Sunday, February 02, 2025

Two cards for Friends Day

Hei helmikuulle! Tänään kaksi mallikorttia haasteisiin.

Työpöydällä on ollut paljon vauvakortteja, ystävänpäiväkortteja, inventaarion jälkeen puutteita täydennetty ja yhdet myyjäisetkin jo takana.

Iloiset lammasveijarit seikkailevat mallikortissani, jonka tein vierailevana suunnittelijana
Stamping Sensations leimailuhaasteeseen. Aiheena on "rakkaus, ystävänpäivä, häät".

Hello, happy February!
Soon is Valentine's Day / Friends Day and today's two cards are both in that theme.

The first card is my GD sample for Stamping Sensations Challenge.
Theme is " Romance, Valentine Day, Wedding".
Please visit Stamping Sensations blog, to read the details of this challenge.

GDT Card Info:
Stamp: Hanglar&Wings, sentiment stamp (Now and always)
Mediums: Versa Fine Black Ink, clear embossing, colouring with Kuretake Zigs
Background: Gelli plate with acrylic paints (mint and pale rose); 3D embossing folder (knitting),
Hearts diecuts Sizzix; lace; card size 6 x 6.


Toinen ystävänpäiväkorttini on sitten tyyliä cas, eli koristeeton, paljon valkoista näkyvillä.
Tervetuloa myös mukaan leimailemaan ja värittelemään We Love Stamping korttihaasteen pariin.
Aiheena kaikki käy tai "cas".

Another Friends Day card is "Cas- styled" for We Love Stamping Challenge, you can also enter with anything goes theme, as long you have used stamps.

DT card info:
Stamp: Art Impressions
Sentiment Stamp: Dekorette FI "Life would be boring without You"
Mediums: Versa Fine Black Ink, clear embossing, colouring with Kuretake Zigs,
Distress Oxide.

Kiitos käynnistäsi! Thanks for your visit!

Please, visit We Love Stamping blog, to read the details of this challenge:
Two prizes of Lavinia stamps and stencil:


brenda said...

Two great cards Mervi, lovely textures on the first and the second such a fun image. Thank you so much for being our Guest Designer at Stamping Sensations this month.

B x

KraftyKoolKat said...

Two fabulous creations Mervi. I love the ladies getting together for a gossip over a beverage.

HilaryJane said...

Two great cards. Love the embossed background on the first and the lightly inked oval on the second works well to pull it together. Love the happy ladies too xx

Faith A at Daffodil Cards said...

OH! Mervi, what wonderful texture and lace on your beautiful first card. Love those sheep too. Your second is a perfect CAS friend card, I love you framed them with the narrow border. Lovely colouring too. x

Pat said...

Two wonderful cards Mervi and the first with the two cute sheep and gelli plate background and knitting pattern embossing looks the bit of lace and heart shaped sentiment, and I love the second with the fun group of ladies having coffee, and beautifully coloured too. x

pinky said...

Two brilliant cards Mervi. The first one is just adorable! I love the ladies in the second card. You have inspired me as I have one of their stamp sets which I now want to get out!

Crafting Queen said...

Two fab cards, love the textures. Anesha

Linby said...

A cute card with the lovely texture background. The second one is so much fun. Thank you for being our GDT at WLS.