Kiitos kuluneesta vuodesta kaikille lukijoilleni, asiakkailleni; ystäville ja kommentteja ja kannustusta antaneille. Kaikenlaista mahtui vuoteen tähän, iloa, surua, luopumista, mutta myös uuden oppimista.
Kivoja tapaamisia ja haasteita.
Vuosi päättyi mukavaan joulukalenteriin ( kuvassa viimeinen viikko), kiitos ihanista yllätyksistä - haasteita riittää vielä pitkäksi aikaa.
Thank you, my fellow crafters, friends and special thanks for those who had the time to comment my creations, so much appreciated.
(photo 1) We had a fabulous advent calendar system with crafter friends, lovely challenges and new stash waiting for a long time.
Hyvää ja rauhallista uutta vuotta!
Happy and peaceful New year!
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Kiitos /Thanks

Monday, December 29, 2014
Luminen maisema
Hei! Aleostoksilla tänään kaupungilla, enpä kyllä juuri mitään löytänyt. Miehen kanssa voi mitään katellakaan! Ostin ennen joulua tämän ison talvimaisema stanssin (Crafters Companion) ja ajattelin sillä tekeväni helpot kortit. Ensinnäkin tuo on aivan liian suuri ja aika paljon jäi nypittävää. Taisin tehdä vain parit kortit loppujen lopuksi.
Hi! A day in the city - and it was really cold day, over - 20 C.
Big die cut from Crafters Companion, I had a vision to make easy Christmas cards with this one, but it wasn't so easy. Too big and so much little chaff to take off. Have to try again with more time!
Hi! A day in the city - and it was really cold day, over - 20 C.
Big die cut from Crafters Companion, I had a vision to make easy Christmas cards with this one, but it wasn't so easy. Too big and so much little chaff to take off. Have to try again with more time!
2014 Joulu/Christmas

Sunday, December 28, 2014
My Favourite Five Christmas Cards of 2014
Hi, lovely Debby is challenging us to pick up the 5 favourites from this years Christmas cards.
I still have a lot of unpublished cards, but here's my choices of those I've shown.
Hei, Debby haastaa jälleen valikoimaan 5 suosikkia tänä vuonna tehdyistä omista joulukorteista.
Minulla on vielä varastossa paljon julkaisemattomia julukortteja, nämä valitut ovat aikaisemmin julkaistuja ja linkistä saat lisätietoa.
Own background with Gelli Plate and paints
Lisää joulukortteja on vielä tulossa ja uusiakin jo taas tehtynä, ettei tulisi niin kiire kuin tänä vuonna!
More Christmas cards coming - and I made yesterday some new ones - for the next year, now I'm the early bird;-))m
I still have a lot of unpublished cards, but here's my choices of those I've shown.
Hei, Debby haastaa jälleen valikoimaan 5 suosikkia tänä vuonna tehdyistä omista joulukorteista.
Minulla on vielä varastossa paljon julkaisemattomia julukortteja, nämä valitut ovat aikaisemmin julkaistuja ja linkistä saat lisätietoa.
Snowy aperture card (white and red)
Lisää joulukortteja on vielä tulossa ja uusiakin jo taas tehtynä, ettei tulisi niin kiire kuin tänä vuonna!
More Christmas cards coming - and I made yesterday some new ones - for the next year, now I'm the early bird;-))m
2014 Joulu/Christmas

Monday, December 22, 2014
Merry Christmas
Hyvää joulua teille kaikille! Joulupukki matkaan jo käy!
Merry Christmas, Santa Claus is ready to visit your homes!
Winter Fairytale Video from Finland, Rovaniemi, Santa City :
Merry Christmas, Santa Claus is ready to visit your homes!
Winter Fairytale Video from Finland, Rovaniemi, Santa City :

Kissa oksalla
Hei, tämän joulun suosikkikortteja olivat jälleen Pennyn kissat ja koirat. Tässä pari kuusessa roikkujaa sinisen sävyissä.
Hi; these Penny's cat cards were popular this Christmas too. Here's two in blue and white colours.
Stamp Penny Black, Versafine black, clear embossing, colouring with ProMarkers; papers Maja Design; snowflakes Penny Black, Memory box die cuts; lace, ribbon/twine; charm, pearls.
A Gem of a Challenge
Brown Sugar
Fussy and Fancy Friday's
I love ProMarkers
Penny Black Saturday
Pumpkin Spice
Red Rubber Inspirations
Thank you for your time and visits! Merry Christmas;-))m
Kiitos ajastasi ja kommenteista! Hyvää Joulua;-))m
Hi; these Penny's cat cards were popular this Christmas too. Here's two in blue and white colours.
Stamp Penny Black, Versafine black, clear embossing, colouring with ProMarkers; papers Maja Design; snowflakes Penny Black, Memory box die cuts; lace, ribbon/twine; charm, pearls.
A Gem of a Challenge
Brown Sugar
Fussy and Fancy Friday's
I love ProMarkers
Penny Black Saturday
Pumpkin Spice
Red Rubber Inspirations
Thank you for your time and visits! Merry Christmas;-))m
Kiitos ajastasi ja kommenteista! Hyvää Joulua;-))m
2014 Joulu/Christmas,

Sunday, December 21, 2014
Valkoista ja hopeaa
Joulu- ja synttärijuhlan onnittelut lähti sedälleni tällä valkohopeakortilla. Niin ne hapsetkin jo hopeoituu...
I sent this white and silver card to my uncle for Christmas and new year - and to congratulate him for the big Birthday!
White cardstock, HeroArts stamped image embossed, snow layers rised with foam, IO silver trees, gems. Inside MB silver diecut and DN numbers. ( inside)
Crazy 4 Challenges
Crafting by Designs
Crafty Sentiments
Creative Inspirations
Deep Ocean Challenge
white christmas Die Cuttin Divas
Inky Chicks
The Male Room
Simon says Stamp
We are having the "White Christmas"! Thank you for your visits and comments;-))m
I sent this white and silver card to my uncle for Christmas and new year - and to congratulate him for the big Birthday!
White cardstock, HeroArts stamped image embossed, snow layers rised with foam, IO silver trees, gems. Inside MB silver diecut and DN numbers. ( inside)
Crazy 4 Challenges
Crafting by Designs
Crafty Sentiments
Creative Inspirations
Deep Ocean Challenge
white christmas Die Cuttin Divas
Inky Chicks
The Male Room
Simon says Stamp
We are having the "White Christmas"! Thank you for your visits and comments;-))m
2014 Joulu/Christmas

Saturday, December 20, 2014
Hauskaa lauantaita, tervetuloa joulunajan Allsorts haasteen pariin! Viimehetken lahjat aiheella mennään. Tuunasin Pringles purkeista lahjoja, joihinkin laitoin sytykeruusuja.
Hi; Happy Saturday, it's time for a new Allsorts Challenge, ! Last minute gifts is the fortnight challenge theme, yes we have a little Christmas holiday!
I altered some Pringles tubes for gifts, some are filled with "fireplace tinder roses"
Please head over to Allsorts Challenge
for all the details and prizes of this challenge, and to check out all
the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.
Hi; Happy Saturday, it's time for a new Allsorts Challenge, ! Last minute gifts is the fortnight challenge theme, yes we have a little Christmas holiday!
I altered some Pringles tubes for gifts, some are filled with "fireplace tinder roses"
2014 Joulu/Christmas,
Allsorts DT

Friday, December 19, 2014
Hei, vielä yksi perjantai pingu, cheers, kippistellään vaikka glögillä. Jostain luin, että tuo tummahko punainen on sitten se ensi vuoden VÄRI.
Lähettäkää vähän niitä siivousenergioita tännepäin, kiitos;-))m
Hi! Di's digi-image, snowman cheers, coloured with ProMarkers.
The house is waiting for a cleaner, anyone?!
Card Challenges:
Crafty Ribbons
Di's Digi Designs
I love ProMarkers
Papertake Weekly
The Crafters Cafe
Thank you for your visits and comments! Have to switch the mouse for a;-))m
Lähettäkää vähän niitä siivousenergioita tännepäin, kiitos;-))m
Hi! Di's digi-image, snowman cheers, coloured with ProMarkers.
The house is waiting for a cleaner, anyone?!
Card Challenges:
Crafty Ribbons
Di's Digi Designs
I love ProMarkers
Papertake Weekly
The Crafters Cafe
Thank you for your visits and comments! Have to switch the mouse for a;-))m
2014 Joulu/Christmas,

Thursday, December 18, 2014
Hei, puolenkuun muistutus Penny Black and more'n "juhla-aikaa" haasteesta. Vielä ehdit osallistua, kinkun paiston ja kuusen koristelunvälissä!
Helmiäiskartonkia ja vesiväripaperia, kohotuskansio, stansseja, helmiä.
Hi, Christmas preparations going on, but hope you get some time to enter our " special occasions" theme at Penny Black and More December Challenge .
Here's my second DT card; I used poinsettia stamp from "Papercraft essentials" magazine's free gift.
(wonder collection, transparent stamps).
Embossing folder, Hearfelt creations frame, Spellbinders Ivy die cuts; pearls, pearly cardstock, ProMarkers.
Creative Inspirations
Divas by Design
Holly Jolly Christmas Challenge
I love ProMarkers
Little Red Wagon
Simon Says Stamp and Show
Try it on Tuesday
Tuesday Throwdown
Thank you for your comments and visits!
Helmiäiskartonkia ja vesiväripaperia, kohotuskansio, stansseja, helmiä.
Hi, Christmas preparations going on, but hope you get some time to enter our " special occasions" theme at Penny Black and More December Challenge .
Here's my second DT card; I used poinsettia stamp from "Papercraft essentials" magazine's free gift.
(wonder collection, transparent stamps).
Embossing folder, Hearfelt creations frame, Spellbinders Ivy die cuts; pearls, pearly cardstock, ProMarkers.
Creative Inspirations
Divas by Design
Holly Jolly Christmas Challenge
I love ProMarkers
Little Red Wagon
Simon Says Stamp and Show
Try it on Tuesday
Tuesday Throwdown
Thank you for your comments and visits!
2014 Joulu/Christmas,
Penny Black at Allsorts Challenge DT

Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Hei, olen muuten tehnyt näitä 3d korttejakin, ihania ja helppoja koottavia löytyi Hearty Crafts'lta.
(Suomessa myy ainakin Lumikellot). Nämä ovat sellaisia sopivia projekteja tehdä tv:tä katsellessa.
Hi, some 3d cards with simple ready cut images.
Something odd going on here - I'm cleaning the house!
Työpöytä alkaa olla siivottu, sohvakin löytyi ja työhuoneen lattialla on tilaa.
Viimeinen vesijumppa tänään, sitten seuraava siivottava kohde tiedossa....
(Suomessa myy ainakin Lumikellot). Nämä ovat sellaisia sopivia projekteja tehdä tv:tä katsellessa.
Hi, some 3d cards with simple ready cut images.
Something odd going on here - I'm cleaning the house!
Työpöytä alkaa olla siivottu, sohvakin löytyi ja työhuoneen lattialla on tilaa.
Viimeinen vesijumppa tänään, sitten seuraava siivottava kohde tiedossa....
2014 Joulu/Christmas

Sunday, December 14, 2014
Enkeli ja kyyhky
Hei, hyvää 3:tta adventtisunnuntaita. Ihanan puhdas luminen maisema, järvi liplattelee vapaana.
Tintit, närhet ja orava taistelevat siemenistä pihalla. Muuten niin rauhallista, ei taida täällä järvenrannalla olla muita kuin me kaksi vanhaa pöllöä.
Kortti on syntynyt jo lokakuussa Heinolan askartelutapaamisessa.
Hi, beautiful white snow on the ground, lake is still free from ice. Birds got their seeds, and one squirrel is there too. Happy Sunday, the third advent!
I made this card in one craft meeting at October.
Stamp: Penny Black, coloured with ProMarkers, ink Versafine black + clear ep.
Papers Maja, flowers Prima, with pearly stars; wooden text, lace and ribbon.
A Gem of a Challenge
A Crafty Mess
Crafts 4 eternity
Chocolate, Coffee and Cards
I love ProMarkers
"Enkeli taivaan..." It's all about the Vintage
ribbon-x:stars -blooms : Passion for ProMarkers
Simon says Stamp
Wags 'N Whiskers
Thank you for your time and comments;-))m
Tintit, närhet ja orava taistelevat siemenistä pihalla. Muuten niin rauhallista, ei taida täällä järvenrannalla olla muita kuin me kaksi vanhaa pöllöä.
Kortti on syntynyt jo lokakuussa Heinolan askartelutapaamisessa.
Hi, beautiful white snow on the ground, lake is still free from ice. Birds got their seeds, and one squirrel is there too. Happy Sunday, the third advent!
I made this card in one craft meeting at October.
Stamp: Penny Black, coloured with ProMarkers, ink Versafine black + clear ep.
Papers Maja, flowers Prima, with pearly stars; wooden text, lace and ribbon.
A Gem of a Challenge
A Crafty Mess
Crafts 4 eternity
Chocolate, Coffee and Cards
I love ProMarkers
"Enkeli taivaan..." It's all about the Vintage
ribbon-x:stars -blooms : Passion for ProMarkers
Simon says Stamp
Wags 'N Whiskers
Thank you for your time and comments;-))m
2014 Joulu/Christmas,

Saturday, December 13, 2014
White on white
Hauskaa lauantaita, tervetuloa viikon Allsorts haasteen pariin! Valkoista valkoisella - näitä kortteja olen tehnyt paljon jouluksi.
Hi; Happy Saturday, it's time for a new Allsorts Challenge! White Christmas is the theme!
We had a lot of snow last night and still snowing....
Card info: size 5" x 7", white cardstock, Cuttlebug Snowflakes embossing folder (background).
Snowflake diecut (Spellbinders) with 3d foams on the aperture. Christmas text in Finnish, Versafine vintage sepia and embossed clear.
Poinsettia Marianne's, blingy gem, twigs Spellbinders - all die cuts embossed with clear utee.
Täällä on lisää valkoisia korttejani/ Here's more my white cards: White on white
Crafty Creations
Crafty Sentiments
Die Cuttin Divas
Holly Jolly Christmas Challenge
Little Miss Muffet
Sentimental Sundays
Simon says Stamp
The Crazy Challenge
Thank you;-))m
Please head over to Allsorts Challenge for all the details and prizes of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.
Hi; Happy Saturday, it's time for a new Allsorts Challenge! White Christmas is the theme!
We had a lot of snow last night and still snowing....
Card info: size 5" x 7", white cardstock, Cuttlebug Snowflakes embossing folder (background).
Snowflake diecut (Spellbinders) with 3d foams on the aperture. Christmas text in Finnish, Versafine vintage sepia and embossed clear.
Poinsettia Marianne's, blingy gem, twigs Spellbinders - all die cuts embossed with clear utee.
Täällä on lisää valkoisia korttejani/ Here's more my white cards: White on white
Crafty Creations
Crafty Sentiments
Die Cuttin Divas
Holly Jolly Christmas Challenge
Little Miss Muffet
Sentimental Sundays
Simon says Stamp
The Crazy Challenge
Thank you;-))m
Please head over to Allsorts Challenge for all the details and prizes of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.
2014 Joulu/Christmas,
Allsorts DT

Thursday, December 11, 2014
Tyttö ja pingut
Hei, stressi kun helpottaa, niin kaikki taudit iskee heti kimppuun. Yritetään näillä värikkäillä korteilla häätää loputkin pöpöt. Leimasimet Tiddly Ink'in.
Crafty Boots
Crafty Cardmakers
Crafty Creations (2)
Crafty Sentiments (3)
Just Inspirational (4 wings)
Passion for ProMarkers (3: diecuts-x:poinsettia- glitter)
The Crafters Cafe
The Sisterhood of Crafters (1 Jingle bells)
Simon says Stamp (2)
Thank you;-))m
Hi, I've been ill for several days now, but hope these colourful cards keep the rest of the viruses faraway! Stamps are Tiddly Inks, colouring with ProMarkers, papers from Kaisercraft and Basic Grey...
Crafty Boots
Crafty Cardmakers
Crafty Creations (2)
Crafty Sentiments (3)
Just Inspirational (4 wings)
Passion for ProMarkers (3: diecuts-x:poinsettia- glitter)
The Crafters Cafe
The Sisterhood of Crafters (1 Jingle bells)
Simon says Stamp (2)
Thank you;-))m
2014 Joulu/Christmas

Tuesday, December 09, 2014
Talviset jäähyväiset
Hei, onnittelut Annille ja muille nimipäiväsankareille!
Tervetuloa Craft-Room'in viimeisen haasteeseen! Kaksi ja puoli vuotta, alusta asti joka toinen tiistai, näin se meni - jokaiseen haasteeseen tein mallin! Mutta nyt on aika pistää pillit pussiin ja siirtyä eteenpäin. Kiitokset teille kaikille ihanille suomalaisille osallistujille.
Tulkaahan vielä mukaan! Inspiroitukaa alla olevasta kuvasikermästä ja kertokaa mikä kuvista innoitti työhönne. Lumiset marjat jäi minulle mieleen ja huurteinen ruusu olisi vielä kiva tehdä...
-Hi! Welcome, at Craft-Room Challenge.
It's our last challenge, two and half years from the beginning, I made a sample to all themes! We had a great team, thank you ladies, fabulous themes, little different and challenging. Thanks for all the participants, it was a pleasure to visit your blogs. Some new steps coming, I'll tell that later.
Our theme is for the next fortnight "winter inspiration board".
Take inspiration of DT Debi's fabulous collection of winter photos - all tell us which photo it was.
I was inspired from those snowy berries, and maybe later I will make that frosty rose too...
DT card info: ( sorry have to take the photo on bad light, it's raining here)
Stamp: Penny Black "berry merry christmas 40-346"
Mediums: Versafine vintage sepia, satin red; embossing powders clear and pearl white
Diecuts: Spellbinders, Sizzix, Memory box
Embossing folder: Die'sire make a wish
red gems, 3 d foams, red cardstock, white Canson Dessin Imagine blanc.
Card and Scrap
Come And Get It
Fashionable Stamping
Simon Says Wednesday
Stamping Sensations
Please head over to Craft-Room Challenge for all the details and rules of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates. Thank you;-))m
Tervetuloa Craft-Room'in viimeisen haasteeseen! Kaksi ja puoli vuotta, alusta asti joka toinen tiistai, näin se meni - jokaiseen haasteeseen tein mallin! Mutta nyt on aika pistää pillit pussiin ja siirtyä eteenpäin. Kiitokset teille kaikille ihanille suomalaisille osallistujille.
Tulkaahan vielä mukaan! Inspiroitukaa alla olevasta kuvasikermästä ja kertokaa mikä kuvista innoitti työhönne. Lumiset marjat jäi minulle mieleen ja huurteinen ruusu olisi vielä kiva tehdä...
-Hi! Welcome, at Craft-Room Challenge.
It's our last challenge, two and half years from the beginning, I made a sample to all themes! We had a great team, thank you ladies, fabulous themes, little different and challenging. Thanks for all the participants, it was a pleasure to visit your blogs. Some new steps coming, I'll tell that later.
Our theme is for the next fortnight "winter inspiration board".
Take inspiration of DT Debi's fabulous collection of winter photos - all tell us which photo it was.
I was inspired from those snowy berries, and maybe later I will make that frosty rose too...
DT card info: ( sorry have to take the photo on bad light, it's raining here)
Stamp: Penny Black "berry merry christmas 40-346"
Mediums: Versafine vintage sepia, satin red; embossing powders clear and pearl white
Diecuts: Spellbinders, Sizzix, Memory box
Embossing folder: Die'sire make a wish
red gems, 3 d foams, red cardstock, white Canson Dessin Imagine blanc.
Card and Scrap
Come And Get It
Fashionable Stamping
Simon Says Wednesday
Stamping Sensations
Please head over to Craft-Room Challenge for all the details and rules of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates. Thank you;-))m
2014 Joulu/Christmas,
Craft-Room Challenge DT,

Sunday, December 07, 2014
Hei, oikein mukavaa sunnuntaipäivää! Tervetuloa "juhlimaan" joulukuun Penny Black and More haasteen pariin.
Tein jouluaikaan sopivan telinekortin uudella Pennyn leimasimella, punaisella musteella ja kohotusjauheella. Tervehdys mahtuu tuonne haaraniittien taakse.
Hello, first Sunday of the month - it's time for new Penny Black and More December Challenge "Celebrations " !
My DT card is an easel card with Penny Black's new stamp "red star 40-345"
Inks Brilliance reds and grey, clear embossing powder. Text Versafine black , clear ep; liguid pearls.
Greetings text could be written behind those grey brads.
Crafty Creations
Creative Knockouts
Fussy and Fancy Friday's
Simon Says Wednesday
Please head over to Penny Black and More Challenge for all the details of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.
Tein jouluaikaan sopivan telinekortin uudella Pennyn leimasimella, punaisella musteella ja kohotusjauheella. Tervehdys mahtuu tuonne haaraniittien taakse.
Hello, first Sunday of the month - it's time for new Penny Black and More December Challenge "Celebrations " !
My DT card is an easel card with Penny Black's new stamp "red star 40-345"
Inks Brilliance reds and grey, clear embossing powder. Text Versafine black , clear ep; liguid pearls.
Greetings text could be written behind those grey brads.
Crafty Creations
Creative Knockouts
Fussy and Fancy Friday's
Simon Says Wednesday
Please head over to Penny Black and More Challenge for all the details of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.
2014 Joulu/Christmas,
Penny Black at Allsorts Challenge DT

Saturday, December 06, 2014
Sinivalkoiset sukat
Hyvää itsenäisyyspäivää! Minä juhlin markkinoilla Padasjoella, toiset Keinuhongan tilan itsenäisyyspäivän markkinat tilan riihessä, tulkaahan tunnelmaan mukaan.
Tervetuloa viikon Allsorts haasteen pariin, aiheena "eläimet". Sinivalkoista sukkaa kutova kissa pääsi mallikorttiini.
Hi, it's time for a new Allsorts Challenge! Tracy's theme is "animals".
Happy Finland's Independence Day! That's why the cat in the card is making socks in blue and white colours!
Stamp: Penny Black ( a gift for you), Versafine black, clear ep. Colouring with ProMarkers.
Papers Maja Design, Die cut Sizzix; blue snowflake PB, white SP; twine and charm, lace, brad and gems.
Crafting By Designs
Creative Moments
Natalie and Amy's Challenge
Simon Says Stamp
Please head over to Allsorts Challenge for all the details and prizes of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates. Thank you;-))m
Tervetuloa viikon Allsorts haasteen pariin, aiheena "eläimet". Sinivalkoista sukkaa kutova kissa pääsi mallikorttiini.
Hi, it's time for a new Allsorts Challenge! Tracy's theme is "animals".
Happy Finland's Independence Day! That's why the cat in the card is making socks in blue and white colours!
Stamp: Penny Black ( a gift for you), Versafine black, clear ep. Colouring with ProMarkers.
Papers Maja Design, Die cut Sizzix; blue snowflake PB, white SP; twine and charm, lace, brad and gems.
Crafting By Designs
Creative Moments
Natalie and Amy's Challenge
Simon Says Stamp
Please head over to Allsorts Challenge for all the details and prizes of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates. Thank you;-))m
2014 Joulu/Christmas,
Allsorts DT,

Thursday, December 04, 2014
Tyttö ja lyhty
Hei punavalkoista tunnelmaa Lilin leimasimella, väritetty tusseilla ja lumiefekti ainetta lisänä.
Hi, red and white card with Lili's pretty stamp. Snowflakes are Penny Black die cuts, background embossed, colouring with ProMarkers with snow effect.
Crafting for all Seasons
Creative Moments
Simon says Stamp
Thank you;-))m
Hi, red and white card with Lili's pretty stamp. Snowflakes are Penny Black die cuts, background embossed, colouring with ProMarkers with snow effect.
Crafting for all Seasons
Creative Moments
Simon says Stamp
Thank you;-))m
2014 Joulu/Christmas,

Wednesday, December 03, 2014
Terveiset Lahdesta, markkinapäivä, varmasti paljon tonttuja liikenteessä.
Nyt on tilaukset tehty ja tekovuorossa omat ja vanhempien kortit. Lauantaina vielä viimeiset markkinat, muutama lumiukkosoppa ja kynttiläjuttu tehtävä. Suklaakortteja en edes yritä - olen vaan syönyt kaikki sisukset! Liian hyviä!
Busy Christmas time. Orders done! Now have to think my own cards and parent's cards.
One more sales day, some gifts must be done for there too.
Card: Stamp Penny Black, coloured with ProMarkers.
Nyt on tilaukset tehty ja tekovuorossa omat ja vanhempien kortit. Lauantaina vielä viimeiset markkinat, muutama lumiukkosoppa ja kynttiläjuttu tehtävä. Suklaakortteja en edes yritä - olen vaan syönyt kaikki sisukset! Liian hyviä!
Busy Christmas time. Orders done! Now have to think my own cards and parent's cards.
One more sales day, some gifts must be done for there too.
Card: Stamp Penny Black, coloured with ProMarkers.
2014 Joulu/Christmas,

Tuesday, December 02, 2014
Lumiukkomarssi 2/2
Hei, Mankun lumiukot jatkuvat, vielä pari korttia.
Hi, more Magnolia snowmen cards.
Stamp: Magnolia, Versafine black, clear embossing, ProMarkers; Sizzix star die cut; leaves and oval from Spellbinders; tree IO; papers from various stacks.
Here's all the five cards:
Challenges: (pick one)
S..snowman: Completely Christmas
Bunny Zoe's Crafts
card 1, no red or green: Incy Wincy
Stamp and Create
Thank you for your time and comments;-))m
Hi, more Magnolia snowmen cards.
Stamp: Magnolia, Versafine black, clear embossing, ProMarkers; Sizzix star die cut; leaves and oval from Spellbinders; tree IO; papers from various stacks.
Here's all the five cards:
Challenges: (pick one)
S..snowman: Completely Christmas
Bunny Zoe's Crafts
card 1, no red or green: Incy Wincy
Stamp and Create
Thank you for your time and comments;-))m
2014 Joulu/Christmas,

Monday, December 01, 2014
Lumiukkomarssi 1/2
Ihanaa joulukuuta, kalenterin ensimmäinen luukku avattu ja mukava yllätys sieltä löytyikin, kiitos.
Lainasin vähän mankun lumiukkoleimasinta ja muutama kortti tuli väännettyä. Huomenna lisää!
Hi, Happy December! You seldom see Magnolia cards here, but I loaned this snowman stamp and made few cards. I'll show more tomorrow!
Stamp: Magnolia, Versafine black, clear embossing, ProMarkers; Sizzix star die cut; leaves and oval from Spellbinders; papers Maja and from various stacks.
Challenges: (pick one)
S..snowman: Completely Christmas
Crafty Calendar
Fantasy Stampers
Jellypark Challenges
My Time To Craft
Tilda's Town
That Craft Place
card 3 with charm: Chocolate, Coffee and Cards
Thank you for your visit and comments in this busy time;-))m
Lainasin vähän mankun lumiukkoleimasinta ja muutama kortti tuli väännettyä. Huomenna lisää!
Hi, Happy December! You seldom see Magnolia cards here, but I loaned this snowman stamp and made few cards. I'll show more tomorrow!
Stamp: Magnolia, Versafine black, clear embossing, ProMarkers; Sizzix star die cut; leaves and oval from Spellbinders; papers Maja and from various stacks.
Challenges: (pick one)
S..snowman: Completely Christmas
Crafty Calendar
Fantasy Stampers
Jellypark Challenges
My Time To Craft
Tilda's Town
That Craft Place
card 3 with charm: Chocolate, Coffee and Cards
Thank you for your visit and comments in this busy time;-))m
2014 Joulu/Christmas,

Saturday, November 29, 2014
Milestone birthdays
Hauskaa lauantaita, tervetuloa viikon Allsorts haasteen pariin! Merkittäviä synttäreitä juhlitaan nyt, pidetään pieni tauko joulukorteista. Tämän kortin lähetin tiimikaverilleni Sarah'ille.
Hi; Happy Saturday, it's time for a new Allsorts Challenge! DT Sarah's theme is " milestone birthdays"
Brown Sugar
4 Crafty Chicks
Happy Birthday: Moving Along With The Times
Passion for ProMarkers
Simon says Stamp
Southern Girls Challenge
Please head over to Allsorts Challenge for all the details and prizes of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.
Hi; Happy Saturday, it's time for a new Allsorts Challenge! DT Sarah's theme is " milestone birthdays"
Brown Sugar
4 Crafty Chicks
Happy Birthday: Moving Along With The Times
Passion for ProMarkers
Simon says Stamp
Southern Girls Challenge
Please head over to Allsorts Challenge for all the details and prizes of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.
Allsorts DT

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