Hei, muistuttelen uudesta We Love Chocolate Baroque - haasteesta, puolivälissä ollaan menossa.
Vielä ehdit osallistua millä tahansa kortilla, jossa pääosassa on käytetty leimasinta. Aihe on vapaa tai "jotain millä on siivet".
DT mallikortissani käytin steampunk tyylisiä leimasimia, stansseja, musteita, kohokansiota, kohojauhetta, vesiväritusseja. Mekaanisen perhosen leikkasin irti ja asettelin kohoteipein taustan päälle.
Onpas mukavaa tehdä välillä jotain erilaista; tulkaahan mukaan!
Palkintona leimasimia, jotka tarjoaa / Prizes from:
Hi, reminding about the new We Love Chocolate Baroque Challenge! The theme is Anything goes with a stamped image in a main roll, and an option is "with wings". You still got time to enter!
DT Card Info:
Stamp: Using Chocolate Baroque Steampunk Butterfly stampset
Mediums: Versa fine black Ink, clear embossing; Distress Inks, Zig CCRB watercolours markers
Embossing folder / arrows, die cut frame /ME
Sentiment stamps and die / Korttipaja ( Happy Celebration Day)
Crafty Creations
Crafty Sentiments Designs
Creative Crafters
Watercooler Wednesday
World Wide Open Design Team
Please read details of this challenge rules and prizes from Chocolate Baroque!

Kiitos käynnistä! Kommentoimalla osallistut yllätysarvontoihin.
Thank you for your visit.
Oh this is very clever Mervi and I love the tones that you have used too - very steampunk! xxxxx
Upea kortti!
A fabulous card x
You've done a super job with our first Chocolate Baroque creation Mervi.
B x
I never noticed that butterfly before! It looks great on your card together with the colour combo you used.
love all those cogs and the colours, they look great against the black background xx
A super design and image, great colours and a lovely design.
Kath x
How cool is that steampunk butterfly? I love your card design and the subtle colour scheme you've used along with those frames. Thanks for joining us at the Watercooler Wednesday Challenge this week. Tristan DT.
Fabulous steampunk card Mervi! Thank you for sharing with us over here at World Wide Open Design Team Challenge and best of luck with your entry.
Gale DT for http://worldwideopendesignteamchallenge.blogspot.com.au/
That amazing butterfly is so eye-catching, Mervi! A wonderfully clever design! Thanks for joining us at the Watercooler Wednesday Challenge this week.
Wow, this is fabulous Mervi, I love your choice of image.
Happy crafting
Tracy x
I love this!!!
Thank you for joining our challenge at
The Creative Crafters Challenge blog I hope you’ll join us next time again.
Jolanda (DT member)
oh, il est superbe ce papillon, biz
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