Sunday, May 05, 2024

Vintage ruusukortti ylioppilaalle

Hie ihanaa toukokuuta! Nyt alkaa We Love Stamping toukokuun korttihaaste: Vintage / kaikki käy!
Tein pari korttia ylioppilaille, jossa vintagetyylinen leimattu ruusu ja taustalla leimattua tekstiä ja reunassa kohopastaa ja kirjain-/numerosapluunan läpi.

May, this wonderful month, welcome! Today starts We Love Stamping May Card Challenge,
with DT Lynn's theme "Vintage/ AG", remember to use stamp in focus!

I made two graduation cards with Penny Black's vintage style rose stamp with little text stamping behind it and stencilled (TH) numbers and letters with embossing paste.
Mediums: Versa Fine vintage sepia Ink, with clear ep, Distress Oxides; colouring Kuretake Zigs.
No 1. beige / No 2. Light Rose

Creative Fingers / Simon Says Stamp / Fab'n' Funky / Moving Along with the Times
Month: Craft Rocket / Creative Inspiration

Thank you for your visit and comments! Kiitos käynnistä, jätäthän kommentin;-))m

Please, visit We Love Stamping blog, to read the details of this challenge and rules and prizes:
Prize from Lisa Horton Crafts, coordinating embossing folder, die and stencils and two dies from Highlight Crafts


brenda said...

Gorgeous Vintage Roses Mervi and lovely texture on the side panel.

B x

HilaryJane said...

That rose is beautiful and it makes the perfect image for a vintage card xx

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

Fabulous card Mervi, and love the added texture!!

coldwaters2 said...

Wow this is so beautiful Mervi it is amazing
lolo x

Pat said...

What beautiful roses Mervi and such pretty colouring too, and some great texture with the white embossing using a letters and numbers stencil in the background. x

Linby said...

These are beautiful vintage cards. Love your folded card too.
Doubling up on comments as I have been unwell.

Furrbster said...

This is a stunning card design!

Thanks for playing along with my May Flowers theme at MAWTT,

Hugz tinz