Hauskaa lauantaita, tänään Jokelan askartelutapaamisessa, kiva nähdä kamuja pitkästä aikaa. Tervetuloa viikon Allsorts haasteen pariin! Paljon kukkia on viikon aihe. Tulppaaneja riittää nyt moneen ruukkuun, ihania värejä kevättä odotellessa. Kuva on Mo Manningin digi, väritetty tusseilla, ruukusta nousevat aikaiset kissankellot.
Hi; Happy Saturday, it's time for a new Allsorts Challenge! It's time for " Flower power".
Lots of tulips this time at shops - so in my card too. I'm at crafter's meeting at Jokela today, so nice to see friends again. And maybe craft a bit!
DT Card Info:
Image: Mo Manning
Mediums: ProMarkers; FlexMarkers; Stickles Rock Candy
Papers, ticket: Authentique (Spring)
DieCuts: frame, pot: Spellbinders; fence: Crafts Too; Bluebells: Wild Rose Studio; clouds: Impression Obsession.
Bronte & Bella's Challenge
Passion for ProMarkers
Simon Says Stamp
Please head over to Allsorts Challenge
for all the details and prizes of this challenge, and to check out all
the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.
Saturday, January 31, 2015
Flower Power
Allsorts DT,

Friday, January 30, 2015
Pieni pyörähdys
Hei, aurinkoista perjantai-iltapäivää! Kuvavarastosta löytyi tämä onnittelukortti, mökillä koottu.
Hi, shiny sun on the sky, wow, snow like diamonds on the ground!
Birthday card made with stash at the cottage. Stamp Art Impressions, coloured with Copics.
4 Crafty Chicks
Creative Inspirations
Copic Marker Europe
Seize The Birthday
Simon says Stamp
Thank you;-))m
Hi, shiny sun on the sky, wow, snow like diamonds on the ground!
Birthday card made with stash at the cottage. Stamp Art Impressions, coloured with Copics.
4 Crafty Chicks
Creative Inspirations
Copic Marker Europe
Seize The Birthday
Simon says Stamp
Thank you;-))m
2015 kortit,

Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Gift box for tags
Hei, sain kunnian koota kollegoiden tagit yhteen, onnittelimme askartelijaystäväämme yllätyslahjalla.
Alkuperäinen suunnitelma ei onnistunut erikokoisten tagien vuoksi, joten piti keksiä muuta. Juuri olin siivoamassa askarteluhuonetta ja poistamassa turhia laatikoita, joista tämä teippilaatikko iski silmään ja vot, just oikea koko.
Hi, week ago my crafting friend celebrated her birthday. Me and 10 other crafters made tags for her and it was my pleasure to put them together. Hmmm. I found this old tape box as cleaning my craft room, it was just the right size for the tags. First I painted the box with white gesso. I used matching papers to cover the box. (Hot of the press, ColorCore)
Etsin varastostani paperit, joista löytyi kaikki värit, joita ystävät olivat käyttäneet. Kulmassa näkyy vähän omaa tagiani. Mukaan vielä lahjakortti.
Butterfly Crafty Individuals die cut, pearls, painted with DI paints, brad with letter C to help opening the box, crocheted flower with roses, (white paint); Memory Box Chloe Stem die cut, text "Celebrate" Sizzix.
Our friend was surprised and delighted to have this token from us.
Koristeet ovat kannessa, kukkia, virkattunakin (ihan itse), perhonen ja teksti. Sankari oli yllättynyt ja onnellinen muistamisesta.
Anything But A Card
Challenge Up Your Life
Craft Horders Anonymous (paint-ribbon-diecuts-metal-flowers)
Craft your Passion
Not just cards
Kiitos - Thanks;-))m
Alkuperäinen suunnitelma ei onnistunut erikokoisten tagien vuoksi, joten piti keksiä muuta. Juuri olin siivoamassa askarteluhuonetta ja poistamassa turhia laatikoita, joista tämä teippilaatikko iski silmään ja vot, just oikea koko.
Hi, week ago my crafting friend celebrated her birthday. Me and 10 other crafters made tags for her and it was my pleasure to put them together. Hmmm. I found this old tape box as cleaning my craft room, it was just the right size for the tags. First I painted the box with white gesso. I used matching papers to cover the box. (Hot of the press, ColorCore)
Etsin varastostani paperit, joista löytyi kaikki värit, joita ystävät olivat käyttäneet. Kulmassa näkyy vähän omaa tagiani. Mukaan vielä lahjakortti.
Butterfly Crafty Individuals die cut, pearls, painted with DI paints, brad with letter C to help opening the box, crocheted flower with roses, (white paint); Memory Box Chloe Stem die cut, text "Celebrate" Sizzix.
Our friend was surprised and delighted to have this token from us.
Koristeet ovat kannessa, kukkia, virkattunakin (ihan itse), perhonen ja teksti. Sankari oli yllättynyt ja onnellinen muistamisesta.
Anything But A Card
Challenge Up Your Life
Craft Horders Anonymous (paint-ribbon-diecuts-metal-flowers)
Craft your Passion
Not just cards
Kiitos - Thanks;-))m
Muu askartelu,

Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Sininen / Blue
Hei, tänään on ensimmäinen työni esillä Paperillan Dt - blogissa. Jenni korttihaaste on: Sininen kortti, ja bonuksena tee itse taustapaperisi.
Hi, This is the first DT sample for Paperilla, the challenge is a blue card and a bonus make your own backing papers.
Suihkuttelin 4cc papereita Dylusions suihkeilla, sopivista kohdista leikkasin koristeita, sakset lankarullan ja neulan ( Sizzix). Leimasin Viva Decor ompeluaiheisilla leimasimilla Versafine (majestic blue) ja kohotin värittömällä embossausjauheella, samoin koristeita. Ruttunauhan värittelin sinisillä ProMarkkereilla kuin osan kukistakin, joiden päälle vielä laitoin kimallusta. Reunassa vielä pitsi ja pari koristeneulaa.
I used Dylusions sprays, stamped the image ( Viva Decor) with Versafine and embossed clear.
Die cuts are Sizzix; coloured the seam binding with ProMarkers as some flowers too and added Stickels (waterfall). Beautiful blue lace and two pearly pins.
Artbymiran Challenge Anything
Card and scrap lace /pitsiä
The Corrosive Challenge: winter blues
Kiitos! Thanks;-))m
Suihkuttelin 4cc papereita Dylusions suihkeilla, sopivista kohdista leikkasin koristeita, sakset lankarullan ja neulan ( Sizzix). Leimasin Viva Decor ompeluaiheisilla leimasimilla Versafine (majestic blue) ja kohotin värittömällä embossausjauheella, samoin koristeita. Ruttunauhan värittelin sinisillä ProMarkkereilla kuin osan kukistakin, joiden päälle vielä laitoin kimallusta. Reunassa vielä pitsi ja pari koristeneulaa.
I used Dylusions sprays, stamped the image ( Viva Decor) with Versafine and embossed clear.
Die cuts are Sizzix; coloured the seam binding with ProMarkers as some flowers too and added Stickels (waterfall). Beautiful blue lace and two pearly pins.
Artbymiran Challenge Anything
Card and scrap lace /pitsiä
The Corrosive Challenge: winter blues
Kiitos! Thanks;-))m
Paperilla DT

Monday, January 26, 2015
Vartin kortti
Mukavaa alkavaa viikkoa. Tänään pistin munakellon tikittämään ja vauhdin päälle ja sain tällaisen kortin valmiiksi. P*skarteluhaasteeseen: vinoneliöt!
Pennyn ristikon ratkojat väritetty tusseilla - ja leikattu Simonin tikkireuna- suorakulmiolla, salmiakkiruudut Die-namics stanssi, 3d tarroilla kiinni, kortin koko 12 x 17 sentteinä.
Hi, Happy new week! I made "a fifteen minute card"; easy Penny Black's stamp with a little colouring with ProMarkers. Retangle is Simon's stitched die cut and black "harlequin" die cuts are Die-namics.
Paper is K&Co and finally black gems.
BTW I love harlequin shape, just bought some new boxes for my stamps:
Juu niin mä tykkään näistä vinoneliöistä, ostin sikakalliita (vaikka oli alessa) uusia laatikoita leimasimille...
Huomenna sitten Paperilla-lehden korttihaaste, tervetuloa;-))m
Pennyn ristikon ratkojat väritetty tusseilla - ja leikattu Simonin tikkireuna- suorakulmiolla, salmiakkiruudut Die-namics stanssi, 3d tarroilla kiinni, kortin koko 12 x 17 sentteinä.
Hi, Happy new week! I made "a fifteen minute card"; easy Penny Black's stamp with a little colouring with ProMarkers. Retangle is Simon's stitched die cut and black "harlequin" die cuts are Die-namics.
Paper is K&Co and finally black gems.
BTW I love harlequin shape, just bought some new boxes for my stamps:
Juu niin mä tykkään näistä vinoneliöistä, ostin sikakalliita (vaikka oli alessa) uusia laatikoita leimasimille...
Huomenna sitten Paperilla-lehden korttihaaste, tervetuloa;-))m

Saturday, January 24, 2015
Lace and pearls
Hauskaa lauantaita, tervetuloa viikon Allsorts haasteen pariin! "Pitsiä ja helmiä", tulossa varmaan hyvin romanttinen viikko! Tämä kortti sopii keväiselle Pariisiin matkaajalle tai matkasta haaveilevalle - ja voihan sitä mennyttä matkaakin muistella.
Hi; Happy Saturday, it's time for a new Allsorts Challenge! "Lace and pearls" is Tracy's theme.
Here's my DT card - - Springtime in Paris!
Info: vintage image, golden cardstock, shimmery chic papers, old musical page.
Stamp: heart shaped (Lost Coast D.)butterfly stamped to kraf with Versafine vintage sepia and clar embossing.
Eiffel die cut (QuicKutz France Coll.); Swirls (Cheery Lynn) from ColorCore, sanded and added a hint of white paint.
Old laces (double row crumled with tape), old twine. Roses and pearls.
Wooden text "Spring Joy."
Aud Sentiments
Craft your Passion
Creative Inspirations
Creative Card Crew
Creative Knockouts
Simon Says Wednesday
Please head over to Allsorts Challenge for all the details and prizes of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.
Hi; Happy Saturday, it's time for a new Allsorts Challenge! "Lace and pearls" is Tracy's theme.
Here's my DT card - - Springtime in Paris!
Info: vintage image, golden cardstock, shimmery chic papers, old musical page.
Stamp: heart shaped (Lost Coast D.)butterfly stamped to kraf with Versafine vintage sepia and clar embossing.
Eiffel die cut (QuicKutz France Coll.); Swirls (Cheery Lynn) from ColorCore, sanded and added a hint of white paint.
Old laces (double row crumled with tape), old twine. Roses and pearls.
Wooden text "Spring Joy."
Aud Sentiments
Craft your Passion
Creative Inspirations
Creative Card Crew
Creative Knockouts
Simon Says Wednesday
Please head over to Allsorts Challenge for all the details and prizes of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.
Allsorts DT,

Thursday, January 22, 2015
Aamulla tein pikaisesti isälle onnittelukortin, onneksi tuo koivutausta oli jo tehty valmiiksi sabluunalla ja maaleilla. Numerot väritin ProMarkkereilla, kun piti saada kortti heti kuoreen. Toinen kortti alempana oli se alkuperäinen vaihtoehto, mutta se näytti niin sekavalta, ettei vanhempi henkilö siitä olisi varmaan saanut selvää. Kahvipöydän keski-ikä olikin 76 !
Hi, I made a birthday card to my father, first I made the card below, but then thought it was too obscure for elder, so I made new card fast this morning. I used birch stencil and gelli plate, TH paints stains and DI. Numbers are Sizzix and coloured with ProMarkers.
Wooden text says "Joy and Happiness" Diecuts: bird Crafty Individuals and Marianne Design, cut from paper coloured with Dylusions.
Cardz for Guyz
The Male Room
Thank you;-))m
Hi, I made a birthday card to my father, first I made the card below, but then thought it was too obscure for elder, so I made new card fast this morning. I used birch stencil and gelli plate, TH paints stains and DI. Numbers are Sizzix and coloured with ProMarkers.
Wooden text says "Joy and Happiness" Diecuts: bird Crafty Individuals and Marianne Design, cut from paper coloured with Dylusions.
Cardz for Guyz
The Male Room
Thank you;-))m
2015 kortit

Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Hei, kesäinen autokortti, ikkunoissa väritön kiiltokerrros. Liput liehuu, mutta konepelti pysyy kiinni.
Hi, stamp from Penny Black ( miniful), coloured with ProMarkers and Glossy Accents on the windows.
Cards and More
Crafty Gals Corner
Penny's Paper-Crafty Challenge
Ruby's Rainbow
The Male Room
Thank you;-))m
Hi, stamp from Penny Black ( miniful), coloured with ProMarkers and Glossy Accents on the windows.
Cards and More
Crafty Gals Corner
Penny's Paper-Crafty Challenge
Ruby's Rainbow
The Male Room
Thank you;-))m

Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Hei, täällä siivotaan askarteluhuonetta, kirppiksellekin tulee kun kerkiän päivittelemään.
Ennen joulua tehdyt viimeiset hätäiset kissakortit täyttäköön ruudun nyt!
Quess what I'm cleaning my craft room, bought new boxes for my stamps (some).
Here's the last christmas cards I made before Christmas, using whatever was in the table. Big Penny Black stamp - not so many embellishments needed;-))m
Ennen joulua tehdyt viimeiset hätäiset kissakortit täyttäköön ruudun nyt!
Quess what I'm cleaning my craft room, bought new boxes for my stamps (some).
Here's the last christmas cards I made before Christmas, using whatever was in the table. Big Penny Black stamp - not so many embellishments needed;-))m
2014 Joulu/Christmas

Sunday, January 18, 2015
Puolenkuun unikko
Hei, puolenkuun muistutus käynnistä olevasta Penny Black and More haasteesta.
" Käytä kohokansiota, sabluunaa tai maskia".
Kimaltavassa unikkokortissani käytin sabluunaa ja kohokansioita ja leimasinta ja värisuihkeita.
Hello, mid month reminder about our theme " stencils, masks and embossing folders over at
Penny Black and More Challenge .
On my sparkling poppy card I used Penny Black's stencil, stamp and Dylusions colour sprays and Glimmer Mist. Frames are (new) Spellbinders Branching out die cuts. Embossing folders are Sizzix Trellis and Dots. Glittery cardstock is from DCWV Mariposa set. Wooden text ( Congrats) painted white, ribbon and pearls.
Aud Sentiments
Inky Chicks
Little Claire's
Paper Creator's Crafts
Moving Along With The Times
Stampotique Designers
Suzy Bee's Bloomin' Challenge
Thank You;-))m
Please head over to Penny Black and More Challenge for all the details of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.
" Käytä kohokansiota, sabluunaa tai maskia".
Kimaltavassa unikkokortissani käytin sabluunaa ja kohokansioita ja leimasinta ja värisuihkeita.
Hello, mid month reminder about our theme " stencils, masks and embossing folders over at
Penny Black and More Challenge .
On my sparkling poppy card I used Penny Black's stencil, stamp and Dylusions colour sprays and Glimmer Mist. Frames are (new) Spellbinders Branching out die cuts. Embossing folders are Sizzix Trellis and Dots. Glittery cardstock is from DCWV Mariposa set. Wooden text ( Congrats) painted white, ribbon and pearls.
Aud Sentiments
Inky Chicks
Little Claire's
Paper Creator's Crafts
Moving Along With The Times
Stampotique Designers
Suzy Bee's Bloomin' Challenge
Thank You;-))m
Please head over to Penny Black and More Challenge for all the details of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.
Penny Black at Allsorts Challenge DT

Saturday, January 17, 2015
Spring Flowers
Hauskaa lauantaita, tervetuloa viikon Allsorts haasteen "kevätkukkia" pariin!
Tämä helmihyasinttikortti lähti ystävälleni, jolle tulee huikeat lukemat täyteen, 80! Sinisen ystävä juhlii Saksassa tyttärensä luona.
Hi; Happy Saturday, it's time for a new Allsorts Challenge!
"Spring Flowers" is Susan's theme.
I sent this card to my friend, she is having a big birthday party in Germany. Her favourite colour is blue, so these hyacinths were perfect choice for the card. And a little frozen silver embossing - as it is still winter here and lots of snow!
DT Card Info:
Stamp: Woodware
Mediums: Distress Inks, water; Ranger Emboss it Dabber; Embossing Tinsel (snowflake)
Papers: Authentique Bundle; ColorCore
DieCuts: Marianne Design bird and Lea'bilities corner; Spellbinders tag and circles
Lace (Tuotenauha); AC twine; MR heart charm;
4 Crafty Chicks
Creative Fingers
Creative Knockouts
Simply Create Too
Sister Act
Thank you;-))m
Please head over to Allsorts Challenge for all the details and prizes of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.
Tämä helmihyasinttikortti lähti ystävälleni, jolle tulee huikeat lukemat täyteen, 80! Sinisen ystävä juhlii Saksassa tyttärensä luona.
Hi; Happy Saturday, it's time for a new Allsorts Challenge!
"Spring Flowers" is Susan's theme.
I sent this card to my friend, she is having a big birthday party in Germany. Her favourite colour is blue, so these hyacinths were perfect choice for the card. And a little frozen silver embossing - as it is still winter here and lots of snow!
DT Card Info:
Stamp: Woodware
Mediums: Distress Inks, water; Ranger Emboss it Dabber; Embossing Tinsel (snowflake)
Papers: Authentique Bundle; ColorCore
DieCuts: Marianne Design bird and Lea'bilities corner; Spellbinders tag and circles
Lace (Tuotenauha); AC twine; MR heart charm;
4 Crafty Chicks
Creative Fingers
Creative Knockouts
Simply Create Too
Sister Act
Thank you;-))m
Please head over to Allsorts Challenge for all the details and prizes of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.
Allsorts DT

Friday, January 16, 2015
Vauvalle 2/2
Hei, toinen kortti Lili of the Valleyn leimasimella. Tässä leimasin kuvan kolmesti, kahdelle kuviopaperille ja kasvot valkoiselle, jonka väritin Promarkereilla. Leikkasin ilmapallon irti ja liimasin tuon harmaan päälle, samoin kasvot kohdilleen, korin ja nauhat väritin tusseilla. Ja tikkausstanssi jälleen käytössä, mä niin tykkään...
Hi, another card with LOTV baby stamp. In this card I used paper piecing. Stamped the image straight to the designer paper (Basic Grey/ Aurora) and embossed it, stamped again to another piece of paper ( balloon) and face to the cardstock and coloured it and cut out. Coloured the rest with ProMarkers. Downpaper is Prima's (Princess). Punched stars, stitched retangle (new) SSS, baby die cut ( new to me), organza ribbon, pearly cardstock.
Creative Card Crew
Little Miss Muffet
Papertake Weekly
Scrappers Delight
Southern Girls Challenge
Thank you;-))m
Hi, another card with LOTV baby stamp. In this card I used paper piecing. Stamped the image straight to the designer paper (Basic Grey/ Aurora) and embossed it, stamped again to another piece of paper ( balloon) and face to the cardstock and coloured it and cut out. Coloured the rest with ProMarkers. Downpaper is Prima's (Princess). Punched stars, stitched retangle (new) SSS, baby die cut ( new to me), organza ribbon, pearly cardstock.
Creative Card Crew
Little Miss Muffet
Papertake Weekly
Scrappers Delight
Southern Girls Challenge
Thank you;-))m

Thursday, January 15, 2015
Hei, haasteen ansiosta tämäkin kameraleimasin sai vihdoin mustekasteen, varmaan vuoden maannut toimettomana kaapissa. Teinpä sitten samalla kolme korttia. Pohjat on suihkittu suihkeilla ja sabluunoiden läpi.
Haaste: P*skarteluhaaste/ vempaimet
Stamp: Tim Holtz
Mediums/mömmöt: SSS Ink dark chocolate + clear embossing; Dylusions sprays & stencils
Brown cardstock/ ruskea kartonki
new/uudet: star parade/tähdet & stitched retangle Simon Says Stamps; teksti/sentiment: "take it easy"
Hi! Finally used this Tim's camera stamp, it has been lying and waiting for an year. Used some new goods received from SSS too. I made three cards last night watching the tv same time! Backgrounds are sprayed with Dylusions through stencils.
Challenge :Card 2: Cardz for Guyz
new text sentiment " Happy Birthday"/ uusi leimasin, kiva fontti.
(TH letters "inside out" and MD corners, stars from leftovers of the "stars parade" look above)
Inky Chicks
Loves Rubber Stamping
Papertake Weekly
Penny's Paper-Crafty Challenge
Simon says Stamp
The Sisterhood of Crafters
Thank you! Kiitos!
Haaste: P*skarteluhaaste/ vempaimet
Stamp: Tim Holtz
Mediums/mömmöt: SSS Ink dark chocolate + clear embossing; Dylusions sprays & stencils
Brown cardstock/ ruskea kartonki
new/uudet: star parade/tähdet & stitched retangle Simon Says Stamps; teksti/sentiment: "take it easy"
Hi! Finally used this Tim's camera stamp, it has been lying and waiting for an year. Used some new goods received from SSS too. I made three cards last night watching the tv same time! Backgrounds are sprayed with Dylusions through stencils.
Challenge :Card 2: Cardz for Guyz
new text sentiment " Happy Birthday"/ uusi leimasin, kiva fontti.
(TH letters "inside out" and MD corners, stars from leftovers of the "stars parade" look above)
Inky Chicks
Loves Rubber Stamping
Papertake Weekly
Penny's Paper-Crafty Challenge
Simon says Stamp
The Sisterhood of Crafters
Thank you! Kiitos!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Vauvalle 1/2
Hei, vauvakortteja alkaa olla jo vino pino. Tässä yksi LOTV leimalla, jonka posti toi mukavasti kotiin. Nykyään saa melkein kaikki lähetykset hakea keskustan postista ja vielä maksut nousevat, huh huh. Tänään pilkahti aurinko hetken, kortin värit herkkää pinkkiä ja oranssin keltaista.
Hi, I have made several baby cards, here's one with LOTV stamp I received the other day.
Coloured with ProMarkers; new stitched retangles from Simon Says Stamps, new baby- diecut from SSS too; papers K&Co.
Old flower and ribbon.
A Gem of a Challenge
Crafty Cardmakers
Fab'n' Funky
Papertake Weekly
Scrapbook Stamp Society
Stamping Sensations
Toinen kortti samalla leimalla perjantaina! Another card with the same stamp here on Friday!
Hi, I have made several baby cards, here's one with LOTV stamp I received the other day.
Coloured with ProMarkers; new stitched retangles from Simon Says Stamps, new baby- diecut from SSS too; papers K&Co.
Old flower and ribbon.
A Gem of a Challenge
Crafty Cardmakers
Fab'n' Funky
Papertake Weekly
Scrapbook Stamp Society
Stamping Sensations
Toinen kortti samalla leimalla perjantaina! Another card with the same stamp here on Friday!

Monday, January 12, 2015
Punatukkaiselle tytölle
Hei, kuulinkohan radiosta ihan oikein, että tänään on joku "suukko punatukkaiselle päivä" !?
Tämä kortti on tehty jo syksyllä, mutta kaivettiin nyt sitten sopimaan tätä päivää.
Veikeä kuva/ image Mo Manning'lta, väritetty ProMarkereilla.

Found this card I made last autumn, not yet posted.
Image: Mo Manning, coloured with ProMarkers. Papers Hot of the Press.
Ivy corner die cut Crafts too.
Little Claire'sThank you;-))m
Tämä kortti on tehty jo syksyllä, mutta kaivettiin nyt sitten sopimaan tätä päivää.
Veikeä kuva/ image Mo Manning'lta, väritetty ProMarkereilla.

Hi, today is "a day to give a kiss to a red haired" ! I heard it on the radio! LOL
Image: Mo Manning, coloured with ProMarkers. Papers Hot of the Press.
Ivy corner die cut Crafts too.
Little Claire'sThank you;-))m

Saturday, January 10, 2015
New and Cute
Hauskaa lauantaita, tervetuloa viikon Allsorts haasteen pariin! Minä häärin tämän viikon emäntänä ja teemaksi valitsin "uutta ja söpöä". Nyt on aika ottaa esiin pukin tuomat askartelujutut, alesta tehdyt löydöt tai esitellä uutta teknikkaa - ja kunhan se vielä on jotain söpöä!
Hi; Happy Saturday, it's time for a new Allsorts Challenge! It's also my time to host this theme " new and cute"! Show us what the Santa brought, or you found from craft sale - or some new technique you have never tried before - and make it cute too!
DT Card Info:
Stamp: Wild Rose Studio (raining roses), used first time, bargain from sale;
Paper: Basic Grey, bargain and new too
Colouring with ProMarkers; Umbrella: Stickles (frosted lace); white paint
First time tried the Shimmer Sheetz I got from Advent Calendar, ( have to google some samples)-
I embossed the piece and then sanded the white on.
I got the ribbon as gift from a craft shop, I made two little bows with fork too.
Image is cut with new Simon's Stitched Circles. Spellbinders heart circle is under it.
Love die cut is Penny Black's.
Flowers, bead berry spray clusters, new ( I forgot to put them to Christmas cards.)
Crafting With The Dragon
Creative Corner
Cute Card Thursday
In the Pink
MilkCoffee Challenge
Simon Says Stamps Wednesday
Stempelsonnen Challenge
Wags 'n Whiskers
Please head over to Allsorts Challenge for all the details and prize of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates. Thank you;-))m
Hi; Happy Saturday, it's time for a new Allsorts Challenge! It's also my time to host this theme " new and cute"! Show us what the Santa brought, or you found from craft sale - or some new technique you have never tried before - and make it cute too!
DT Card Info:
Stamp: Wild Rose Studio (raining roses), used first time, bargain from sale;
Paper: Basic Grey, bargain and new too
Colouring with ProMarkers; Umbrella: Stickles (frosted lace); white paint
First time tried the Shimmer Sheetz I got from Advent Calendar, ( have to google some samples)-
I embossed the piece and then sanded the white on.
I got the ribbon as gift from a craft shop, I made two little bows with fork too.
Image is cut with new Simon's Stitched Circles. Spellbinders heart circle is under it.
Love die cut is Penny Black's.
Flowers, bead berry spray clusters, new ( I forgot to put them to Christmas cards.)
Crafting With The Dragon
Creative Corner
Cute Card Thursday
In the Pink
MilkCoffee Challenge
Simon Says Stamps Wednesday
Stempelsonnen Challenge
Wags 'n Whiskers
Please head over to Allsorts Challenge for all the details and prize of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates. Thank you;-))m
Allsorts DT,

Friday, January 09, 2015
Two birthdays - one card!
Hi, a card I made for my cousin and her wife's 60th birthdays. They are both teachers, so I found just perfect papers from Authentique's Elegant Collection, there are three different papers, inside too.
I used Christmas roses and berry spray clusters (on a snowflake) - as they celebrated before and after Christmas time. Colours are white, black, silver and a hint of cream.
Hei vaan! Serkkuni vietti eilen tasavuosia, ja hänen vaimonsa, molemmat opettajia, ennen joulua, tämän kortin tein heille yhteiseen juhlaan. Kiva ruutupaperikuosi ja elegantteja papereita, Timpan kellokehys hopeanharmaasta aaltopahvista. Kukat jouluruusuja lumihiutaleenpäällä ja hedekimppuja ja valkoisia ruusuja. Sisäpuolella myös kauniit paperit. Huom. kulmissa on ääriviivatarrat, joita harvemmin tulee käytettyä!
Card info: Tim Holtz clock, from silver grey corrugated paper, brad; numbers Die-namics;
border punch (Fiskars); white paint; corner peel off stickers, 3D foam.
Papers: silver cardstock, Authentique (Classique: Elegant); WOC flowers (NEW); lace.
ABC Challenge
Crafting by Designs
Crafts Galore Encore Challenges
Crafty Gals Corner
Die Cut Diva's
Ladybug Crafts
Simon says Stamp
Sparkles Monthly
The Crafters Cafe
Thank you! Happy weekend;-))m
I used Christmas roses and berry spray clusters (on a snowflake) - as they celebrated before and after Christmas time. Colours are white, black, silver and a hint of cream.
Hei vaan! Serkkuni vietti eilen tasavuosia, ja hänen vaimonsa, molemmat opettajia, ennen joulua, tämän kortin tein heille yhteiseen juhlaan. Kiva ruutupaperikuosi ja elegantteja papereita, Timpan kellokehys hopeanharmaasta aaltopahvista. Kukat jouluruusuja lumihiutaleenpäällä ja hedekimppuja ja valkoisia ruusuja. Sisäpuolella myös kauniit paperit. Huom. kulmissa on ääriviivatarrat, joita harvemmin tulee käytettyä!
Card info: Tim Holtz clock, from silver grey corrugated paper, brad; numbers Die-namics;
border punch (Fiskars); white paint; corner peel off stickers, 3D foam.
Papers: silver cardstock, Authentique (Classique: Elegant); WOC flowers (NEW); lace.
ABC Challenge
Crafting by Designs
Crafts Galore Encore Challenges
Crafty Gals Corner
Die Cut Diva's
Ladybug Crafts
Simon says Stamp
Sparkles Monthly
The Crafters Cafe
Thank you! Happy weekend;-))m
Tasavuotiskortit/ Big birthdays

Thursday, January 08, 2015
Uusia haasteita kohti
Hei, mukavia uutisia - aloitan uuden vuoden Paperilla Design Tiimissä.
Esittelyni on luettavissa tänään Paperilla-lehden blogista. Töistäni tulee postaukset myös tänne omaan blogiini.
Esittelyni on luettavissa tänään Paperilla-lehden blogista. Töistäni tulee postaukset myös tänne omaan blogiini.
Hi, great news to share, I'm starting at Finnish Paperilla online magazine's Design Team.
My introduction can be found today at Paperilla blog in Finnish. Later you can see my creations here at my blog too;-))m
Paperilla DT

Wednesday, January 07, 2015
Ei pöllömpää
Hi, playing with owl diecuts (Marianne Design). First a tealight candle card with tag and two Christmas cards.
Heissan, leikin vähän pöllöstanssilla, pöllöt pääsivät koristamaan kynttiläkortteja ja joulukortteja ja muistikirjoihinkin. Paperit sälälaatikosta, osa itsesuihkittu.
Papers from stash, some sprayed myself.
Tea light candle greeting card recipe ( in Finnish)
Heissan, leikin vähän pöllöstanssilla, pöllöt pääsivät koristamaan kynttiläkortteja ja joulukortteja ja muistikirjoihinkin. Paperit sälälaatikosta, osa itsesuihkittu.
Papers from stash, some sprayed myself.
Tea light candle greeting card recipe ( in Finnish)
2014 Joulu/Christmas

Tuesday, January 06, 2015
Heippa, tein muutaman "laukkukalenterin", tässä kolme mallia. Kalenteriosiot tulivat niin myöhään etten ehtinyt näitä saamaan joulumyyjäisiin. ( vink vink näitä olisi)
Hi, little calenders I made for new year. Cut from recycled cardstock, painted white; beautiful papers, flowers and embellies.
Papertake Weekly
Little Red Wagon
Love to Create
Make my Monday
Simon says Stamp
Use your Stuff
Pyhien aikana on tullut väkättyä reilu 20 korttia, että uustuotantoa on sitten kohta täällä näkyvillä!
I have made over 20 cards during the holiday, so some newbies coming soon;-))m
Hi, little calenders I made for new year. Cut from recycled cardstock, painted white; beautiful papers, flowers and embellies.
Papertake Weekly
Little Red Wagon
Love to Create
Make my Monday
Simon says Stamp
Use your Stuff
Pyhien aikana on tullut väkättyä reilu 20 korttia, että uustuotantoa on sitten kohta täällä näkyvillä!
I have made over 20 cards during the holiday, so some newbies coming soon;-))m
Muu askartelu

Sunday, January 04, 2015
Kissa kuusessa
Hei, oikein mukavaa sunnuntaipäivää! Tervetuloa tammikuun Penny Black and More haasteen pariin. Nyt otetaan esiin sapluunat, maskit ja kohokansiot - ja tietenkin leimasimet! Vieläkös teillä on kuusi pystyssä! Tässä kortin eläintaloudessa tuskin on.Eilen tyhjensimme oman kuusemme ja koristeet pois.
Hello, first Sunday of the month - it's time for new Penny Black and More January Challenge ,
our theme: Stencils, masks and embossing folders - and remember to stamp!
DT Card info:
Stamp: Penny Black's transparent set "holly-jolly 30-039". Inked with Versafine black, clear embossed. Image coloured with ProMarkers, 3d Crystal Glaze on the baubles.
Paper Maja Design, embossing folder my favourite dots from Cuttlebug. Marianne designs die cut bauble tag behind the image.
Completely Christmas
Crafty Hazelnut's Christmas
Creative Inspirations
I love ProMarkers
Simon says Stamp
Wags 'N Whiskers
Thank you;-))m
Please head over to Penny Black and More Challenge for all the details of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.
Hello, first Sunday of the month - it's time for new Penny Black and More January Challenge ,
our theme: Stencils, masks and embossing folders - and remember to stamp!
DT Card info:
Stamp: Penny Black's transparent set "holly-jolly 30-039". Inked with Versafine black, clear embossed. Image coloured with ProMarkers, 3d Crystal Glaze on the baubles.
Paper Maja Design, embossing folder my favourite dots from Cuttlebug. Marianne designs die cut bauble tag behind the image.
Completely Christmas
Crafty Hazelnut's Christmas
Creative Inspirations
I love ProMarkers
Simon says Stamp
Wags 'N Whiskers
Thank you;-))m
Please head over to Penny Black and More Challenge for all the details of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.
Penny Black at Allsorts Challenge DT

Saturday, January 03, 2015
Cold and Frosty Colours
Hauskaa lauantaita, tervetuloa vuoden ensimmäisen Allsorts haasteen pariin! Kylmän ja huuruisen värejä kaivataan haasteessa. Nämä kortit tein kavereille joulukorteiksi. Musteita ja maalia, leimausta ja kohotusta, eri sävyisiä kaikki.
Hi; Happy Saturday, it's time for a first theme here at Allsorts Challenge! Cold and Frosty colours is the theme. I made these cards for my friends for Christmas.
Stamps: trees: Penny Black; deers Art Impressions
Mediums: Dylusions; Distress Stain Sprays; Distress Paints;Versafine black; Embossing powder Clear, Sakura white pen .
Crafty Catz
Penny's Paper-Crafty Challenge
Simon Says Stamps Wednesday
Through the Craftroom Door
Thank you;-))m
Please head over to Allsorts Challenge for all the details and prizes of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.
Hi; Happy Saturday, it's time for a first theme here at Allsorts Challenge! Cold and Frosty colours is the theme. I made these cards for my friends for Christmas.
Stamps: trees: Penny Black; deers Art Impressions
Mediums: Dylusions; Distress Stain Sprays; Distress Paints;Versafine black; Embossing powder Clear, Sakura white pen .
Crafty Catz
Penny's Paper-Crafty Challenge
Simon Says Stamps Wednesday
Through the Craftroom Door
Thank you;-))m
Please head over to Allsorts Challenge for all the details and prizes of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.
2014 Joulu/Christmas,
Allsorts DT

Friday, January 02, 2015
My five favourite creations of 2014
Hi, for Debby's challenge to show the five favourite creations of 2014. This is so difficult, but I try!
Hei Debby'n haasteeseen vuoden viisi merkittävintä työtä, vaikeaa...
auts joko tuli viisi... / ooh is it five already...
kevätkortit jäi katsomatta / oops I missed the hole spring -
tässä tulee sitten teidän alkuvuoden suosikkinne: /
ok, here come your favourite from last spring:
Kiitokset, oikein mukavaa ja luovaa vuotta 2015!
Thank you, happy creative year 2015!
Hei Debby'n haasteeseen vuoden viisi merkittävintä työtä, vaikeaa...
auts joko tuli viisi... / ooh is it five already...
kevätkortit jäi katsomatta / oops I missed the hole spring -
tässä tulee sitten teidän alkuvuoden suosikkinne: /
ok, here come your favourite from last spring:
Kiitokset, oikein mukavaa ja luovaa vuotta 2015!
Thank you, happy creative year 2015!
2014 kortit

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