Hei, täydensin rippikorttivarastoa kolmella ruusukortilla. Sunnuntaina meillä on suvun "pienimmän" juhlat! Leimasin on Stampendousin ja väritin kaikki Zig vesiväritusseilla.
Hi, I made three confirmation cards with rose stamp. Easter market day is coming soon.
Stamps: Stampendous; background text stamp: Crafty Individuals
Mediums: Versafine black + clear embossing, colouring with Zig CCRB watercolour markers, white Sharpie pen.
Spellbinders diecut cross ; Simon Says Stamps Stitched retangle
Wooden text die, painted
What's your favourite? These are all for girls (I think!)
Crafty Creations
Deep Ocean Challenge
Penny's Paper-Crafty Challenge
Simon Says Stamp
Thank you;-))m
Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Tuesday, March 28, 2017
New sweets
Hei, vanha läppäri sanoi itsensä irti ja tässä vielä jännitetään saako vanhasta koneesta tiedostoja talteen! Tänään hankin uuden pelin ja uutta opeteltavaa riittää. Näyttö on isompi kuin aikaisemmin, joten silmät kiittävät !
Olotila on vielä heikko flunssan ja mahataudin jäljiltä. Tänään sain kuitenkin kortin aikaiseksi.
Suosikkileipomoni & kahvila täyttää 2 v. ja ajattelin viedä kortin sinne !
Hi, my laptop went black and now it's in service, thumbs up I can get my files back.
Anyway, today I bought a new one and trying to learn and load things in it. My eyes like the new bigger screen!
I'm still going slow after flu and stomach disease. But I made one card today!!!
My fave bakery & cafeteria has birthday party, I think this card is a surprise for them.
Stamp and papers: Penny Black; colouring with Zig watercolour markers.
I try to catch up my commenting soon ;-))m
Olotila on vielä heikko flunssan ja mahataudin jäljiltä. Tänään sain kuitenkin kortin aikaiseksi.
Suosikkileipomoni & kahvila täyttää 2 v. ja ajattelin viedä kortin sinne !
Hi, my laptop went black and now it's in service, thumbs up I can get my files back.
Anyway, today I bought a new one and trying to learn and load things in it. My eyes like the new bigger screen!
I'm still going slow after flu and stomach disease. But I made one card today!!!
My fave bakery & cafeteria has birthday party, I think this card is a surprise for them.
Stamp and papers: Penny Black; colouring with Zig watercolour markers.
I try to catch up my commenting soon ;-))m

Saturday, March 25, 2017
Sweet Treats
Makeaa lauantaita, tervetuloa viikon Allsorts haasteen pariin! Aiheena makeat eväät, kakut, kuppikakut ja muut herkut!
Mallikorttini on pinkki tyttömäinen kirsikkakuppikakkukortti (ihana sana)!!!
Hi; Sweet Saturday, it's time for a new Allsorts Challenge! Tracy Mouse's theme is " Cakes, Cupcakes and Sweet treats". My sample card is pink Chibi girl with cherry cupcake.
DT Card Info:
Image: Bugaboo
Colouring with Promarkers
Die cuts: Roxstamps; Simons Says stamp
pins, ribbon and bow
Brown Sugar
Craft-Dee BowZ
QKR Stampede
Simon Says Stamp
Simply Papercraft
Thank You;-))m
Please head over to Allsorts Challenge for all the details and prizes of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.
Mallikorttini on pinkki tyttömäinen kirsikkakuppikakkukortti (ihana sana)!!!
Hi; Sweet Saturday, it's time for a new Allsorts Challenge! Tracy Mouse's theme is " Cakes, Cupcakes and Sweet treats". My sample card is pink Chibi girl with cherry cupcake.
DT Card Info:
Image: Bugaboo
Colouring with Promarkers
Die cuts: Roxstamps; Simons Says stamp
pins, ribbon and bow
Brown Sugar
Craft-Dee BowZ
QKR Stampede
Simon Says Stamp
Simply Papercraft
Thank You;-))m
Please head over to Allsorts Challenge for all the details and prizes of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.
Allsorts DT,

Thursday, March 23, 2017
Spring magic
Hei, terkut mökkimaisemista. Jäälle ei ole enää menemistä, kova tuuli tuiversi, mutta aurinko paistoi upeasti. Vähän jo pääsin kukkapenkin kimppuun. Siemenluetteloja on jo selailtu! Kevät!
Hi, greetings from the cottage, snow is nearly gone, fragile ice on the lake, sun and wind.
I was able to scrabble on the flowerbeds... and have browsed the seed cataloques. Spring!
Card info:
Stamps: frame and text both Penny Black's
Mediums: Versafine black + clear embossing, Promarkers
Frame diecut Spellbinders
Papers Prima; seam binding ribbon and bow, flowers, pearls.
Crafting from the Heart
Crafts Galore Encore Challenges
Creative Inspirations
Creative Moments
Penny's Paper-Crafty Challenge
Sweet Stampers Challenge
Thank you;-))m
Hi, greetings from the cottage, snow is nearly gone, fragile ice on the lake, sun and wind.
I was able to scrabble on the flowerbeds... and have browsed the seed cataloques. Spring!
Card info:
Stamps: frame and text both Penny Black's
Mediums: Versafine black + clear embossing, Promarkers
Frame diecut Spellbinders
Papers Prima; seam binding ribbon and bow, flowers, pearls.
Crafting from the Heart
Crafts Galore Encore Challenges
Creative Inspirations
Creative Moments
Penny's Paper-Crafty Challenge
Sweet Stampers Challenge
Thank you;-))m

Sunday, March 19, 2017
Pääsiäiskortteja keräykseen
Hi, I made 10 Easter cards for disability youngsters via the same Facebook Charity groub as at Christmas.
Paimion kehitysvamma-alan tuki- ja osaamiskeskukselle, jonka kautta kortit lahjoitetaan kehitysvammaisille lapsille, nuorille ja aikuisille.
Ylärivi, tein malleja, joita voi lasten kanssa askarrella eri muodoista.
Keskirivi: Finnstamper leima, väritetty Zig CCRB vesiväritussein.
Alla: valmiit kuvat, keltainen tipu Penny Black tarra!
Hei! Lähetän 10 pääsiäiskorttia "Ihanat Ilahduttajat" Facebook- ryhmän mukana Paimion kehitysvamma-alan tuki- ja osaamiskeskukselle, jonka kautta kortit lahjoitetaan kehitysvammaisille lapsille, nuorille ja aikuisille.
Ylärivi, tein malleja, joita voi lasten kanssa askarrella eri muodoista.
Keskirivi: Finnstamper leima, väritetty Zig CCRB vesiväritussein.
Alla: valmiit kuvat, keltainen tipu Penny Black tarra!

Saturday, March 18, 2017
2 Challenges 4 U
Hauskaa lauantaita, tervetuloa viikon Allsorts haasteen pariin!
Nyt tehdään ihan jotain muuta kuin kortteja! Tein muutaman tikkutalon malliksi.
Happy Saturday, it's time for a new Allsorts Challenge!
Our sweet DT Susan wants to see "anything but a card". I made some decorated matchstick "houses".
Samalla myös muistutan maaliskuun Penny Black and more haasteesta.
Here's my second DT sample for Penny Black and more "Anything goes with stamp".
You have still time to make an entry!
DT Card Info:
Using Penny Black 40-301 me and my bunny
Colouring with Promarkers
Papers Bildmålarna
lace, ribbon, flowers
Cardz 4 Galz
Colour Crazy Craft
Crafty Catz
Craft Rocket Challenges
Creative Fingers
Simply Papercraft
Thank You;-))m
Please head over to Allsorts Challenge and Penny Black and more for all the details and prizes of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.
Nyt tehdään ihan jotain muuta kuin kortteja! Tein muutaman tikkutalon malliksi.
Happy Saturday, it's time for a new Allsorts Challenge!
Our sweet DT Susan wants to see "anything but a card". I made some decorated matchstick "houses".
Samalla myös muistutan maaliskuun Penny Black and more haasteesta.
Here's my second DT sample for Penny Black and more "Anything goes with stamp".
You have still time to make an entry!
DT Card Info:
Using Penny Black 40-301 me and my bunny
Colouring with Promarkers
Papers Bildmålarna
lace, ribbon, flowers
Cardz 4 Galz
Colour Crazy Craft
Crafty Catz
Craft Rocket Challenges
Creative Fingers
Simply Papercraft
Thank You;-))m
Please head over to Allsorts Challenge and Penny Black and more for all the details and prizes of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.
Allsorts DT,
Penny Black at Allsorts Challenge DT

Friday, March 17, 2017
Hei, sain mahdollisuuden vierailla suunnittelemassa kortin Fuzzy and Fancy haasteeseen.
Tämän viikon aiheena on "kevätaika".
Stamp: Lili of the Valley (LOTV)
Colouring: Zig CCRB
Papers: Pion Design; pearly white cardstock
tulle, twine, Lea'abilities diecuts with pearls, flowers and stems
Animal Friends
Creative Inspirations in TOP 3
Penny's Paper-Crafty Challenge
Simon Says Stamp
Thank you;-))m
Tämän viikon aiheena on "kevätaika".
Hi, I'm visiting as Guest Designer over at Fussy and Fancy Challenge.
This week's theme is "Springtime". Look the details and rules from the blog.
Card Info:Stamp: Lili of the Valley (LOTV)
Colouring: Zig CCRB
Papers: Pion Design; pearly white cardstock
tulle, twine, Lea'abilities diecuts with pearls, flowers and stems
Animal Friends
Creative Inspirations in TOP 3
Penny's Paper-Crafty Challenge
Simon Says Stamp
Thank you;-))m

Wednesday, March 15, 2017
Spring bunnies
Hei, tänään jaksoin jo vähän väritellä, käsittelyyn pääsivät ensiksi Bugaboon pupujussit.
Kuva oli pitkänmallinen, joten tästä sai oivasti kabinet- kokoisen kortin.
Hi, finally some coloring today. I started with (my new) Bugaboo's Spring Bunnies.
As the image is quite long, I decided to do a cabinet -size card. First I thought it would be simple one, but somehow somebody has added tape and stickers and pearls....
Image is coloured with Promarkers and text stamp is Penny Black's.
Catch the Bug
Crafting from the Heart
Thank you;-))m
Kuva oli pitkänmallinen, joten tästä sai oivasti kabinet- kokoisen kortin.
Hi, finally some coloring today. I started with (my new) Bugaboo's Spring Bunnies.
As the image is quite long, I decided to do a cabinet -size card. First I thought it would be simple one, but somehow somebody has added tape and stickers and pearls....
Image is coloured with Promarkers and text stamp is Penny Black's.
Catch the Bug
Crafting from the Heart
Thank you;-))m

Tuesday, March 14, 2017
Tiger lily
Hei, väri-ilottelua tiikerililjakortissa. Flunssa jatkuu ja jo toinenkin potilas perheessä.
Hi, bright colours for this gray day. We are are having flu, another patient on our family.
Card Info.
Stamp: Penny Black
Colouring with Zig CCRB watercolour markers.
Frame: Spellbinders
Papers: K&Co
Tool: We R Precision Press / technique no inline stamping
Lace, gems, wooden text "for you" painted orange.
Penny Black Saturday Challenge
Stamping Sensations
The Flower Challenge
Thank you;-))m
Hi, bright colours for this gray day. We are are having flu, another patient on our family.
Card Info.
Stamp: Penny Black
Colouring with Zig CCRB watercolour markers.
Frame: Spellbinders
Papers: K&Co
Tool: We R Precision Press / technique no inline stamping
Lace, gems, wooden text "for you" painted orange.
Penny Black Saturday Challenge
Stamping Sensations
The Flower Challenge
Thank you;-))m

Saturday, March 11, 2017
Ladies and girls
Hauskaa lauantaita, tervetuloa viikon Allsorts haasteen pariin! Viikon emäntänä valitsin aiheeksi "tytöt ja leidit", naistenpäivän kunniaksi. Korttini on keväisissä tunnelmissa tulppaanien ja narsissien kera.
Hi; Happy Saturday, it's time for a new Allsorts Challenge! We have celebrated International Women's Day this week. My theme this week is for "Girls and Ladies". We have a stamp prize.
DT Card Info:
Stamp: Lili of the Valley
Mediums: Versafine black + clear embossing, Zig CCRB watercolour markers
Papers: Bildmålarna, pearly cardstock, lots of layers
two seambinding ribbons, lace, twine, flowers, pearls
Aud Sentiments
C.R.A.F.T. Challenge
Crafting by Designs
Crafting with an Attitude
Creative Inspirations
Cute Card Thursday
Simon Says Stamp
Thank You;-))m
Please head over to Allsorts Challenge for all the details and prizes of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.
Hi; Happy Saturday, it's time for a new Allsorts Challenge! We have celebrated International Women's Day this week. My theme this week is for "Girls and Ladies". We have a stamp prize.
DT Card Info:
Stamp: Lili of the Valley
Mediums: Versafine black + clear embossing, Zig CCRB watercolour markers
Papers: Bildmålarna, pearly cardstock, lots of layers
two seambinding ribbons, lace, twine, flowers, pearls
Aud Sentiments
C.R.A.F.T. Challenge
Crafting by Designs
Crafting with an Attitude
Creative Inspirations
Cute Card Thursday
Simon Says Stamp
Thank You;-))m
Please head over to Allsorts Challenge for all the details and prizes of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.
Allsorts DT,

Wednesday, March 08, 2017
Rose for women
Hyvää naistenpäivää! Ruusukortti kaikille upeille naisille! Ruusun ja kalvon alla pieniä helmiäiskukkia paljetteina.
Happy Women's Day! A rose shaker card with pearly little flowers inside.
I made this card for my old friend's big birthday.
Stamp: The Ton Stamps
Colouring: Zig CCRB, Wink of Stella Glitter Clear
Diecut Background: Penny Black "Interlocking"
Diecut Frame: Simon Says Stamp's Stitched retangles
pearly cardstock
Crafty Sentiments
Simon Says Stamp
Stamping Sensations
Sweet Stampin'
The Flower Challenge
The Sisterhood of Crafters
Thank you;-))m
Happy Women's Day! A rose shaker card with pearly little flowers inside.
I made this card for my old friend's big birthday.
Stamp: The Ton Stamps
Colouring: Zig CCRB, Wink of Stella Glitter Clear
Diecut Background: Penny Black "Interlocking"
Diecut Frame: Simon Says Stamp's Stitched retangles
pearly cardstock
Crafty Sentiments
Simon Says Stamp
Stamping Sensations
Sweet Stampin'
The Flower Challenge
The Sisterhood of Crafters
Thank you;-))m
The Ton Stamps

Sunday, March 05, 2017
Fabulous flowers
Hei, oikein mukavaa sunnuntaipäivä! Tervetuloa maaliskuun Penny Black and More haasteen pariin.
"Kaikki käy, kunhan pääosassa on leimasin!" Mallikortit tein upeasta kukkaisleimasta.
Hello, first Sunday of the month - it's time for Penny Black and More March Challenge.
"Anything goes - with stamp in focus".
Our sponsors are Penny Black; Marianne Design; Chalkola and Fantastic Ribbons.
DT card Info:
using Penny Black 40-385 collage of wishes
colouring with Zig CCRB watercolour markers
diecut:Simon Stitched square and roxstamps; gauze, lace, metal butterfly, flowers
sentiment in Finnish " congrats"
Challenges: card 2
A Perfect Time To Craft
Crafting by Designs
Crafty Catz
Frilly and Funkie
Hiding in My Craft-Room
Little Miss Muffet
Seize The Birthday ( card 1)
Simply Papercraft
Southern Girls Challenge
Thank you;-))m
Please head over to Penny Black and More Challenge for all the details of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.
"Kaikki käy, kunhan pääosassa on leimasin!" Mallikortit tein upeasta kukkaisleimasta.
Hello, first Sunday of the month - it's time for Penny Black and More March Challenge.
"Anything goes - with stamp in focus".
Our sponsors are Penny Black; Marianne Design; Chalkola and Fantastic Ribbons.
DT card Info:
using Penny Black 40-385 collage of wishes
colouring with Zig CCRB watercolour markers
diecut:Simon Stitched square and roxstamps; gauze, lace, metal butterfly, flowers
sentiment in Finnish " congrats"
Challenges: card 2
A Perfect Time To Craft
Crafting by Designs
Crafty Catz
Frilly and Funkie
Hiding in My Craft-Room
Little Miss Muffet
Seize The Birthday ( card 1)
Simply Papercraft
Southern Girls Challenge
Thank you;-))m
Please head over to Penny Black and More Challenge for all the details of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.
Penny Black at Allsorts Challenge DT,

Saturday, March 04, 2017
#405 Allsorts Spring Inspiration
Hauskaa lauantaita, tervetuloa viikon Allsorts haasteen pariin! Keväinen ispiraatiokuva, poimi siitä ainekset viikon työhösi.
Hi; Happy Saturday, it's time for a new Allsorts Challenge! Our sponsors are Little Claire Designs and Digistamp Boutique. Welcome to join in!
On my sample card there are the birds, pinks and yellow golds, white and flowers.
DT Card Info:
Stamp: Stampendous
Colouring: Zig CCRB
Diecuts: Spellbinders, "congrats" from Korttipaja.
Lace, flowers, stems, pearls, golden cardstock under the diecut frame.
Brown Sugar
Craft Rocket Challenges
Penny's Paper-Crafty Challenge
QKR Stampede
Thank You;-))m
Please head over to Allsorts Challenge for all the details and prizes of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.
Hi; Happy Saturday, it's time for a new Allsorts Challenge! Our sponsors are Little Claire Designs and Digistamp Boutique. Welcome to join in!
On my sample card there are the birds, pinks and yellow golds, white and flowers.
DT Card Info:
Stamp: Stampendous
Colouring: Zig CCRB
Diecuts: Spellbinders, "congrats" from Korttipaja.
Lace, flowers, stems, pearls, golden cardstock under the diecut frame.
Brown Sugar
Craft Rocket Challenges
Penny's Paper-Crafty Challenge
QKR Stampede
Thank You;-))m
Please head over to Allsorts Challenge for all the details and prizes of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.
Allsorts DT

Wednesday, March 01, 2017
Tulppaani ja tähti
Hei, kuukauden mittainen "väritä päivittäin" haaste alkoi taas.
Näytän valmiit kortit pikkuhiljaa täällä blogissakin.
Tulppaaneja leimailin useamman, tässä aamulla väritetty ja valmistettu kortti.
JA tittidii TORILLA TAVATAAN! Päivän tähti on IIVO!!!
Hi, the month of March is also "colouring month" ! I try to colour every day at Daily Marker 30 Day Colouring Challenge. I'll show here at the blog the finished cards.
My instagram
Card Info:
Stamp: The Ton Stamps (Lucky Tulip )
Mediums: Versafine black + clear embossing; Zig Clean Color Real Brush (watercolour markers)
Die cuts: roxstamps
Size: 12 x 12 cm
Crafting from the Heart
Crafty Sentiments
Through the Craft Room Door
BTW...GOLD for IIVO! Hurraa IIVO! Going to the market place at Lahti tonight to see the winner's ceremony!
Näytän valmiit kortit pikkuhiljaa täällä blogissakin.
Tulppaaneja leimailin useamman, tässä aamulla väritetty ja valmistettu kortti.
JA tittidii TORILLA TAVATAAN! Päivän tähti on IIVO!!!
Hi, the month of March is also "colouring month" ! I try to colour every day at Daily Marker 30 Day Colouring Challenge. I'll show here at the blog the finished cards.
My instagram
Card Info:
Stamp: The Ton Stamps (Lucky Tulip )
Mediums: Versafine black + clear embossing; Zig Clean Color Real Brush (watercolour markers)
Die cuts: roxstamps
Size: 12 x 12 cm
Crafting from the Heart
Crafty Sentiments
Through the Craft Room Door
BTW...GOLD for IIVO! Hurraa IIVO! Going to the market place at Lahti tonight to see the winner's ceremony!

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