Thursday, April 18, 2024

Pariskunta kevätpuutarhassa - kortti

 Pikkuisen takatalvi viivästyttää puutarhatöitä. Mutta aloitettu on, kukkapenkkien siivous ja vadelmapuskien raivaus.
Tässä muistuttelen We Love Stamping  korttihaasteesta "kevät" ja/tai leimattu ja itseväritetty.
Mallikorttini on synttärikortti pariskunnalle, joka viihtyy puutarhatöissä.

Hi reminding about  We Love Stamping  April Card Challenge: "Spring" or Anything  Stamped goes.
My sample is a birthday card for a couple who enjoys working at the garden.

We have some cold days, so our garden work is just minimum, we got a little snow still...

DT Card Info:
Stamps: Hänglar and Wings, plants part trimmed on.
Mediums: Versafine Inks; colouring Kuretake Zigs

Please, visit We Love Stamping blog, to read the details of this challenge and rules and prizes:


brenda said...

A prefect gardening pair for our Spring theme Mervi.

B x

coldwaters2 said...

Oh wow I love, love those stamps I have several Hanglar ones you don't see them about as much these days but they are so worth seeing they are beautiful
lolo x

Pat said...

I love your cute little gardening couple Mervi and the background paper looks great with it, and love the soft and pretty colours. Hope the snow you have still will soon be gone, we have been having brighter weather but at the moment there is a very chill breeze blowing, but at least it is heading in the right x

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

Lovely card Mervi, so sweet!

Linby said...

What a fabulous spring scene, so bright and cheery too.

HilaryJane said...

What a shame that the weather is keeping you out of the garden. I hope you see the back of the snow soon. Love that little pair of gardeners on your card xx

Sarah said...

Aww this is wonderful!!

KraftyKoolKat said...

Very cute Mervi and so apt for any gardening lover.

Anonymous said...

Suloinen kortti.
Meille luvattiin taas 10 cm uutta lunta. Saisi jo riittää.
Mukavaa viikonloppua sinulle.
(enkulin käsityöt)

EmmaT said...

Wonderful card and characters.

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