Friday, December 03, 2010

Stylish Blogger Award

I recived this Stylish Blogger award from Dawn!!! Thank you so much.
There are of course the rules that come along with this- it's the difficult part, that's why I don't usually share these! But with a little Christmas spirit and
joy, here we go again:

1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded you this - Done!

2. Share 8 things about yourself - Done!

3. Pass it on to 8 bloggers that you have recently discovered - Done!

4. Contact those bloggers and tell them about their awards - I'm on to it Done!

8 things about me: (I loaned some from Dawn!)

1 I'm late, just bought my first Christmas present today!
2 But I started to plan the Christmas Dinner, something new!?
3 I spend far to much time on my laptop! (sound familiar?)
4 I spend too much time ( and money) on the net craft shops!(familiar?)
5 Angry cause of my foot operation, couldn't go to the fair or meetings.
6 And for  the same reason couldn't go to the water gym for a long time.
7 Chocholate is too good, have to have it every day!!!
8 I always try to look on the bright side!

Here's the 8 bloggers whom I pass this to:
Nicolet; Kristel; my new followers send me kind comments, pop over to see their wonderful cards!
Catherine, so cute and elegant as her cards!
Jolanda, Minnamanna, Rva Kepponen, Jeenni ; Krista; all Young and talented Finnish crafters!
Kiva ollut tutustua teihin näin blogien välityksellä, toivottavasti joskus oikeastikin;-))m


Catherine said...

Oh thank you soooooo much Sweetie ! You are an angel ! Lots of hugs and love from Catherine

Jolanda said...

Wau, kiitoksia kunniasta! Tavataan tavataan! Mitenhän me saatas porukka kasaan?

nicolet said...

Wow, thank you very much Mervi!!
Hugs Nicolet

Rva Kepponen said...

Kiitos Mervi kovasti!

Jeenni said...

Kiitos paljon Mervi tästä tunnustuksesta!!! Se lämmittää kovasti mieltäni!