Tässä korttini kokonaan, aihe tuntui vaikealta ensin, mutta kun selasin kuva-arkistoani löysin tuon kauniin (Joanna Sheenin) kuvan ja siitä tuli heti mieleen tuo Eva Dahlgrenin iki-ihana klassikko "Ängeln i mitt rum". Ja tähän taas sopii sanalasku : tee työtäs laulaen!!!
Meillä juhlitaan tänään 15-v. synttäreitä ja kortti on tälle pitkän ruotsin lukijalle !!!
Card Details: Vintage photo: Joanna Sheen; Journaling card: JBS; Papers: ColorCore (nostalgia), Basic Grey (june bug), Notes: Inkadinkado; Gold embossing; Stickles; Pearls: BG; Lace; Flowers; Cuttlebug, Spellbinders, sewing machine.
You still have a week to entry on Rosie D's Challenge 68 "Blessings- theme"! Here's my DT-card reveal. As I found the JS angels picture, I remembered my favourite Swedish singer Eva Dahlgren and her song " The Angel in the room", then just adding things to the card while singing!!! This card goes to my daughter whose having her 15th birthday on Tuesday, but we are celebrating it today with all four grandparents!!! And why the text is in Swedish - because it's our second language!
Watch and hear the song here ! Words in English:
There is an angel living in my room
she lives above my head
she brings me peace
and she whispers to me
everything that I say to you
there is another living in my body
she has the most beautiful of souls
she is love, and hope
and she tells you
how much I love you
there is a spirit living by my foot
who blows warmth over my skin
it tickles and you saw that I smiled
but when she breathes on me
it is so that you should come and warm yourself
here I am with everything else
that makes a person whole
and I hope
I hope that you have strength enough
and that the angel in the room
is the girl
that you see
Todella kaunis kortti.
Kauniit paperivalinnat :)
Tää tykkää ihan kympillä :D
Ihastuttava,oikein todella kaunis!
Minäkin tykkään ihan kympillä! Erityisesti kiinnitin huomiota kullanvärisellä embossattuun nuottiavaimeen, se on upea yksityiskohta muitten kauniiden elementtien joukossa :)
Tosi kaunis kortti!
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