Saturday, February 12, 2022

Terracotta Vase Card

Hauskaa lauantaita, tervetuloa Allsorts haasteen pariin! Viikon aiheena simppeli eli cas -kortti ja optiona hienostunut tyyli! Tervetuloa mukaan.
Mallikortissani käytin uutta ale-löytöäni, kaunista terrakotta ruukku - leimasinta. Käytin Kuretake Zig tusseja suoraan leimasimeen ja leimasinalustan avulla painoin eri värejä useampaan kertaan. Lopuksi tasoitin vesisäiliöpensselillä ja valkoisella kynällä yksityiskohdat.

Happy Saturday, it's time for a new Allsorts Challenge!  Our theme is "Cas with option of Eleganze"
Welcome to join in.

DT Card Info:
Stamp: Deep Red (Terracotta Vase)
Mediums: Kuretake Zigs; Versafine Ink Vintage Sepia, white pen
Sentiment stamp embossed clear ( You means a world for somebody...)
Stamping platform to press the different shades of watercolour markers and
"water brush" for details.

Corrosive Challenge
Crafty Calendar
River of Creativity
Stamping Sensations

Kiitos käynnistä ja viesteistä. Thank you for coming;-))m

Please head over to Allsorts Challenge for all the details and prizes of this challenge, and to check out all the fabulous inspiration from my very talented team mates.

Another card with Sympathy sentiment:


brenda said...

Lovely depth of colour drawing you into a pretty CAS creation Mervi. Many thanks for sharing with us at Stamping Sensations and River of Creativity.

B x

Sarn said...

Hei Mervi

Kaksi korttiasi ovat todella upeita. Rakasta terrakottaruukkua täynnä kukkia.

Halaukset, Sarn x

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

Two beautiful CAS cards Mervi, great colouring!

Rainey's Craft Room said...

I love the warm colours in this car Mervi, a lovely CAS design.

Pauline C said...

Beautifully coloured CAS card Mervi, and it also works beautifully with the sympathy sentiment
Pauline xx

Ellibelle said...

Both cards are so beautiful and nicely done in a CAS way. Love the image!

Wendy L said...

It's a lovely stamp made into a gorgeous card Mervi, xx

Pöydän kulmalla näpertelijä said...

Ihana leimasin ja todella kauniit kortit!

Zoechaos said...

Perfectly CAS and wonderfully coloured. Thank you for adding to the flow at River of Creativity xx

enkulin käsityöt said...

Upeita kortteja

Linby said...

Lovely design and so much depth of beautiful colour too.

KraftyKoolKat said...

Two gorgeous creations Mervi. I adore the image and the colours you have chosen.

Pat said...

These two cards are beautiful using this great Deep Red stamp Mervi, and the colours are so all occasions image. x

Anonymous said...

Oh Wow Mervi these are just wonderful love both of them. Alison DT

HilaryJane said...

What a beautiful card, love the simplicity and those amazing flowers. It is always interesting how different the same stamp can look just by using different colours xx

Beverley said...

Gorgeous cards. Thanks for joining in our February 'Anything Goes' challenge over at Crafty Calendar.
Bev x