihe on vapaa - kaikki käy, kunhan käytät ihan oikeaa leimasinta työssäsi.
Mallikorttini on talvinen synttärikortti pienelle tytölle.
Happy New Year - it's time for Penny Black and More Challenge. January's theme is "Anything goes with stamped image!
Our sponsors are Penny Black, Crafty Ribbons, Tattered Lace.
My sample is a card for a little girl's winter birthday.
DT Card Info:
Stamp: using Penny Black 40-301 me and my bunny
Colouring with Promarkers
Dies: Spellbinders, snowflake is Crafty Individuals'; "congrats- text die" from Heidin korttipaja
Paper: Basic Grey, lace, WOC flower
CRAFT Challenge
Cute Card Thursday
Penny's Paper-Crafty Challenge
Simon says Stamp
Thank you / Kiitos ;-))m
Please head over to Penny Black and More Challenge for all the details of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.
Penny Black at Allsorts Challenge DT

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