Hauskaa lauantaita, se on tasan kuukausi jouluun!
Tervetuloa Allsorts haasteen pariin! Viikon aiheena "inspiroidu laulusta".
"Tuiki tuiki tähtönen" sopinee tähän ja varmaan joku joululaulukin löytyy...
Hi; Happy Saturday, it's time for a new Allsorts Challenge! "Inspired by a song" is the theme.
"Twinkle twinkle little star" - here's my version.
DT Card Info:
Stamps: Finnstamper ( the Christmas sentiment too), Versafine Ink
Coloured with Zig CCRB watercolour markers
Aud Sentiments
Colour Crazy
Craft Rocket Challenges
Crafting With Friends
Creative Fingers
Fussy and Fancy Friday
Happy Craft Challenge
Simon Says Stamp
Thank You / Kiitos;-))m
Please head over to Allsorts Challenge
for all the details and prizes of this challenge, and to check out all
the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.
Saturday, November 24, 2018
Laulun aiheet
2018 joulu/Christmas,
Allsorts DT,

Thursday, November 22, 2018
Kiitospäivää vietetään rapakon takana, laitetaan tännekin kiitoskortti näkyville!
Tausta on tehty Gelli plate- gelatiinilevyllä, jonka päälle levitin akryylimaaleja sekaisin ja sabluunan läpi painoin paperille. Teksti- osuus kerrostettu, jotta se erottuu paremmin.
Happy Thanks Giving Day! I made the background with Gelli Plate, stencil and acrylic paints,
then used the diecut with some layers.
Thank you / Kiitos;-))m
Tausta on tehty Gelli plate- gelatiinilevyllä, jonka päälle levitin akryylimaaleja sekaisin ja sabluunan läpi painoin paperille. Teksti- osuus kerrostettu, jotta se erottuu paremmin.
Happy Thanks Giving Day! I made the background with Gelli Plate, stencil and acrylic paints,
then used the diecut with some layers.
Thank you / Kiitos;-))m
Kiitos/Thank you cards,

Sunday, November 18, 2018
Smiles with 3 Mices
Mukavaa sunnuntaita! Muistuttelen marraskuun Penny Black and more haasteesta, jossa halutaan saada "hymy" vastaanottajan kasvoille.
Happy Sunday the 18th November! Reminding you about the Penny Black and more Challenge
" Make someone smile "... and remember to use real stamp!
DT Card Info:
Using Penny Black 1657K Ode to Joy
Versafine black and clear embossing
Coloured with Distress Inks
papers are also Penny Black's
"sentiment" congrats
A Gem of a Challenge
Colour Crazy
Creative Fingers
Di's Digi Designs
Fussy and Fancy Friday
Penny Black Saturday
Happy Sunday the 18th November! Reminding you about the Penny Black and more Challenge
" Make someone smile "... and remember to use real stamp!
DT Card Info:
Using Penny Black 1657K Ode to Joy
Versafine black and clear embossing
Coloured with Distress Inks
papers are also Penny Black's
"sentiment" congrats
A Gem of a Challenge
Colour Crazy
Creative Fingers
Di's Digi Designs
Fussy and Fancy Friday
Penny Black Saturday
Thank you / Kiitos;-))m
Penny Black at Allsorts Challenge DT

Saturday, November 17, 2018
4 Cas Christmas cards
Hauskaa lauantaita, tervetuloa Allsorts haasteen pariin! Viikon aiheena "simppeli joulukortti".
Uusi iso luminen maisemaleimasin sai mustekasteen ja kortteja syntyi 4 kappaletta.
Hi; Happy Saturday, it's time for a new Allsorts Challenge! "Cas Christmas". I made 4 Christmas cards with my new Penny Black stamp and stamping platform, inks and colours.
DT Card Info:
Stamp: Penny Black (snow trails); Versafine Inks ( different shades)
Sentiment: It's a Christmas Evening
Crafting with an Attitude
C.R.A.F.T. Challenge
Creative Moments
Sweet Stampers Challenge
That's Crafty!
Please head over to Allsorts Challenge for all the details and prizes of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.
Uusi iso luminen maisemaleimasin sai mustekasteen ja kortteja syntyi 4 kappaletta.
Hi; Happy Saturday, it's time for a new Allsorts Challenge! "Cas Christmas". I made 4 Christmas cards with my new Penny Black stamp and stamping platform, inks and colours.
![]() |
Colouring with Zig CCRB watercolours |
Stamp: Penny Black (snow trails); Versafine Inks ( different shades)
Sentiment: It's a Christmas Evening
![]() |
Colouring with Distress Inks |
Crafting with an Attitude
C.R.A.F.T. Challenge
Creative Moments
Sweet Stampers Challenge
That's Crafty!
Thank You;-))m
Please head over to Allsorts Challenge for all the details and prizes of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.
2018 joulu/Christmas,
Allsorts DT,

Tuesday, November 13, 2018
Koirat joulukortissa
Hei, pari koirakorttia joulutunnelmissa tänään. Kuva on Bugaboon ja väritelty promarker tusseilla.
Kokeilin näihin uutta lumiainetta.
Hi, two Christmas cards with Bugaboo image, dog friends. Coloured them with Promarkers.
Tried new snowmaker, can't remember it's name, lol.
Crafty Sentiments Designs
Passion for ProMarkers
The Holly & Ivy Christmas
Thanks for your visit / Kiitos käynnistä;-))m
Kokeilin näihin uutta lumiainetta.
Hi, two Christmas cards with Bugaboo image, dog friends. Coloured them with Promarkers.
Tried new snowmaker, can't remember it's name, lol.
Crafty Sentiments Designs
Passion for ProMarkers
The Holly & Ivy Christmas
Thanks for your visit / Kiitos käynnistä;-))m
2018 joulu/Christmas,

Saturday, November 10, 2018
Red Poppies
Hauskaa lauantaita, terveiset tuleekin nyt Turusta!
Tervetuloa myös Allsorts haasteen pariin! Viikon aiheena unikot / punainen väri.
Hi; Happy Saturday, it's time for a new Allsorts Challenge! Our theme is "poppies and /or colour red".
I made this card for my parents in law, for the Father's Day and MIL's birthday, the occasions are both this weekend.
DT Card Info:
stamp Penny Black (pop pop poppies)
white embossing, coloured with Zig Clean Color Real Brush Watercolour markers.
Finnish beautiful sentiment of flowers and warm wishes...
Crafting by Designs
Crafting with an Attitude
Seize The Birthday
The Flower Challenge
Watercooler Wednesday
Thank You;-))m
Please head over to Allsorts Challenge for all the details and prizes of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.
Tervetuloa myös Allsorts haasteen pariin! Viikon aiheena unikot / punainen väri.
Hi; Happy Saturday, it's time for a new Allsorts Challenge! Our theme is "poppies and /or colour red".
I made this card for my parents in law, for the Father's Day and MIL's birthday, the occasions are both this weekend.
DT Card Info:
stamp Penny Black (pop pop poppies)
white embossing, coloured with Zig Clean Color Real Brush Watercolour markers.
Finnish beautiful sentiment of flowers and warm wishes...
Crafting by Designs
Crafting with an Attitude
Seize The Birthday
The Flower Challenge
Watercooler Wednesday
Thank You;-))m
Please head over to Allsorts Challenge for all the details and prizes of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.
Allsorts DT,

Thursday, November 08, 2018
Otetaanko vielä
Hei, isänpäiväksi pari korttia, tai muuten vain. Ensimmäisessä ei ole mitään tekstiä, toisessa teepussiviisautta!
Hi, two cute male cards, our Father's Day is on Sunday.
Stamp; Di's Digis
Colouring with Promarkers
Thanks for your visit / Kiitos käynnistä-))m
ps. ja nyt lähden lapseni isän kanssa leffaan katsomaan Olavi Virtaa!
Hi, two cute male cards, our Father's Day is on Sunday.
Stamp; Di's Digis
Colouring with Promarkers
Thanks for your visit / Kiitos käynnistä-))m
ps. ja nyt lähden lapseni isän kanssa leffaan katsomaan Olavi Virtaa!

Sunday, November 04, 2018
Make someone smile!
Hei, oikein mukavaa sunnuntaipäivä! Tervetuloa marraskuun Penny Black and More haasteen pariin.
Aiheena on lähettää hymy kortinsaajalle!
Hello, first Sunday of the month - it's time for new Penny Black and More Challenge.
"Make someone smile" with a stamped card!"
Penny Black Stamps have many lovely images for this theme!
Our sponsors are Penny Black, Crafts U Love, Marianne Designs .
DT Card Info:
using Penny Black stamp 40-040 Purr-fect message and diecut 51-299 heart bow
Versafine black Ink and Clear embossing, colouring with Distress Inks
Papers from Prima and Bazzils Bling
Frames Spellbinders (one of my oldies) and Simon Says Stamp stitched retangles
A Gem of a Challenge / Catch the Bug / Colour Crazy / Cute Card Thursday / Lil Patch of Crafty Friends / Pile It On / Simon Says Stamp
Please head over to Penny Black and More Challenge for all the details of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.
Aiheena on lähettää hymy kortinsaajalle!
Hello, first Sunday of the month - it's time for new Penny Black and More Challenge.
"Make someone smile" with a stamped card!"
Penny Black Stamps have many lovely images for this theme!
Our sponsors are Penny Black, Crafts U Love, Marianne Designs .
DT Card Info:
using Penny Black stamp 40-040 Purr-fect message and diecut 51-299 heart bow
Versafine black Ink and Clear embossing, colouring with Distress Inks
Papers from Prima and Bazzils Bling
Frames Spellbinders (one of my oldies) and Simon Says Stamp stitched retangles
A Gem of a Challenge / Catch the Bug / Colour Crazy / Cute Card Thursday / Lil Patch of Crafty Friends / Pile It On / Simon Says Stamp
Thank you / Kiitos käynnistä;-))m
Penny Black at Allsorts Challenge DT

Saturday, November 03, 2018
Pretty papers an baby cards
Hyvää Pyhäinpäivä viikonloppua. Tervetuloa Allsorts haasteen pariin! Aiheena "kauniit paperit", ah niitä on paljon! Kaksi vauvakorttia, prinsessalle ja prinssille.
Hi; Happy Saturday, it's time for a new Allsorts Challenge! "Pretty papers" is the theme of this week!
I made two cards for newborns, one for a little princess and another for a prince.
DT Card Info: image: Mo Manning, coloured with Promarkers.
Please head over to Allsorts Challenge for all the details and prizes of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.
Hi; Happy Saturday, it's time for a new Allsorts Challenge! "Pretty papers" is the theme of this week!
I made two cards for newborns, one for a little princess and another for a prince.
DT Card Info: image: Mo Manning, coloured with Promarkers.
Thank You / Kiitos käynnistä;-))m
Please head over to Allsorts Challenge for all the details and prizes of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.
Allsorts DT,
Lapset/ Vauvat/ Kids,
Mo Manning

Thursday, November 01, 2018
Isot synttärit
Hei, ihan muistuttelen, että teen myös tilauskortteja tarpeen mukaan. Kannattaa varata ainakin pari viikkoa työaikaa, jo postituksen takia. Tässä pari viimeksi tehtyä numerokorttia isoihin synttäreihin.
Ensimmäinen ruusukortti on ensimmäinen väritys Stampendousin leimasimella ja Zig vesiväritusseilla. Kortin saaja on entinen postineiti, joten maskasin sopivat leimat ruusun alle.
Tänään alkoi myös marraskuun värityshaaste, joka päivä jotain värittelyä.
Hi, today started the 11th The Daily Marker Colouring Challenge. So I try to colour something everyday, and hope I'll get the hole card done too.
This rose is Stampedous stamp and I coloured it the first time. I used Zig watercolour markers and Wink of stella clear glitter marker. The card is order for a old postwoman, that's why those stamps are masked below the rose. Lots of layers and few sequins.
A Gem of a Challenge
Simon Says Stamp
#thedailymarker30day The Daily Marker 30 Day
Toinen kortti on henkilölle, joka odottaa eläkkeelle pääsyä ja omia kangaspuita! Vähän haastava, tähän ei leimoja löytynyt, mutta kuvia, joista sai kortin muokattua.
Another card was quite challencing by the theme, but the customer was very satisfield!
Thank you! Kiitos käynnistä, yhteystiedot löytyy yläpalkista;-))m
Ensimmäinen ruusukortti on ensimmäinen väritys Stampendousin leimasimella ja Zig vesiväritusseilla. Kortin saaja on entinen postineiti, joten maskasin sopivat leimat ruusun alle.
Tänään alkoi myös marraskuun värityshaaste, joka päivä jotain värittelyä.
Hi, today started the 11th The Daily Marker Colouring Challenge. So I try to colour something everyday, and hope I'll get the hole card done too.
This rose is Stampedous stamp and I coloured it the first time. I used Zig watercolour markers and Wink of stella clear glitter marker. The card is order for a old postwoman, that's why those stamps are masked below the rose. Lots of layers and few sequins.
A Gem of a Challenge
Simon Says Stamp
#thedailymarker30day The Daily Marker 30 Day
Toinen kortti on henkilölle, joka odottaa eläkkeelle pääsyä ja omia kangaspuita! Vähän haastava, tähän ei leimoja löytynyt, mutta kuvia, joista sai kortin muokattua.
Another card was quite challencing by the theme, but the customer was very satisfield!
Thank you! Kiitos käynnistä, yhteystiedot löytyy yläpalkista;-))m
Tasavuotiskortit/ Big birthdays

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